Host / Commodity

Goji Berry

The information within this Import Condition was current as of the date of printing: Wednesday, 3 July 2024.

New entry conditions or amendments may be implemented from time to time and are uploaded into the Plant Quarantine Manual.

It is recommended that you regularly check the website for the most up to date import conditions.

Relevant Pests / Diseases

  • QFF - Queensland Fruit Fly
  • MFF - Mediterranean Fruit Fly
  • GS - Green Snail
  • SW - Spiralling Whitefly
  • RIFA - Fire Ant
  • EA - Electric Ant
  • NW - Noxious Weeds
  • TPP - Tomato Potato Psyllid
View Condition Definitions


Condition 0 - Verification, Packaging and Labelling

General Procedures

Specific plants, plant products and other pest and disease host materials are prohibited entry into Victoria unless accompanied by a Plant Health Certificate (PHC) or Plant Health Assurance Certificate (PHAC) certifying compliance with relevant conditions of entry (see individual conditions).  Commodities, which are not prohibited and are hosts of a specified pest or disease may enter Victoria without certification in relation to that pest or disease if sourced from an area of another state or territory covered by an area freedom certificate.

Area Freedom

Unless prohibited any host material, agricultural equipment or used package may enter any part of Victoria without restriction if an Area Freedom Certificate certifying that the State or Territory, or any part of the State or Territory where the host material, agricultural equipment or used package was grown, packed, sourced or last used, is known to be free from a specified pest or disease.

Note:  Any notification or advice of an outbreak of a pest or disease is taken to be an amendment to the relevant Area Freedom Certificate.  In these cases, host material may no longer be accepted under area freedom.


An importer may be required to present host commodities and accompanying certification for verification by an inspector or a person accredited by the department to verify the material and certification.


Packages of all fruit, vegetables or nuts must be clean to touch and free of extraneous visible matter and objectionable odour and in good repair.


Packages containing any fruit, vegetable or nut must be legibly marked with the following:

  1. the kind of fruit, vegetable or nut (name of commodity); and
  2. in the case of prescribed fruit, vegetables or nuts*-
    1. the name and postcode of the city or town nearest to the locality where they were grown, or
    2. an approved code indicating the location of packing or production; and
  3. in the case of a commodity certified under an accreditation (e.g. ICA Scheme), information as required by the specific Procedure.

*details of prescribed fruit, vegetables and nuts are provided in the Plant Biosecurity Regulations 2016.

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Condition 1 - Queensland Fruit Fly: Sunraysia Pest Free Area (PFA)

Any Queensland fruit fly (QFF) host produce moving into, through or out of  a declared QFF restricted area in Greater Sunraysia  is prohibited unless authorised under a permit and in accordance any conditions set out in the permit.

Contact your local biosecurity inspector on 1800 878 962 to obtain a permit.

Documentation requirement: Permit.

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Condition 18A - Mediterranean Fruit Fly: Post-harvest irradiation

Any host produce originating from an area covered by an Area Freedom Certificate declaring that the area from which the host material originated is known to be free of Mediterranean fruit fly may enter Victoria without restriction, otherwise the entry or importation of Mediterranean fruit fly host produce (attachment 1 – MFF and QFF host list) into Victoria is prohibited unless certified that:

  1. in the case of fruits of plants approved under the Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) Food Safety Code 1.5.3; be post‐ harvest irradiated, with a minimum absorbed dose of 150Gy; and
  2. be stored and transported in ‘secure conditions’ which prevent infestation by fruit fly, where
    1. secure conditions” includes‐
      1. unvented packages; or
      2. vented packages with the vents secured with gauze/mesh with a maximum aperture of 1.6 mm; or
      3. vented packages enclosing a liner bag or liner sheets that obscure vent holes; or
      4. fully enclosed under tarpaulins, hessian, shade cloth, mesh or other covering which provides a maximum aperture of 1.6 mm;
      5. shrink‐wrapped and sealed as a palletised unit; or
      6. fully enclosed or screened buildings, cold rooms, vehicles or other facilities free from gaps or other entry points greater than 1.6 mm; or
  3. enters Victoria in accordance with a permit issued by Agriculture Victoria. To apply for a permit visit the Plant biosecurity permit page.

Documentation requirement: PHC, PHAC under ICA‐ 55,  Plant Health Declaration or Permit.

Verification Requirement:

Host material imported into Victoria which is required by to be accompanied by a certificate or declaration, must be –

(a) presented to an Inspector for inspection; or

(b) verified by a person accredited to do so by the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action.

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Condition 19A - Mediterranean Fruit Fly: Diagnostic samples

Any diagnostic samples originating from an area covered by an Area Freedom Certificate declaring that the area from which the host material originated is known to be free of Mediterranean fruit fly may enter Victoria without restriction, otherwise-

the entry or importation of diagnostic samples of Mediterranean fruit fly host produce (attachment 1 – MFF and QFF host list), into Victoria is prohibited unless certified that the samples –

  1. have been disinfested by-
    1. autoclaving at–
      1. 121°C and 103 kPa for 15 minutes; or
      2. 134°C and 103 kPa for 4 minutes; or
    2. freezing to ‐18°C for 24 hours; or
    3. freezing and transfer under liquid nitrogen at ‐ 196°C; or
    4. freeze drying; or
    5. oven drying to 45°C for 2 hours; and
  2. be stored and transported in ‘secure conditions’ which prevent infestation by fruit fly, where
    1. secure conditions” includes‐
      1. unvented packages; or
      2. vented packages with the vents secured with gauze/mesh with a maximum aperture of 1.6 mm; or
      3. vented packages enclosing a liner bag or liner sheets that obscure vent holes; or
      4. fully enclosed under tarpaulins, hessian, shade cloth, mesh or other covering which provides a maximum aperture of 1.6 mm;
      5. shrink‐wrapped and sealed as a palletised unit; or
      6. fully enclosed or screened buildings, cold rooms, vehicles or other facilities free from gaps or other entry points greater than 1.6 mm; or
  3. enters Victoria in accordance with a permit issued by Agriculture Victoria. To apply for a permit visit the Plant biosecurity permit page ..

Documentation requirement: PHC, PHAC, Plant Health Declaration or Permit.

Verification Requirement:

Host material imported into Victoria which is required by to be accompanied by a certificate or declaration, must be –

(a) presented to an Inspector for inspection; or

(b) verified by a person accredited to do so by the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action.

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Condition 19C - Mediterranean Fruit Fly: Repacked product

Any host produce grown and packed in a place covered by an Area Freedom Certificate declaring that the area from which the host material originated is known to be free of Mediterranean fruit fly, may enter Victoria without restriction, otherwise‐

the entry or importation into Victoria of any Mediterranean fruit fly host produce (attachment 1 – MFF and QFF host list), is prohibited unless certified that the produce has been:

  1. accompanied by a certificate or declaration issued in accordance with condition 3B, 11B, 13A, 13B, 16, or 18A; and
  2. received, handled and stored in secure conditions to prevent infestation by MFF, where ‘secure conditions’ include:
    1. unvented packages; or
    2. vented packages with the vents secured by mesh having a maximum aperture of 1.6 mm; or
    3. vented packages enclosing a liner bag or liner sheets that obscure vent holes; or
    4. fully enclosed under tarpaulins, hessian, shade cloth, mesh or other covering which provides a maximum aperture of 1.6 mm;
    5. shrink‐wrapped and sealed as a palletised unit; or
    6. fully enclosed or screened buildings, cold rooms, vehicles or other facilities free from gaps or other entry points greater than 1.6 mm; and
  3. kept in areas segregated from other consignments; and
  4. accompanied by a document that records the consignment’s original certification or declaration information, such as number and date the consignment passed verification; and
  5. handled, stored and repacked in secure conditions to prevent infestation by MFF, which includes:
    1. an environment that ensures the produce is not exposed to air temperature greater than 13ºC for longer than 60 minutes; or
    2. fully enclosed or screened buildings, cold rooms, automated doors, vehicles or other facilities free from gaps or other entry points greater than 1.6 mm; or
  6. enters Victoria in accordance with a permit issued by Agriculture Victoria. To apply for a permit visit the Plant biosecurity permit page.

Note: Repacked produce means produce which is treated and consigned as a bulk lot to another business for the purpose of producing smaller packs for consignment to Victoria.

Documentation requirement: PHC, PHAC under ICA-57, Plant Health Declaration or Permit.

Verification Requirement:

Host material imported into Victoria which is required by to be accompanied by a certificate or declaration, must be –

(a) presented to an Inspector for inspection; or

(b) verified by a person accredited to do so by the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action.

View Condition

Condition 51D - Tomato Potato Psyllid: Fruit and Vegetables for Consumption (with leaves, calyx or other green material)

Any fruit and vegetables for consumption originating from an area covered by an Area Freedom Certificate declaring that the area from which the host material originated is known to be free of tomato potato psyllid, may enter Victoria without restriction, otherwise –

the movement into Victoria of any fruit and vegetables for consumption with leaves, calyx or other attached green material is prohibited unless it is:

  1. treated, prior to harvest, with an insecticide effective against all life stages of tomato potato psyllid and registered for the control of tomato potato psyllid at rates specified on the label, or in accordance with an approved APVMA permit, and
    1. packed in a manner that prevents infestation by tomato potato psyllid; and
    2. undergo a 600 unit inspection and be found free of tomato potato psyllid; or
  2. fumigated with 1000g/kg active constituent methyl bromide at:
    1. 10°C–10.9°C @ 56g/m3 for 2 hours, or
    2. 11°C–15.9°C @ 48g/m3 for 2 hours, or
    3. 16°C–20.9°C @ 40g/m3 for 2 hours, or
    4. 21°C–31.9°C @ 32g/m3 for 2 hours, and
    5. immediately after treatment, the fruit is place in secure conditions that prevent infestation by tomato potato psyllid; or
  3. enters Victoria in accordance with a permit issued by Agriculture Victoria. To apply for a permit visit the Plant biosecurity permit page.

'host plant' means any plant or plant product of such plants belonging to the plant families Convolvulaceae or Solanaceae, including fruit and vegetables for consumption and cut flowers, but excluding:

  • dried or processed plant products (such as chaff, dried herbs, grain, hay, mulch, seed or timber); or
  • tubers (including dormant seed, ware and processing potatoes), bulbs, corms and rhizomes without attached green material (e.g. leaves, stem, etc.); or
  • fresh fruit/vegetables without leaves, calyx or other attached green material.

Documentation requirement: PHC, PHAC, Plant Health Declaration or Permit.

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