Cutting failed crops for hay or silage

26 September 2024

Michele Jolliffe, Agriculture Victoria Dairy Extension Officer

Crops that fail due to frost, moisture stress or other limiting factors may be cut for silage or hay as an economically viable option. The following key points should be considered as part of your decision-making process.

Often moisture-stressed crops have insufficient dry matter before flowering to cut for hay. Making a timely decision to cut hay can prevent poor quality hay.

Cereal growth stages

Canola growth stages

Soil moisture levels

Check for withholding periods and approval for use

Grazing instead of cutting

If you have livestock, it is more cost effective to directly graze the crop in a targeted and planned way, rather than cut it for hay. Refer to the Drought Feeding Guides for Sheep and Cattle for nutritional requirements and further information.

Soil protection

Estimating hay yield

For more information about managing during dry seasonal conditions visit or call 136 186.

Media contact: Mel Curtis

Phone: 0402 001 853