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Avian influenza information for backyard poultry owners

Current situation

Last updated 22 March 2025

H7 avian influenza (bird flu) has been confirmed at 4 poultry properties in northern Victoria near Euroa.

Diagnostic tests done at CSIRO’s Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness in Geelong confirmed a high pathogenicity strain of H7N8. This is a new outbreak and not related to the 2024 outbreaks in Victoria, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory which were successfully eradicated.

This is not the H5N1 bird flu strain that is impacting other parts of the world.

A restricted area with a radius of about 5 km is in place around the infected properties. This is part of a larger control area in Strathbogie Shire, east of the Goulburn Valley Freeway. The goal is to prevent movements that could spread the virus.

Townships impacted include:

  • Euroa
  • Violet Town
  • Longwood
  • Ruffy
  • Avenel
  • Strathbogie.

The control and restricted areas have specific rules.

Producers located within the restricted area with 50 or more birds including poultry need to follow a housing requirement. Any suspicion of an emergency animal disease (EAD) should be immediately reported to the 24-hour EAD Hotline on 1800 675 888 or to your local vet.

Agriculture Victoria is continuing to work with impacted property owners.

Illness in humans who have direct contact with animals infected with high pathogenicity avian influenza viruses has been reported overseas. However, the risk to the public is low. Find out more about avian influenza in humans from the BetterHealth Channel.

Game bird hunting

Recreational hunting is banned in the restricted and control areas near Euroa, to help prevent the spread of avian influenza.

The avian influenza game bird hunting permit is available and is required to:

  • Move game bird carcasses or parts from outside areas to control or restricted areas.
  • Move equipment associated with game bird hunting from control or restricted areas to outside areas, if the equipment has come into contact with poultry or birds.

Permits are issued for 4 weeks and can be reapplied for after they expire.

Exemptions are in place that allow vehicles transporting game bird carcasses or hunting equipment to travel along the Hume Freeway. You do not need a permit so long as you don’t leave the Hume Freeway and don’t stop in the restricted or control areas.

Apply for a permit

Avian influenza is a highly infectious disease that affects many bird species, including pet and farmed chickens. It can result in significant deaths on poultry farms. It is also known as bird flu or fowl plague.

Good biosecurity is the key to protecting your backyard poultry against bird flu.

Poultry that are most susceptible to bird flu are:

  • domestic poultry
  • ducks
  • geese
  • turkeys
  • guinea fowl
  • quail
  • pheasants
  • emus
  • ostriches.

Many wild birds, including waterfowl and seabirds, can carry the virus but usually show no signs of disease.

Movement restrictions in place

Control and restricted areas are in place, which mean you cannot move poultry, poultry products (including eggs and manure) and equipment on or off your property if you are within these areas.

If you own backyard chickens, or other birds, in a restricted or control area, moving manure or bird-related waste off your property requires a permit from Agriculture Victoria.

What can you do instead?

You can safely store manure or waste on-site by:

  • composting it in a designated area
  • storing it in sealed bags or containers for later disposal once restrictions are lifted
  • using it on your property if appropriate.

Why do these restrictions exist?

These movement controls help prevent disease spread and are based on national biosecurity guidelines.

Need to move waste offsite?

If disposal is essential, you can apply for a permit from Agriculture Victoria, which will be assessed based on biosecurity risk.

Effects on pet birds

Bird flu in pet birds such as budgies, canaries and other caged birds has not been a notable feature of previous outbreaks in Victoria.

Keeping birds under cover and separate from wild birds will help protect them from bird flu.

Signs of bird flu

The first sign of bird flu may be the sudden death of some poultry. Other signs include:

  • decreased appetite
  • decreased egg production
  • ruffled feathers
  • decreased activity
  • birds having trouble breathing
  • swelling around the head
  • conjunctivitis.

For more information read the Avian Influenza factsheet

Steps you need to take

All bird owners need to be vigilant for any signs of bird flu in their flocks, especially when multiple deaths occur or many birds are unwell.

Owners of backyard poultry or free-range poultry should be especially cautious. They are more likely to be exposed to wild birds infrected with bird flu.

Bird flu is a notifiable disease. Owners must report any unexplained sick or dead birds to the VicEmergency Hotline on 1800 226 226.

Protecting your birds from bird flu

Put in place good biosecurity measures to keep wild birds from your poultry's food and water. These may include:

  • keeping domesticated poultry away from open ponds, lakes, creeks or other watercourses used by wild birds
  • separating poultry and their food and water from wild birds (for example, by using netting)
  • making poultry enclosures wild bird and rodent-proof
  • storing litter and feed securely to avoid contamination by wild birds
  • practising good hygiene at all times
  • ensuring facilities (such as poultry sheds and coops) provide safe and hygienic containment
  • quarantining new birds or birds returning from a bird show until you are comfortable they are disease-free. This should be for at least 14 days
  • purchasing poultry and birds, litter and feed from accredited sources
  • not permitting visitors access to areas where poultry are kept
  • using good biosecurity practices between and within properties. Clean your boots, vehicles and equipment before entering areas where poultry are kept.

In addition, if you are in the restricted or control area, you must follow the movement restrictions. Poultry owners are also encouraged to confine their birds to ensure they have no contact with wild birds and rodents. Ensure there is adequate shelter, shade and ventilation, especially on hot days, and monitor birds regularly to make sure they are happy and healthy.

Poultry should not share water from sources that wild birds frequent, as they can become contaminated and a source of infection. The following water sources are less likely to be contaminated:

  • Treated (chlorinated) mains water
  • Bore water that has been tested and is suitable quality for poultry (poultry have a low tolerance for saline water)

Talk to your veterinary practitioner for more advice on biosecurity measures for your backyard poultry.

Bird swabbing procedure

When we visit your property to swab for diseases like bird flu, you'll notice us in full protective gear – suits, gloves, face masks, and goggles.

Our job is to ensure your flock is healthy by collecting swabs from chickens’ throats and cloacas (the chicken’s bottom).

These samples are sent to our state veterinary laboratory for testing.

[Cock-a-doodle-doo!] [Upbeat, happy music plays]

Dr Jeff: When a surveillance team like Kate and myself come to visit your property, this is how we'll enter your property. So we'll have these tieback suits on, we'll have our hands gloved, we'll have a face mask on, and we'll have goggles. So I guess it becomes a novel experience having somebody visit your property looking like this.

[Chicken: Cock-a-doodle-doo!]

Dr Jeff: So what we're about to do is to enter the area where the chickens are and we'll catch them one by one and we'll take a swab from them. The two places that we take the swab from are from the trachea, which is just in the back of the throat, and also the cloaca, which is like the chicken's bottom.

Dr Kate: The swabbing of the chickens is quite a quick procedure. We essentially walk in, pick up the chicken with a handler and then someone takes a swab. Then it's up here and down the back end, and then the chicken can be replaced onto the ground and join its friends again.

Dr Jeff: So we've just collected swabs from the trachea and the cloaca of these chickens. And from here, what we'll do is we'll send these samples off. They'll go to our state veterinary laboratory at AgriBio, and they'll be tested for avian influenza. At the moment, we're at proof of freedom testing, so we're anticipating from here on in that the testing results will come back negative for avian influenza, and that's important for us to be able to show the rest of the world.

Are my eggs safe to eat?

No food safety issues have been identified. Properly cooked chicken meat and eggs are safe to eat.

Giving eggs to family or friends

If you are in the restricted or control area, you cannot give away uncooked eggs to family or friends without a permit during an outbreak.

Outside the restricted and control area, if you are giving eggs to family and friends, please keep a record of who you are giving them to and the date. You should also:

  • use new cartons if possible or keep reused cartons away from your birds
  • clean your chicken coop regularly and collect eggs daily
  • discard any cracked or heavily soiled eggs and clean dirt off others with a soft cloth
  • keep your eggs in the refrigerator and cook them thoroughly.

Privately selling eggs

You cannot sell eggs from within restricted or control areas for human consumption without a permit.

Outside these areas, you can sell eggs for human consumption If you do, you must comply with the Food Act 1984, the national Primary Production and Processing Standard for Eggs and Egg Product and all other obligations.

During an outbreak of bird flu in Victoria, you must follow Agriculture Victoria's instructions on selling eggs in your region.

Keeping poultry safe at bird shows

Bird shows are not allowed within the restricted and control areas during an outbreak.

Outside these areas, bird shows are a great opportunity for breeders and exhibitors to showcase breeds and compete for coveted titles. However, disease can spread because of close contact between birds and handlers from different locations.

Here are basic and effective biosecurity measures at bird shows to help prevent the spread of diseases:

  • Don’t bring any birds to the show if there’s illness in the home flock.
  • Clean and disinfect all bird equipment, cages and containers before and after shows.
  • Judges and handlers should disinfect hands between birds where possible. Exhibitors should only handle their own birds.
  • Ensure you quarantine show birds for 14 days before they’re reintroduced to the home flock.
  • Keep records of bird movements to assist traceback in the event of a disease outbreak.

H5N1 bird flu clade

Since 2021, a new strain named H5N1 bird flu clade has spread rapidly across several continents. This new strain has never been detected in Australia but is now established in many countries worldwide. It causes mass mortalities in wild birds and poultry and in some terrestrial and marine mammal populations.

All bird species are thought to be susceptible to H5 bird flu. It has also been detected in over 50 species of mammal. In the US it has been detected in some dairy herds without the severe signs seen in birds.

The H7 bird flu type detected in Victoria has not been known to cause disease in mammals in Australia. While there have been rare reports of it affecting mammals globally, this is uncommon.

More information

See Keeping backyard poultry for more information on keeping your chickens safe from disease and what to do if you suspect disease.

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Page last updated: 14 Mar 2025

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