Resource directory

Financial assistance and support

For the latest information

Rural Financial Counselling Service (RFCS)

The Rural Financial Counselling Service provides free and independent financial information, options, decision-making support and referral services to farmers and small related rural businesses who are in, or at risk of, experiencing financial hardship.

A Rural Financial Counsellor can help farmers prepare for discussions with their banks to make informed decisions for the future benefit of their business. They can also assist farmers to apply for financial assistance.

To connect with your local service call 1300 771 741 or visit the National Emergency Management Agency.

Personal wellbeing and family support services

ServiceDescription Contact details
National Centre for Farmer Health

Supports primary producers through the delivery of initiatives to boost farmer mental health and wellbeing, including:

  • Distribution of mental health resources and support information
  • Managing Stress on the Farm’ book explores the common causes of stressors on farms and offers practical ways to deal with them. It also includes the Steering Straight plan, to help individuals manage their mental health with practical, useful steps.
Phone :  (03) 5551 8533 Website


24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services.

Call 131 114 or visit


24/7 telephone information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health.

Call 1300 224 636 or visit

MensLine Australia

24/7 service for men with relationship and family concerns.

Call 1300 78 99 78 or visit

Family Relationship Service

Providing families with access to information about family relationship issues.

Call 1800 050 321 or visit

Mental Health Care Plan

A mental health care plan provides Medicare rebates for up to 10 individual or 10 group appointments per year with a psychologist, occupational therapist or social worker.

Contact your local GP for a referral

Health care plan website:

Kids Helpline

Confidential telephone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.

Phone: 1800 551 800



Counselling and information for families with children up to 18 years. Open 8am to midnight, seven days.

Phone: 132 289


GPs and Community Health Care providers

If you or a loved one need support during difficult times, visit your local Doctor (GP).

Community health services also provide a range of primary health care services that could include:

  • acute hospital care,
  • medical centre, home and community care,
  • district nursing
  • women’s health
  • allied health services (podiatry, occupational therapy etc.)
  • counselling
  • pharmacy and
  • referrals.

Contact your local GP

Contact your local Community Health service to confirm their services.


Expert health information and advice (14 hours, 7 days)

Phone: 1300 60 60 24

Australian Red Cross

For people affected by Victorian Severe Weather and Flood.

Phone: 1800 733 276


Rural Aid

Rural Aid offers free, confidential counselling to Rural Aid registered farmers and their family.

Phone: 1300 327 624



Rural Flying Doctor Service - Flying Doctor Wellebing Flying Doctor Wellbeing is a free mental health and wellbeing service for people in rural and remote Victorian communities.

Phone:03 8412 0480


Western Victoria Primary Health Network

Western Victoria PHN works with the primary care sector to improve health outcomes for local communities.

Phone:03 5222 0800


Catchment management authorities

Catchment management authorities (CMAs) are responsible for the integrated planning and coordination of land, water and biodiversity management in each catchment and land protection regions.

To see a list of all Victorian catchment management authorities, visit Our CMA regions on the Vic Catchment website

CMA nameContact details

Corangamite CMA

Phone: 1800 002 262


East Gippsland CMA

Phone: (03) 5152 0600

Glenelg Hopkins

Phone: (03) 5571 2526


Goulburn Broken CMA

Phone: (03) 5822 7700

Mallee CMA

Phone: (03) 5001 8600


North Central CMA

Phone: (03) 5448 7124


North East CMA

Phone: 1300 216 513


Emergency contacts and information

Emergency contactContact details and information

Life threatening emergencies

Phone: 000

Always call triple zero if there is a threat to life

Vic State Emergency Service (VICSES)

For VICSES flood emergency assistance and to locate your local unit call 132 500

Information Hotline: 1800 226 226

Social media




Monitor the VicEmergency app, website and hotline for warnings and emergency information in Victoria.


Emergency Broadcasters

Emergency AM and FM radio broadcasters

Emergency Animal Disease (EAD) Hotline

If you suspect a pest or disease outbreak or have seen something unusual contact the EAD hotline 1800 675 888

Exotic Plant Pest (EPP) Hotline

Any unusual plant pest or disease should be reported immediately to the relevant state or territory agriculture agency through the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline 1800 084 881.

Farm Business support

Support providerDescription Contact details
Business VIctoria Information and resources to support businesses including currently
available grants and programs.
Website : https:/
The  Farm Business Resilience Program

The Farm Business Resilience Program is supporting farmers to develop knowledge and skills to improve their farm business and manage the impacts of a changing climate.

The program supports farmers to improve skills and management practices around 4 key areas:

  • Business planning and risk management
  • Farm finances and profitable decision making
  • Managing people on farm, farm safety and wellbeing
  • Climate adaptation and natural resource management including soil, water, crops and pastures.
Farm Debt  Mediation

In Victoria it is compulsory for banks and other creditors to offer mediation to farmers before commencing debt recovery proceedings on farm mortgages.

Under the Farm Debt Mediation Act 2011, farmers and creditors can access mediation for efficient and fair resolution of farm debt disputes. At mediation, a neutral and independent mediator helps the farmer and creditor to confidentially reach an agreement about current and future farm debt arrangements.

Farm debt mediation is a voluntary and confidential process that is accessible and low-cost. Farmers who are going to take part in farm debt mediation are encouraged to contact the Rural Financial Counselling Service, or their solicitor, accountant, or another suitably qualified professional.

Phone:1800 878 964

Flood warnings and rainfall information

Information typeResource

VicRoads – road closures

For latest road closures and traffic hazards visit VicRoads – VicTraffic.

Flood Warnings

For information about flood warnings see the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) and the VicEmergency App

Victorian weather and warnings

You can view weather forecasts and rainfall information on the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) website

River Height Levels

View river height levels for all Victorian regions at Victoria Rainfall and River Conditions on the BoM website.

Local government contact information

Visit Local Government Victoria to locate contact details for your local council.

Translated resources

Department of Health : Translated information about health and wellbeing resources

Department of  Families, Fairness and Housing : Translated information available.

Emergency Recovery Victoria : Links to translated resources in relation to the current severe weather events.

Agriculture Victoria recovery support services

Technical support and advice is available in the following areas:

Cropping, grazing and pasture recovery

  • species options for resowing
  • soil requirements for sowing new pastures
  • assessing soil characteristics
  • interpreting soil test results
  • predicting pasture recovery over the next year

Water quality

  • assess on-farm storage capacity in dams and tanks, look for holes and leaks
  • contaminates may have entered water sources
  • if in doubt, consider alternative water source for stock
  • develop strategies to protect water supplies from contamination
  • identify stock water requirements

Soil erosion management

Loss of ground cover can lead to significant soil erosion. Technical advice is available for the following:

  • mitigating soil erosion
  • gully, tunnel and sheet erosion
  • impacts on water quality following a flood

Animal health and nutrition

  • move stock to high ground for feeding
  • feed budgeting, including understanding feed quality and livestock requirements
  • long-term farm decisions and managing through varying climatic conditions
  • costs, cashflow to aid short and long-term decisions
  • stock condition scores and targets
  • containment areas and restocking
  • using own land for agistment
  • using land for hay and silage production or cropping
  • design and management of shade and shelter for livestock
  • advice on animal health

Farm mapping and planning

Farm mapping and planning can help improve farm productivity and sustainability through the following:

  • matching land use and capability
  • understand of soils and their management
  • assessing water needs
  • management of land degradation
  • pastures and grazing management
  • native vegetation in a farming system
  • risk management
  • farm design (paddock size, laneways etc).

Technical information and decision-making support

Agriculture Victoria is working with Victorian farmers and industry to prepare for, respond to and recover from natural disasters, including fires, floods and storms. This includes delivering of technical information, events and decision-making support services to help farm business recovery on topics such as:

  • grazing, cropping and pasture management
  • irrigation and horticulture system rehabilitation
  • soil erosion management
  • land management
  • animal health and nutrition
  • farm mapping and planning
  • water quality
  • weed management

Farmers requiring technical assistance can contact the Agriculture Recovery team on 0427 694 185 (Mon-Fri between 8.30 am and 5 pm) or email

The Agriculture Victoria website has a wide of range of information and guidance on issues such as animal welfare, pasture renovation, irrigation and horticulture system rehabilitation, stock water quality and erosion control.

Farmers are encouraged to subscribe to the Resilience and Recovery digital newsletter to access the latest events and information.

Page last updated: 18 Jun 2024