
Condition 28 - Spiralling Whitefly

The information within this Import Condition was current as of the date of printing: Friday, 7 March 2025.

New entry conditions or amendments may be implemented from time to time and are uploaded into the Plant Quarantine Manual.

It is recommended that you regularly check the website for the most up to date import conditions.

Any plant originating from an area covered by an Area Freedom Certificate declaring that the area from which the host material originated is known to be free of spiralling whitefly may enter Victoria without restriction, otherwise‐

the entry or importation into Victoria of a plant or plant product intended for propagation in a glasshouse, hothouse or an indoor area is prohibited unless certified that:

  1. the plant or plant product is grown on a property which is located more than 10km from a detection of spiralling whitefly; or
  2. the plant or plant product was grown on a property that is known to be free of spiralling whitefly; or
  3. inspected and found free of spiralling whitefly; or
  4. treated by:
    1. cover spraying to the point of run off with a mixture containing a commercial wetting agent at the rate specified on the registered label of the product; and
      1. 0.75 mL of a concentrate containing 400g/L dimethoate per litre of water; or
      2. 0.5 mL of a concentrate containing 80g/L bifenthrin per litre of water; or
      3. 0.4 mL of a concentrate containing 100g/L bifenthrin per litre of water; or
    2. full immersion in a mixture containing 0.75 mL of a concentrate containing 400g/L dimethoate per litre of water for a minimum of 10 seconds; and
  5. packed so as to prevent infestation with spiralling whitefly; or
  6. enters Victoria in accordance with a permit issued by Agriculture Victoria. To apply for a permit visit the Plant biosecurity permit page .

Documentation requirement: PHC, PHAC under ICA‐35 or ICA‐36, BioSecure HACCP Health Certificate under ECCPSPW04, Plant Health Declaration or Permit.

Relevant Hosts / Commodities