Communique four

Logo for National Horse Traceability Working Group

18 November 2021

The National Horse Traceability Working Group (NHTWG) is pleased to advise the Hon. David Littleproud, Minister for Agriculture and Northern Australia issued a media release on 12 November 2021 advising the Australian Government is providing $1.1 million towards the establishment of national traceability arrangements for all horses and the funding will contribute to continued progress through the Working Group. A copy of the media release can be found on the Minister for Agriculture and Northern Australia's website.

Agriculture Victoria has recruited a Senior Project Coordinator for 12 months to assist the Working Group with the delivery of its workplan. The Working Group will next meet in early December 2021 to continue developing recommendations for a national horse traceability register in Australia. The Working Group is on track to provide recommendations to the Agriculture Ministers Meeting (AMM) in mid-2022.

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Page last updated: 06 May 2024