Dingo review

Dingo conservation and management review

The government is reviewing its approach to dingo management to most appropriately balance the protection of livestock and the conservation of dingoes.

Our understanding about dingoes in Victoria has evolved as a result of new scientific research. Evidence suggests that a significant proportion of wild dogs are pure dingoes, not hybrids as previously believed.

No decision has been made yet on future policy settings beyond 1 October when the current unprotection order is set to expire.

We’ve been listening and capturing the ideas, knowledge and expertise of Traditional Owners, farmers, environmental scientists and groups, and the broader community as part of this review.

We’re now holding targeted consultation and will be inviting Traditional Owners, farmers and key stakeholder groups from across the state to participate in a series of face-to-face drop-in sessions and online forums.

Feedback from this consultation will build on our understanding of the economic and social impacts of the dingo unprotection order, as informed by recent stakeholder engagement, correspondence, and data collection exercises.

The Minister for Environment and the Minister for Agriculture will jointly consider this feedback, alongside scientific research and data, in determining policy settings beyond 1 October 2024 when the current dingo unprotection order is due to expire.

Upcoming consultation

Agriculture Victoria will be holding face-to-face sessions for agricultural stakeholders.

This consultation will build on the government’s understanding of the different views that Victorians hold about the current order as informed by recent stakeholder engagement, correspondence, and data collection exercises.

This feedback, alongside the latest scientific research and data, will be used in determining the future policy settings beyond 1 October 2024, when the current dingo unprotection order is due to expire.

Drop in sessions

Sessions are scheduled for:

Wednesday 4 September:

Thursday 5 September:

Friday 6 September:

A webinar is also being planned for those who cannot attend in person. Details will be available soon.

Page last updated: 29 Aug 2024