Animal diseases
Aquatic animal diseases
Cattle diseases
Emergency animal diseases
Farm biosecurity planning and templates
Foot-and-mouth disease
Honey bee pests and diseases
Alcohol wash test to detect honey bee parasites
April Bee Pest Blitz
Diagnosis, control and eradication of American foulbrood disease
Drone uncapping
Field diagnosis of honey bee brood diseases
Honey culture tests to detect American foulbrood
Nosema disease of honey bees
Notifiable bee pests and diseases
Samples for laboratory diagnosis of bee diseases
Small hive beetle – a beekeeping pest
Sugar shake test to detect Varroa mite
What to do if you detect or suspect American foulbrood
Horse diseases
Important animal diseases
Notifiable diseases
Pig diseases
Pigeon diseases
Poultry diseases
Report an unusual or emergency animal disease
Ruminant Feed Ban
Sheep diseases
Significant Disease Investigation (SDI) program
Truck wash and effluent disposal facilities review
Workshops and webinars on emergency animal diseases
Biosecurity basics
Food safety
Get involved
Marine pests
Moving livestock and animals
Moving plants and plant products
Pest animals
Pest insects and mites
Plant diseases
Protecting Victoria
Honey bee pests and diseases