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Horse traceability

What is happening with horse traceability?

In October 2022, national agreement was reached via the National Horse Traceability Working Group (Working Group) on a recommended National Horse Traceability System (NHTS).

Agriculture Ministers issued a communique on 7 December 2022 which included their consideration of the Working Group’s report. Agriculture Ministers endorsed the Working Group’s recommended approach to development of a horse traceability system.

The Agriculture Senior Officials’ Committee comprising heads of government agencies responsible for primary industries policy agreed in April 2023 that a National Horse Traceability Implementation Taskforce (Taskforce), led by industry with Secretariat support provided by Agriculture Victoria, be formed to oversee the implementation and operation of the traceability system on behalf of the jurisdictions.

National Horse Traceability Implementation Taskforce

Agriculture Victoria is pleased to announce Victorian biosecurity specialist and former Queensland Chief Veterinary Officer, Dr Ron Glanville will lead the National Horse Traceability Implementation Taskforce as its new Chair.

The newly established Taskforce will focus on implementing a national horse traceability system, continuing the work of the National Horse Traceability Working Group which provided final recommendations to Australia’s Agriculture Ministers in 2022.

The proposed National Horse Traceability System (NHTS) will assist in responding to future biosecurity incidents and natural disasters involving horses, donkey and mules.

Endorsed as Chair by the National Biosecurity Committee, Dr Glanville will lead the Taskforce which includes a diverse committee of 17 members who have an interest or expertise in animal health, biosecurity or traceability.

Dr Glanville has extensive experience in responding to biosecurity incidents, including the 2007 equine influenza outbreak.

The National Horse Traceability Implementation Taskforce is being supported by Agriculture Victoria as it’s Secretariat.

Further updates will be provided as work progresses.

Taskforce members

Members of the taskforce bring to the table a wide range of organisational and community connections.

The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) of provides secretariat support to the taskforce. The taskforce is chaired by Dr Ron Glanville.

The following organisations are represented on the Taskforce:

  • Animal Health Australia
  • Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
  • Harness Racing Australia
  • Racing Australia
  • Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
  • Australian Horse Industry Council
  • Equestrian Australia
  • Each state and territory government

Further information on the NHTIT is available via the Terms of reference. (WORD - 91.3 KB)

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The National Horse Traceability Working Group

The National Horse Traceability Working Group (Working Group) is a non-statutory committee constituted by the Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting and the Australasian Racing Ministers’ Conference to provide advice on matters relating to the design and introduction of a traceability system for horses, donkeys and mules in Australia.

The Working Group met regularly as required to provide recommendations for the implementation of a national horse traceability system to Agriculture Ministers.

Final Report to Agriculture Ministers Meeting (AMM)

The Working Group finalised its report and recommendations after considering the diverse range of purposes for which horses are kept in Australia, current biosecurity threats and the cost of various NHTS design options.

The report was tabled at the AMM meeting on 7 December 2022.

Download the final report

The National Horse Traceability Working Group report to AMM (PDF - 8.0 MB)

The National Horse Traceability Working Group report to AMM (WORD - 1.1 MB)

The National Horse Traceability Working Group flyer (PDF - 597.9 KB)

The National Horse Traceability Working Group flyer (WORD - 36.5 KB)

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Members of the NHTWG bring to the table a wide range of organisational and community connections.

The Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR) provides secretariat support to the National Horse Traceability Working Group.

The NHWTG is chaired by Mr Stuart McLean, OAM. The following organisations are represented on the Working Group:

  • Animal Health Australia
  • Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment
  • Harness Racing Australia
  • Racing Australia
  • Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
  • Australian Horse Industry Council
  • Equestrian Australia
  • Each State and Territory Government.

Further information on the NHTWG is available via the Terms of Reference

This report was conducted independently by Marsden Jacob and commissioned by DJPR to assess focusing on the potential role of a horse traceability system in the context of biosecurity.

Frequently asked questions

The National Horse Traceability Working Group has developed a list of commonly asked questions and answers specific to horse traceability in the context of a National Horse Traceability System.

More information

For further information please email:

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Page last updated: 13 Feb 2025

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