First Nations employment

Agriculture Victoria through the Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action (DEECA) is committed to being an employer of choice for First Nations people.

Our work to recruit more First Nations people is guided by DEECA’s Pupangarli Marnmarnepu - Aboriginal Self-Determination Reform Strategy. Founded on cultural authority, it sets the strategic direction, outcomes and priorities for DEECA to respond to self-determination.

We are working to grow and develop our First Nations workforce through our self-determination action plans by building our cultural capability and offering focussed and diverse roles. We want to ensure our work strengthens and positively connects with First Nations people. We also recognise that First Nations people’s cultural knowledge, skills and expertise are integral to our work.

Agriculture Victoria is committed to cultural safety within our workplace and all staff are encouraged to undertake cultural safety training. Agriculture Victoria’s leadership team commits to deepening their knowledge of the historical and ongoing impacts of agriculture in Victorian Aboriginal communities.

Agriculture Victoria’s First Nations staff are encouraged and supported to join the DEECA Aboriginal staff network. This network enables all First Nations staff within the department to connect in a culturally safe environment.

Employment opportunities

This is a platform where Agriculture Victoria advertises jobs on offer.

Jobs at Agriculture Victoria

For enquiries on employment opportunities at DEECA contact

Agriculture Victoria offers diverse work

Agriculture Victoria works in partnership with many stakeholders, including Traditional Owners and communities to grow and secure agriculture in Victoria.

Our First Nations staff work across Agriculture Victoria in a range of roles including program and project management and policy.

For more information on DEECA’s Aboriginal employment initiatives visit Aboriginal employment in DEECA.

Page last updated: 15 Jul 2024