Climate webinars

Our webinars

Field of crops with grey thunderous sky with lightening overhead

We run regular webinars on topics relevant to primary producers and others working in agriculture.

A range of topics discussed include:

  • seasonal risk
  • climate change projections and impacts
  • adaptation opportunities
  • innovative farming practices
  • soil moisture monitoring.

Our webinars are free for anybody to view.

About our webinars and how to join one

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A webinar is simply a seminar that is held online. They allow you to view the guest speaker's presentation over the internet and to ask questions, make comments and share information with other participants. They are usually recorded and the recording can be shared and viewed at any time.

Webinars are a free service (although phone charges may apply if you are joining via phone). They are available to anyone interested in accessing information about seasonal risk, climate change impacts and adaptation.

Most of our webinars are recorded so if you can't join us on the day you can listen in at a time that best suits you.

  1. Access to a computer, laptop or mobile device (for example a Smartphone or tablet).
  2. A stable internet connection (with a minimum speed of 56 kbps for best viewing).
  3. Audio connection (via computer headset or phone).

There are 3 easy steps to participate:

  1. Register for the webinars that interest you before the RSVP date.
  2. Once registered, an email confirming your selected webinar will be sent to you.
  3. One or two working days prior to each webinar you will receive an email with a unique URL link and step by step instructions on how to log in. This email also provides some handy information for first time webinar users.

Previous webinars

You can view previous webinars using the links and passwords below. Please note that some webinars may not play in some browsers so you may need to try a range of different ones.

If there is a previous webinar you would like to view but the link is not provided below, please email


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In this webinar, Seasonal Risk Agronomist Dale Grey will provide an update on Victoria's climate outlook for autumn. Dale will focus on the current seasonal climate outlook and climate driver activity.

Dale Boyd will provide a seasonal update of the cropping and soil moisture conditions as measured by the Agriculture Victoria moisture probe network. This will include a review of the distribution of summer rain and how the season is tracking compared to last year and other years in the monitoring period of the probes.

Agriculture Victoria Presenters:

Dale Grey, Seasonal Risk Agronomist

Dale Boyd,Seasonal Risk Agronomist

Recording:  Victoria’s seasonal climate outlook and soil moisture update for autumn

Passcode: Climate

Duration: 63 minutes (including questions)

Transcript (WORD - 36.4 KB)

Victorian farm businesses are getting on with the job of growing more food and fibre, while dealing with changeable seasons and weather patterns. We also know that more attention is being paid to the carbon and emissions performance of our agricultural industries and farms.

In this webinar, Agriculture Victoria's climate team will share some tools and resources they have developed to support the farming communities of Victoria to make sense of carbon and emissions on farm.

Presented by

  • Heather Field, Climate Change Service Development Officer
  • Graeme Anderson, Climate Specialist
  • Alison Kelly, Farm Emissions Specialist

Recording: Making sense of carbon and emissions for Victorian farmers

Transcript: Making sense of carbon and emissions for Victorian farmers (WORD - 42.7 KB)

Password: Climate

Duration: 62 minutes (including questions)

Useful websites

Other program support for trees on farm


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Understanding the likelihood of an extreme weather event can assist farmers to plan, prepare and respond through better on-farm decision making.

The Bureau has 5 seasonal climate forecasting tools to provide more insight on the chance of extreme weather events.
In this webinar, Dale Grey, Seasonal Risk Agronomist, will share the 5 new tools which can provide information on the chance of unseasonal and extreme temperatures and rainfall for the weeks, months or seasons ahead and how farmers can use them to plan operations.

Graeme Anderson, Climate Specialist, will highlight Agriculture Victoria's climate update information, newsletters, soil moisture monitoring reports and climate and weather courses.

Presented by

  • Graeme Anderson, Agriculture Victoria
  • Dale Grey, Agriculture Victoria

Recording: Getting the most out of the Bureau of Meteorology and Agriculture Victoria's seasonal climate forecast products

Password: Climate

Duration: 63 minutes

Date: 12pm Tuesday 28 November 2023


Every farm and farming business is unique, being well prepared for bushfires can assist farm businesses to recover faster.

Planning and preparing for the bushfire season includes identifying risks and undertaking tasks to prepare your farm ahead of the season.

In this webinar, Kylie will highlight farm preparedness activities, along with tools and templates available in the new Fire Preparedness Toolkit.

Dale will discuss what the current drier climate drivers of the El Nino and the positive Indian Ocean Dipole are up to as well as current soil moisture, remote sensed plant growth and grass curing.

Presented by

  • Kylie Macreadie, Land Management Extension Officer
  • Dale Grey, Seasonal Risk Agronomist.

For more information about this webinar, including assistance joining the webinar, email

Recording:  Managing fire risk on farms- tools, tips, resources and a seasonal update

Passcode: Climate

Duration: 63 minutes (including questions)

Date: 12pm Friday 18 May 2023


This webinar recording explores the findings from two recent Wimmera Development Association projects and discusses:

  • The emissions profiles of three Wimmera case study broadacre farms - what are the major emissions sources, and where can reductions be gained?
  • Data collection experiences – reflections from the farm data collection process
  • Current farmer awareness of and interest in measuring and managing emissions.

The Roadmap to Net Zero Emissions Grampians Agriculture Project (funded by AgriFutures and led by Wimmera Development Association) developed an extension and adoption framework to identify ways to support Wimmera farm businesses in measuring and managing their emissions.

The Wimmera Broadacre Farming Net Zero Emissions Project aimed to demonstrate the effectiveness of carbon emissions calculators, the potential application to broadacre Wimmera farms and highlight the future opportunities available with these tools in supporting farm business strategy.

Presented by:

  • Pru Cook, Director of Nine Creeks Consulting
  • Craig Hurley, Lecturer, Federation University
  • Ashleigh Brooks, Consultant, Agticulate


Supporting farmers to measure and manage their emissions - A Wimmera broadacre case study

Passcode: Climate

Duration: 64 minute (including questions)

Read the transcript
(WORD - 44.3 KB)

Date: 12pm Friday 5 May 2023


Agriculture Victoria has commenced an On-Farm Emissions Action Plan Pilot as part of its commitment under the Agriculture Sector Emissions Reduction Pledge to provide practical information, tools and services to support farmers understand and reduce emissions.

The team will work with up to 250 farm businesses across Victoria to estimate their on-farm emissions profile and identify potential actions to manage and reduce emissions while maintaining productivity.

In this webinar recording you will hear more about the pilot and learn from two of the participating farmers who have begun their journey to understand their emissions profile and taking action to reduce their emissions.

Presented by:

Agriculture Victoria Pilot Team:

  • Ralph Behrendt, Specialist, Climate Change
  • Alison Kelly, Farm Emissions Specialist
  • Jemma Pearl, Project Officer, Climate Change
  • Graeme Anderson, Climate Specialist

Participating farmers:

  • Kate Paterson, Woodlands
  • Rhiannon Sandford, Reedy Creek Pastoral

Recording: Farmer perspectives – taking action to reduce emissions

Passcode: Climate

Duration: 61 minutes (including questions)

Read the transcript

Further products and services shared during the webinar:

Fact sheet of questions to ask before farmers sell their carbon

Making sense of carbon and emissions

Soil carbon science snapshot (links to 70 references on soil carbon)

On-Farm Emissions Action Plan Pilot


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Date: 12pm Thursday 15 September 2022


Cam Nicholson and Fiona Conroy have a long interest in improving, measuring and understanding the benefits from managing the natural resources on their farm.

The main focus has been on soil, water, vegetation and fauna. Actions include extensive tree planting, fencing off water storages, reticulation into troughs, soil testing every paddock every 3 years (since 1993), as well as bird and fauna monitoring.

More recently they have been interested in understanding the opportunities and future market challenges around carbon accounting and reporting. In this webinar recording, Fiona and Cam describe their progress so far and their future thinking around carbon, emissions and sequestration.

Presented by:

Cam Nicholson, Partner in Nicon Rural Services

Fiona Conroy, Manager of Knewleave Partnerships

Recording: A farmer perspective – making sense of carbon and emissions

Transcript: (WORD - 77.9 KB) A farmer perspective – making sense of carbon and emissions

Passcode: Climate1!

Duration 60 minute (including questions)

Read the transcript

Further products and services shared during the webinar:

Fact sheet of questions to ask before farmers sell their carbon

Making sense of carbon and emissions

Soil carbon science snapshot (links to 70 references on soil carbon)

On-Farm Emissions Action Plan Pilot

MLA Carbon Calculator

Date: 12pm Thursday 7 April 2022


The Agriculture Victoria Climate team support the farming communities of Victoria with key climate and weather information and resources.

In this webinar recording, the seasonal risk team share some of the new products and services they deliver to support farmer decision making in a changing climate:

Presented by:

  • Graeme Anderson, Climate Specialist
  • Heather Field, Climate Change Service Development Officer
  • Jemma Pearl, Project Officer Grains Seasonal Risk
  • Nerissa Lovric, Land Management Extension Officer
  • Dale Grey, Seasonal Risk Agronomist

Webinar recording
Duration 60 minute (including questions)

Further products and services shared during the webinar:

Date: 12pm Tuesday 8 February 2022


  • What are the priorities for farmers in adapting for climate change?
  • What support might our farmers and farming communities be needing?

These key questions were answered recently in farmer driven workshops undertaken in North East Victoria.

This ground up approach and the lessons learned are relevant to all industries and regions.

In this webinar recording we meet the project team as they share their insights, and have a discussion about how farmers can successfully be engaged to plan their climate futures.

Download the North East Dairy Climate Futures Project Summary Report from the North East Catchment Management Authority website.

Presented by:

  • Lachlan Campbell, Regional Landcare Facilitator North East Victoria
  • Patten Bridge, Principal consultant to the project, BridgeLogic Consulting
  • Patrick Glass, Dairy farmer Gundowring, Chair, Alpine Valleys Dairy Inc.


Duration 60 minute (including questions)

Date: 12pm, Thursday 27 January 2022


The Australian Wine Carbon Calculator is designed to help grapegrowers and winemakers estimate their greenhouse gas emissions.

In this webinar, Kieran Hirlam explored the user functionality of the Australian Wine Carbon Calculator and discuss the input categories and emissions factors.

The presentation detailed lifecycle assessments to better define emissions within the wine industry and some of the mitigation strategies for viticulture and winemaking businesses.

Case studies show how Sustainable Winegrowing Australia members benchmark their greenhouse gas emissions against other members.

Presented by:

Kieran Hirlam, Project Engineer, The Australian Wine Research Institute

Recording – Australian Wine Carbon Calculator

Transcript – Australian Wine Carbon Calculator

Passcode: Climate1!

Duration: 50 minute (including questions)


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Date: 12pm Tuesday 23 November 2021


The Cool Soil Initiative is a public-private partnership with funding from Mars Petcare, Kellogg’s, Manildra Group, Allied Pinnacle, Charles Sturt University and the Food Agility CRC.

The Cool Soil Initiative has been developed as a framework to enable key industry partners to support farmers in reducing on-farm greenhouse gas emissions, through a focus on improved system sustainability and productivity.

The Cool Soil Initiative is currently working with cropping farmers from North-East Victoria through to Dubbo, with the project looking to grow in scale as it develops.

In this webinar recording, Dr Cassandra Schefe provides an overview of the Cool Soil Initiative; what has been learned so far and how the program could fit across the agriculture sector.

Presented by:

Dr Cassandra Schefe, Cool Soil Initiative Program Manager, and Director AgriSci

Recording – Cool Soil Initiative

Transcript – Cool Soil Initiative

Passcode: Climate1!

Duration 60 minute (including questions)

Date: 12pm, Tuesday 9 November 2021


Launched in 2020, Agriculture Victoria's Soil Moisture Monitoring (SMM) Dashboard has had some recent upgrades to improve user experience.

Ten SMM probe sites from the Perennial Pasture Systems (PPS) network have been added to the dashboard to better understand the seasonal conditions in Central Victoria and southern Wimmera.

The data is reported through 'The Break' information products with investment from the Grains Research and Development Corporation.

These sites, with a perennial growth pattern, provide a comparison of the soil moisture available for plant growth to the winter crops.

In this webinar recording, SMM Dashboard coordinator Dale Boyd provides the updates available and reviews some of the key highlights from the monitoring sites around the state.

PPS farmer group Project Manager Rob Shea shares his experiences of pasture monitoring for both group members and other graziers and benefits of the dashboard with the speedo display.

PPS group member and monitoring host at Elos Merther, Glenlofty, Tony Roberts explains how the SMM data has assisted in his decision making.

Presented by:

  • Dale Boyd, Seasonal Risk Agronomist, Agriculture Victoria
  • Rob Shea, Perennial Pasture Systems farmer group Project Manager
  • Tony Roberts, Elos Merther, Glenlofty

Recording – Assessing seasonal conditions with Agriculture Victoria’s soil moisture monitoring dashboard

Transcript – Assessing seasonal conditions with Agriculture Victoria’s soil moisture monitoring dashboard

Passcode: Climate1!

Duration 60 minute (including questions)

Date: 12pm, Tuesday 12 October 2021


With increasing interest in carbon abatement in agriculture, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) has developed a landscape options and opportunities for carbon abatement calculator.

In this webinar recording, LOOC-C team member Dr Stephen Roxburgh provides an introduction to this tool and explains some of the background to it.

LOOC-C estimates carbon abatement via an emission factor database, giving producers information to assess potential changes to carbon by undertaking various tree or soil carbon activities on their land.

By visiting the LOOC-C website you can use the map interface to select a potential project area and help start the conversation of carbon abatement options for your farm business.

Presented by:

  • Dr Stephen Roxburgh, CSIRO

Recording – A look at LOOC-C, Carbon Abatement Calculator

Transcript – A look at LOOC-C, Carbon Abatement Calculator

Passcode: Climate1!

Duration: 61 minute (including questions)

Date: 12pm, Wednesday 21 July 2021


The draft Primary Production Adaptation Action Plan (AAP) is one of seven plans being developed by the Victorian Government to ensure Victoria is climate resilient now and in the future.

In this webinar recording you will learn about the draft Primary Production Adaptation Action Plan (AAP), what it means for Victoria’s primary industries and how to provide feedback. You will also hear about the Water Cycle AAP.

Why is the Victorian Government preparing a Primary Production AAP?

  • Adaptation will reduce climate change risks, build resilience and harness adaptation opportunities of primary industries.
  • Primary industries are already adapting to climate change, but more action is needed. The draft Primary Production AAP seeks to build on the work that primary industries are already doing to adapt to climate change.

Communities, businesses and governments are working together to lay a solid foundation for a climate-resilient Victoria for the long term and tackle the impacts of climate change.

The draft Primary Production AAP and the other six plans are open for consultation until Friday 6 August and can be found at Engage Victoria.

Presented by:

  • Professor Lauren Rickards, RMIT
  • Julie Webb, Primary Production AAP Lead, DJPR
  • Laura Downes, Water Cycle AAP Lead, DELWP

Recording – The draft Primary Production Adaptation Action Plan

Transcript – The draft Primary Production Adaptation Action Plan

Duration: 61 minute (including questions)

Date: 12 pm, Thursday 6 May 2021


Originally launched in 2015/16, the Climate Change in Australia website, Australia’s national climate change projections website, has recently been refreshed to improve accessibility and searchability of the climate projections information within the website.

Based on user feedback, the website now has new content, including pages on interpreting the future climate by the level of global warming. It also has a new look, better navigation menus, and an improved search function; making content much easier to find. The refresh aims to ensure the climate change projections information, data and tools are more easily accessible to help decision-makers better understand their current and future climate risks.

In this webinar recording, John Clarke and Michael Grose from the Earth Systems and Climate Change Hub (CSIRO) walk through the refreshed website, highlighting improvements and new content as well as touching on popular tools and content within the website.

Presented by:

  • John Clarke, CSIRO
  • Michael Grose, CSIRO

Recording - Navigating climate change projections just got a whole lot easier. A look inside the refreshed Climate Change in Australia website

Transcript – Navigating climate change projections just got a whole lot easier. A look inside the refreshed Climate Change in Australia website

No event password required.

Duration: 62 minute (including questions)

Date: 12 pm, Wednesday 24 March 2021


Stubble management can be a complex issue for farmers. Stubble retention has well-documented benefits, including nutrient recycling, reduced erosion, improved rainfall infiltration and reduced moisture evaporation. Retaining stubbles also improves soil health and biology. For seasons with large stubble loads there is room to put some of it into other productive uses. In this webinar Graeme Anderson will explain the basic carbon cycle and the benefits of putting stubbles into building products to capture carbon for the long term.

We will hear from Steve Layfield from Ortech Industries who will share how they are contributing to positive carbon farming by using straw stubbles in building products which would otherwise be burnt after harvest contributing to carbon emissions.

Ray Davies from the Pyrenees Shire Council will discuss how local farmers are converting stubble straw to energy as one means of alleviating the need to burn stubbles in autumn. Ray will share a pilot project at the Skipton Hospital where straw pellets will be used as a replacement for LPG to meet the thermal demand for hydronic heating and hot water. Other investigations include opportunities for combined heat and power in manufacturing and potential for a biogas plant.

Presented by:

  • Graeme Anderson, Agriculture Victoria
  • Steve Layfield, Ortech Industries
  • Ray Davies, Central Highlands Straw Alliance

Recording – Stubble, Straw and Carbon – Panels, pellets and alternative uses

Transcript – Stubble, Straw and Carbon – Panels, pellets and alternative uses

No event password required.

Duration: 60 minute (including questions)

For more information about this webinar, including assistance joining the webinar, email

Date: 12 pm, Tuesday 2 March 2021


Sheep farmers are on the front line of dealing with changes in the weather.  We can't control the weather, but we can make timely management and business decisions to have control over its impacts.  We need to make sure our sheep systems are designed to handle the variable seasons, driving productivity when seasons permit and flexing if adverse seasonal conditions occur.

This webinar will look at the impacts of climate variability on farming businesses and highlight opportunities to improve business resilience in a variable environment. On a daily basis farmers are having to juggle many factors to make big decisions. Decisions that affect not only their livelihoods but the well-being of themselves and their families, their animals and their landscape.  The complexity of this ongoing juggling act is exacerbated by our highly variable environment but it's those producers that have established the flexible strategies in their business and deploy proactive tactical decision making and management that can adapt most effectively.

Improving the consistency of profits means that you need a production system that can make money across most years not just the good ones.  This means we need to be proactive and have strategies in place that can quickly adjust to the individual circumstances of a production season.

This webinar will involve producers that have undertaken a review that critiques the flexibility of their own enterprise from an enterprise structure/mix, feed demand to pasture supply, infrastructure, animal management, genotype, business and human resource management.  We will discuss their strengths and opportunities for improvement highlighted in the review and how the producers have adapted since to become more productive in variable seasons.

Presented by:

  • Dr Jason Trompf, Agriculture Consultant, Lambs Alive

Recording – Managing seasonal variability in the Victorian sheep industry

Transcript – Managing seasonal variability in the Victorian sheep industry

No event password required.

Duration: 63 minute (including questions)

For more information about this webinar, including assistance joining the webinar, email


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Date: 12 pm, Wednesday 9 December 2020


Many different weather systems can cause rainfall in Victoria, but most of our rainfall can be traced back to either a thunderstorm, a low-pressure system, or a cold front. Days when these different systems interact are particularly important for days with heavy rainfall.

In this webinar recording Acacia highlights the importance of different weather systems and how they vary between different parts of Victoria, and what changes in lows and fronts in recent decades can tell us about rainfall declines during the cool half of the year.

Lyndon and Dale share what these changes mean on farm and how farmers are adapting their farming systems.


Acacia Pepler, Bureau of Meteorology


Dale Grey and Lyndon Kubeil, Agriculture Victoria

Recording – Which weather systems cause Victoria’s rainfall, and how are they changing?

Transcript – Which weather systems cause Victoria’s rainfall, and how are they changing?

No event password required.

Duration 1 hour 34 minutes (including questions)

Date: 12 pm, Monday 30 November 2020


Year to year climate variability is a major source of risk to grain grower profitability, which is why the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) teamed up with Agriculture Victoria in 2018 to deliver a new ‘Using seasonal forecast information and tools' project for the Southern GRDC Region. This project has extended the successful seasonal forecast commentary ‘The Break’ products to also include South Australia, Tasmania and southern NSW.

In this webinar recording the presenters share what has been achieved during the three years of this project, the new forecast products, local climate tools and training workshops, and you can hear insights into how the project has been working with the grains industry to improve the way we can communicate and use seasonal climate forecast information in southeast Australia.

Presented by:

  • Graeme Anderson, Agriculture Victoria
  • Randall Wilksch, GRDC, SA
  • Mark Stanley, Regional Connections Pty Ltd
  • Dale Grey, Agriculture Victoria
  • Jemma Pearl, Agriculture Victoria

Recording – Using seasonal forecasts in south-eastern Australia

Transcript – Using seasonal forecasts in south-eastern Australia

No event password required.

Duration 1 hour 1 minute (including questions)

Date: 12 pm Tuesday 17 November 2020


As weather patterns and our climate is changing, many producers and industries are already responding. Adaptation and planning for the future needs to be informed by the most up-to-date climate science.

In this webinar recording Rebecca shares the recently released Australia's Wine Future – A Wine Climate Atlas, a collaborative industry effort which showcases how Victoria's wine region climates have changed and what is expected in coming decades.


Dr Rebecca Harris, University of Tasmania


Dr Sharon Harvey, Wine Australia

Dr Mardi Longbottom, Australian Wine Research Institute

Rob Sutherland, Viticulturist and Vineyard Manager De Bortoli Wines

Recording – Future climate and insights for the wine industry – new wine Climate Atlas

Transcript – Future climate and insights for the wine industry – new wine Climate Atlas

No event password required.

Duration 1 hour 4 minutes (including questions)

Date: 12 pm Thursday 22 October 2020


Higher summer temperatures and greater frequency of extreme temperature events, along with water scarcity, are likely to be the major climate change related threats to irrigated agriculture in the Mallee.

In this webinar recording, the project team summarises the findings from a recent project to assess the likely impact of future climates on dominant irrigated crops in the Mallee.  We hear how the results from this work have provided input into the development of adaptive management strategies.


Natalie Mason, Agriculture Victoria

Anna Roberts, Natural Decisions

Don Arnold, Mallee CMA

Recording – Applying climate change modelling for irrigated horticulture in the Victorian Mallee

Transcript – Applying climate change modelling for irrigated horticulture in the Victorian Mallee

No event password required.

Duration 1 hour 3 minutes (including questions)

Date: 12 pm Tuesday 8 October 2020


The relationship between climate and agriculture is complex with the degree of dependency being variable across different landscapes and management practices.

In this webinar recording, Craig summarises the sources of available climate data (including historical, seasonal projections and future climate scenarios) and shares examples of how to use these data sets to support insights for future agricultural production.


Dr Craig Beverly is a Senior Research Scientist with Agriculture Victoria and has 20 years' experience in the formulation, development and application of numerical models to simulate natural resource systems. In his current role, Craig is developing a range of biophysical models to support economic and policy analysis of landscape systems including an integrated biophysical catchment model capable of assessing the impacts of land management on surface hydrology, groundwater, nutrient dynamics, sediment transport and vegetation dynamics under current and future climates.

Recording – Using climate data for insights on future production

Transcript – Using climate data for insights on future production 

No event password required.

Duration: 1 hour 1 minute (including questions)

Date: 12 pm Tuesday 15 September 2020


In this webinar, Lachlan shares how the Embedding Climate Adaptation into Agriculture project has used climate change projections and applied these to assess potential impacts on agriculture production in North East Victoria. Lachlan also shares the spatial tools and engagement approach that have been developed which help guide discussions about climate adaptation pathways.


Lachlan Campbell is the Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator for the North East and the project leader for the 'Embedding Climate Adaptation in Agriculture' project funded through the National Landcare project. Lachlan has 15 years' experience working on a range of projects supporting sustainable agriculture and is passionate about agriculture, community resilience, community leadership and supporting landholders to make good decisions.

Recording – Embedding climate adaptation into agriculture in north east Victoria

Transcript – Embedding climate adaptation into agriculture in north east Victoria

No event password required.

Duration: 1 hour 1 minute (including questions)

In this webinar, Dale Boyd will provide a explanation and walk-through of the new Agriculture Victoria website soil moisture monitoring dashboard.

This will include navigating the website to find the soil moisture probe nearest to you and interpreting the data collected at that site.

Dale Boyd shares his expert knowledge in how soil moisture information can be used to make valuable and informed seasonal risk decisions.

Recording – Soil moisture monitoring dashboard update

Transcript – Soil moisture monitoring dashboard update

Date: 12 pm Thursday 21 May 2020


In this webinar, Dale Boyd will provide a seasonal update of the cropping soil moisture conditions as measured by the Agriculture Victoria moisture probe network. This will include a review of the distribution of summer rain and impacts of the Autumn break and how this season is tracking compared to last year and other years in the monitoring period of the probes.


Dale Boyd is a seasonal risk agronomist in the grains team with Agriculture Victoria based out of Echuca. He has worked with the department for 20 years and during that time has worked on a range of projects linked to monitoring soil moisture, irrigated cropping, and the current seasonal risk work. This work is a state-wide technology adoption project that uses deep soil moisture probe and weather station networks.

Dale helps Victorian dryland grain farmers and advisors interpret seasonal risk information to aid decision making using soil moisture probes recording data down to one metre. The data obtained from the moisture probes is interpreted and presented in monthly enewsletter updates which aims to be educational on the use of technology and informative on the seasonal conditions.

Webinar – Soil moisture probe update

Transcript – Soil moisture probe update

No event password required.

Duration: 1 hour 2 minutes (including questions)

Date: 12 pm Thursday 7 May 2020


In this webinar, Leighton explored all things weather station:

  • how to collect and interpret weather data
  • how to monitor fire danger
  • what to consider with soil moisture probes
  • measuring and managing inversions.

Leighton outlined some of the examples he has installed and how they are being used to provide value for farmers.


Leighton Wilksch is an Ag Technologist based on Yorke Peninsula that provides weather, soil moisture and crop monitoring hardware & solutions (backed up with agronomic service) across SA & Vic. He has over 20 years’ experience in the dryland broadacre market being a research agronomist for Landmark and starting his business Agbyte in 2009.

Agbyte provides innovative solutions for decision making based around weather that enable users to intuitively decipher data to assist them with farm management. Leighton also has a long history of being involved in Farming Systems Groups and is the current chairperson of the Ag Excellence Alliance which is the over-arching body for all SA groups.

Webinar – Farm weather stations

Transcript – Farm weather stations

No event password required.

Duration: 1 hour 4 minutes (including questions)

Date: 12 pm, Thursday 30 April 2020


Just because we make decisions all the time doesn’t mean we are good at making them.

This webinar focused on approaches to help farmer decision making. Cam Nicholson covered what influences decision making and presents an approach to enhance farmer decision making.


Cam Nicholson is a partner in Nicon Rural Services, a consulting business near Geelong working with the grazing and cropping industries and in natural resource management. Cam has been involved in many farmer programs for the GRDC, MLA, Dairy Australia, Southern Farming Systems and Landcare.

He provides consultancy advice to farmers and lectures on animal and pasture systems at Marcus Oldham College. His most recent work has focussed on understanding and discussing risk in farming businesses and how to enhance decision making.

He and his wife Fiona run a 400-ha beef and sheep farm on the Bellarine Peninsula turning off cattle for the long fed Japanese market, lambs and wool.

View webinar

Transcript – Approaches to help farmer decision-making

Event password: MakingDecisions

Duration: 1 hour 11 minutes (including questions)

Date: 12 pm Thursday 16 April 2020


Geoff provided an update on the Victorian Water and Climate Initiative. The initiative supports research into the impact of climate change and climate variability on Victoria’s water resources. This includes 3 distinct but related research projects undertaken with the University of Melbourne, the Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO.


Geoff Steendam manages the hydrology and climate science team in the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. The team serves as a knowledge broker for the Victorian water sector, investing in targeted research and working with the sector to help apply the knowledge.

Geoff has worked in water resource planning roles in the department for more than 10 years, and previously worked for consulting engineering firms in Australia and the UK.

View webinar

Transcript – Victorian Water and Climate Initiative 

Event password: climate&water

Duration: 59 minutes (including questions)

Date: 12 pm Wed 25 March 2020


This presentation is on irrigation scheduling tools that can achieve top yields and water use efficiency.

Rob will provide information on Evapotranspiration (ET) tools and services available to irrigators and will share results and learnings from using soil moisture monitoring equipment for more informed irrigation decision making.


Rob O’Connor is a Senior Irrigation Extension Officer with Agriculture Victoria. Rob has a long history working with farmers on irrigation related issues. For the past five years, Rob has specialised in the area of irrigation scheduling.

View webinar

Transcript – Tools for better irrigation scheduling 

Event password: Irrigationscheduling
Duration: 53 minutes (including questions)

Date: 12 pm Wed 11 March 2020


In this presentation we'll hear important background information on weather forecasts, seasonal outlooks and climate change projections – and what they can and can’t do.

Graeme will share insights and tips for understanding the different types of forecast products and where and when to have more confidence in what they are telling us.


Graeme Anderson leads Agriculture Victoria’s seasonal risk team who deliver products such as The Break, Soil Moisture Monitoring, Climatedogs and regularly presents at agriculture events across Victoria.

View webinar

Transcript – Weather forecasts, seasonal outlooks and climate change projections

Event password: weatherforecasts
Duration: 66 minutes (including questions)

Date: 12 pm Mon 24 February 2020


In this presentation we look inside the Bureau's new climate guides project.

The new regional climate guides aim to help farmers understand and manage their climate risk by providing regionally focused climate and weather summaries that detail historical observations and trends using information available from local Bureau of Meteorology weather stations.


Luke Shelley joined the Bureau in 2008 and in the last two years has been a member of the Bureau's new Agriculture program, where he is currently the acting General Manager. Luke has just finished travelling around the country to consult stakeholders on the design of the Bureau's new climate guides.

View webinar

Transcript – Inside the Bureau's climate guides project

Event password: Climateguides
Duration: 64 minutes

Date: 12 pm Tuesday 4 February 2020


Hear about the new Victorian Climate Change Projections. What are the projections telling us?

Find out about the resources and products available including regional reports and application ready datasets.


John Clarke is a Research Team Leader at the CSIRO in Melbourne. John has managed the provision of tailored regional climate change projects for a wide range of national and international stakeholders since 2009.

He has over 25 years' experience undertaking, interpreting, applying and communicating science to a range of clients in the fields of climate change impacts and adaptation, and conservation ecology.

View webinar

Transcript – New Victorian climate change projections

Event password: VCP19
70 minutes


Recording links to these earlier webinars are available on request by emailing

Page last updated: 22 Apr 2024