Beekeeper permits

Varroa mite update

Beekeepers who have moved hives under permit must continue to report any bee movements to Agriculture Victoria, regularly test bees for Varroa and follow the requirements of the Control Area Order and permits.

This page will continue to be updated as the transition to management plan progresses.

Permits required for movement of bees and bee products

Anyone bringing bees and bee products into Victoria from any state or territory needs a permit. The products includes

  • hives
  • queen bees
  • used beekeeping equipment
  • pollen for bee feeding, and
  • bee products (including honeycomb)

Information for permits to move hives into Victoria

Beekeepers registered in any state or territory whose hives have only been in non Varroosis jurisdictions continuously for the last 24 months, may apply for a permit to move hives from a state that is free from Varroa into Victoria. Beekeepers should create a BeeMAX account if they do not already have one.

Permit applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Permits may be issued if the applicant meets

  • specific training
  • hive testing of all hives, up to 21 hives
  • state compliance and
  • traceability requirements.

Beekeepers whose hives have been in a Varroosis infested jurisdiction at any time in the last 24 months, may apply for a permit to move hives from a state that is not free from Varroa into Victoria.

Permit applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and permits issued if the applicant meets

  • specific training
  • hive testing of all hives, up to 64 hives
  • state compliance and
  • traceability requirements.

As the situation evolves, Victoria will continue to regularly reassess restrictions on the movement of hives, queens, bee products and used fittings.

Before applying for a permit, beekeepers should ensure they understand, and are able to fulfil specified permit conditions.

Information on permits and conditions

More information about permits and permit conditions is available under permits section of Varroa mite frequently asked questions.

Your responsibility

It is your responsibility to stay up to date with current movement requirements before moving your bees and related items. The health of our bee populations relies on your responsible actions.

Health certificates required

Remember that a health certificate must also be obtained for all movements of bees, bee products, and used fittings (beekeeping equipment) into Victoria. This step helps ensure the health and safety of our bee populations. Find the health certificate form and requirements on Moving bees interstate.

Contact us

If you have any questions or need assistance with permits, please feel free to reach out to us:

Your support in following these measures is greatly appreciated as we work together to protect our valuable beekeeping industry and the health of our bees.

Bee and hive movement permits

Permit to move hives from a state that is free from Varroa

Apply for this permit if you are a registered beekeeper, wanting to move hives from a state or territory that is free from Varroa mite into Victoria.

Your hives must not have spent any time in NSW, or any other Varroosis infested state, in the last 24 months.

Beekeepers should create a BeeMAX account if they do not already have one.

Apply now

Permit to move hives from a state that is not free from Varroa

Apply for this permit if

  • you are a registered beekeeper,
  • and your hives have been in NSW, or another Varroa infested state or territory, in the last 24 months
  • and you are wanting to move them into Victoria.

Beekeepers should create a BeeMAX account if they do not already have one.

Apply now

Apiary equipment movement permits

Permit to move full honey supers only

Apply for this permit if you are a Registered Beekeeper wanting to move full honey supers from all other states and territories into Victoria.

Apply now

Permit to move used equipment only

Apply for this permit if you are a Registered Beekeeper wanting to move used equipment from all other states and territories into Victoria.

Apply now

Permit to move extracted frames only

Apply for this permit if you are a Registered Beekeeper wanting to move extracted frames from all other states and territories into Victoria.

Apply now

Honey, honeycomb, wax and pollen movements

Permit to move honeycomb, unprocessed beeswax or pollen

Apply for this permit if you are a Registered Beekeeper wanting to move honeycomb, unprocessed beeswax or pollen from all other states and territories into Victoria.

Apply now

Permit to move unprocessed honey

Apply for this permit if you are a Registered Beekeeper wanting to move unprocessed honey from all other states and territories into Victoria.

Apply now

Processed honey and wax

A permit is not required to move processed honey or wax into Victoria.

Processed honey is defined as; any honey that has undergone extraction, filtering to remove wax cappings and dead bees), decanting into clean containers and packaging in a facility which is inaccessible to bees.

Processed wax is defined as any wax that has undergone melting, filtering (to remove bees, brood, debris), rendering, packing into clean containers and packaging in a facility which is inaccessible to bees.

Queen bee movements

Moving queens from another state or territory into Victoria

Apply for this permit if you are a Registered Beekeeper breeding queens, wanting to move queens from another other state or territory into Victoria.

Apply for this permit

Surveillance emergency zone hive movement permits

As of 30 August 2023, permits were available for beekeepers located in the Victorian part of former Surveillance Emergency Zones with epicentres at Euston and Balranald. These permits were developed to facilitate exit or movement of hives within the zones, and these movements are now complete. Permit holders must still continue to comply with permit requirements.

If you have questions regarding hives currently or previously in these zones, please contact

Page last updated: 03 Jul 2024