Grazing management systems

Good grazing and pasture management is one of the most influential factors on the productivity, soil health, water, and sustainability of a dryland grazing property.

grazing management systems

The Land Health grazing management program is based on EverGraze and the management of perennials, which has been proven to increase the profitability and environmental outcomes of livestock enterprises in Southern Australia.

We can help producers make decisions about 'putting the right plant in the right place, for the right purpose, with the right management.'

The EverGraze website has a wealth of information about regional trials and demonstration sites. It also describes all of the training courses that are available.

Good grazing and pasture management  will help farmers to:

  • increase profitability by aligning grazing and pasture management with farm business goals
  • manage feed supply and demand by setting lambing and calving times according to pasture benchmarks
  • set benchmarks for groundcover, herbage mass and spelling periods and manage accordingly
  • improve stock health
  • protect and fence environmental assets such as native biodiversity, wetlands and waterways
  • identify land-classes defined by soil type, topography and aspect, and match these with appropriate pasture and grazing management.

Our services

We deliver grazing management information through targeted courses, as a component of farm planning courses and through demonstration sites, case studies and field days.

The courses on offer are:

  • Dividing up the farm (1 to 2 days)
  • Nuts and bolts of grazing management (2 days)
  • Feed budgeting and tactical management (1 to 2 days)
  • Whole farm grazing strategies (7 days)

More information

For more information about grazing and pasture management, including regional information visit the EverGraze website or see:

Page last updated: 18 Jun 2024