Using the online avian influenza livestock movement permit system

How to use the avian influenza livestock movement permit system

1. Click the link below or from the Agriculture Victoria website avian influenza page:

Services - Agriculture Victoria

2. Next you will see the Agriculture Victoria Services landing page as shown below:

Landing page for the Agriculture Victoria Services app. From this page you can Login or Register. The banner is a close up of a wheat field.

3. Click the Login button

4. You will now see this screen displayed with your login options:

Sign in page for the Agriculture Victoria Services app. From here you can click to sign in with an AgVic account, Register a new account, or sign in with Google or Microsoft accounts. The sign in and register options are also available at the top right of the banner.

5. If you have not registered previously you can select to do so using Google (if using a Gmail account), Microsoft if you are using a Microsoft account or create your own with the Ag Vic option if using other services.

6. If you have registered previously simply click on the option you registered with. The system will log you directly in.

7. Now you will see this screen:

List showing the different services you can select from. Shown on screen are Beekeeping, and Agriculture Victoria Permits. You can use the buttons to select these services.

8. Click on the Agriculture Victoria permits button, and you will be taken to your personal permits landing page:

Permits landing page, here you can see a list of your previous applications and select the button to apply for a permit.

You can see any notifications for you (as also sent by email or SMS to you) in the top right of the screen, click on the bell to view these. To see your account details click on the circle in the top right and select My Account as shown below:

Alerts icon in the shape of a bell and account details icon showing your initials. These can be accessed from the top right banner of the page.

9. From this page you can:

  • apply for a new permit
  • copy an existing permit for easy submission
  • view your approved permits
  • delete a draft permit.

Frequently asked questions

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Click the 'I want to apply for a permit' button as shown below:

Permits landing page, here you can see a list of your previous applications and select the button to apply for a permit.

Next select the Avian Influenza Movement Permits (2024) option

Next click the Movement Permit Application button shown below along with the map showing the zones:

Select the button 'Movement permit application' under the heading 'Avian influenza Movement Permits (2024)'.

You will now see a brief overview of the permit requirements and a collection and disclosure statement:

Screen showing the permit requirements and a collection and disclosure statement giving an overview of the current situation and the control and restricted areas.

Once you have read the contents of this page there is an application button at the bottom of the page.

Click the Apply Now button.

You will now see the application details you need to provide on screen:

On the Movement Permit Application screen you can enter your details including name, address, phone, mobile, email and fax.

Fill in the details and once complete click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.

This will return you to your personal page and you will see your application listed as pending.

Agriculture Victoria staff will now review and process your application as soon as possible.

If you have selected SMS as your contact method, you will receive texts at every stage of the process to advise you the status of your application.

Find the permit you want to copy the contents of and click the three dots to the right of it as shown below:

This screen shows the previous permits in a list. To the right of the screen, there is three dots where you can click to copy or delete the permit.

Select Copy.

A new permit draft will be created with the contents loaded.

Yes, as your entries are saved along the way, you can leave a draft and return to it later to complete.

Use the same approach as for copying but select the Delete option.

Note: This only works for draft applications.

From your landing page click on the circle in the top right of the screen and select My Account.

Alerts icon in the shape of a bell and account details icon showing your initials. These can be accessed from the top right banner of the page.

You will now see your profile and can change Notification Method from Email to SMS or as needed.

Screen shows Notification Method, where Email or SMS can be selected then saved using the save button.

Click the Save button when completed.

You will now receive SMS alerts for when the status of your application is updated.

Page last updated: 24 Jun 2024