Supporting economic development

Our partnership with the Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations to develop an authentic native food and botanicals industry and the boriginal Landholder Information Service are examples of our commitment to Aboriginal self-determination. These initiatives are enabling Aboriginal Victorians to lead and contribute to Victoria’s agriculture sector.

Native food and botanicals industry development

Victorian Traditional Owners have sought Agriculture Victoria’s support to lead the development of an authentic native food industry for Victoria.

In 2019, the Victorian Government funded the Federation of Victorian Traditional Owners to develop a Traditional Owner Native Food and Botanicals Strategy.

The Minister for Agriculture joined with Traditional Owners to launch the Strategy on Gunaikurnai Country in April 2021.

Djakitjuk Djanga program

Under Djakitjuk Djanga, the Federation of Victorian Traditional Owners offered grants of up to $200,000 to eligible Aboriginal businesses and organisations to help overcome key resource related barriers to commercially producing native plants for use as food and botanicals. Applications are now closed and projects are underway.

Aboriginal Landholder Information Service

The Aboriginal Landholder Information Service (ALIS) is a free, state-wide agricultural service specifically for Aboriginal Victorians who own or manage land.

Agriculture Victoria created the ALIS in response to needs identified by Aboriginal groups. Since it was established in 2013, more than 20 Aboriginal organisations have benefited from the service.

What the service can offer

The ALIS provides tailored workshops and can facilitate formal education and training courses in response to Aboriginal landholder’s individual interests and needs.

The ALIS works closely with organisations and groups to ensure programs are culturally safe and fit for purpose. Workshops can be provided for topics including:

  • farm planning
  • stock handling and animal welfare
  • pest plant and animal management
  • weed identification and pasture management
  • legal responsibilities in land management
  • native food production.

Contacts for farm financial management planning are also available if required.

If requested services are not available within Agriculture Victoria, they can be sourced through external providers.

ALIS can also assist landholders to find other contacts and information about grants across the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions.

For more information or to access this free service, email ALIS Program Leader, Valerie Little

Page last updated: 16 Jul 2024