Scholarship examples

Here are some examples of how the scholarship may work in practice. These examples are fictional, therefore costs may not reflect actual costs.

Example 1: Dairy farm manager

A full-time dairy worker from near Warrnambool wants to improve her skills to support her objective of becoming a farm manager.

With support from a Young Farmers Upskill and Invest Scholarship, she chooses to undertake a 7-day human resources course being run by her local TAFE in partnership with an industry organisation.

After completing the course and with support from the Invest component of the scholarship, she does one-on-one training to develop management skills specific to her workplace.

Financial breakdown

Table 1. Examples of GST cost calculations

Registered for GST

Not registered for GST

Proposed upskill activity, e.g., Human resources






Total upskill requested



Proposed invest, e.g., training.






Total invest requested



Total funding requested



Example 2: Broadacre family farm

A young farmer from Nagambie, who has worked in his parents' business since leaving school, has decided to commit fully to broadacre farming. He recently bought a small property close to the family farm where he grows broadacre crops while continuing his involvement in his parents' business.

To gain a greater understanding of the business and financial management side of the enterprise, he decides to undertake a Diploma of Agriculture, including the Farm Business Management Skills modules.

Course cost: $4,960 (scholarship covers full cost of the course)

The young farmer wants to build on what he learned with a plan tailored to his farm. With support from the Invest component of the scholarship, he engages an agronomist to develop a 5-year pasture improvement strategy for the property. This will enable him, over time, to increase production per unit.

Financial breakdown

Registered for GST

Not registered for GST

Proposed upskill activity, e.g., Diploma of Agriculture






Total upskill requested



Proposed Invest, e.g., agronomist






Total invest requested



Total funding requested



Example 3: Table grapes

A young table grape grower from Mildura would like to improve the irrigation system on his property and boost his irrigation management skills.

With support from a Young Farmers Upskill and Invest Scholarship, he participates in a series of practical workshops being run by a local farm group (5 one-day workshops over a 12-month period).

After completing the course, with support from the Invest component of the scholarship, the farm owner engages a farm consultant to work with him to prepare an irrigation drainage management plan, which helps him to be more water efficient and improve how his soils and crops are irrigated.

Example 4: Lease land

A young farmer from Western Victoria grew up on a family farm and agriculture contracting business. He has finished his building apprenticeship while working regularly in his family business. The family farm has been recently sold due to his parents' retirement. The young farmer continues to work in the contracting business for his parents and other farmers. He continues saving to lease his own sustainable mixed farming land.

With support from the Upskill component of the scholarship, he completes a Certificate in Crop Agronomy to increase his skills and also potential for off farm income in order to reach his goal more quickly. He uses part of the Invest component to consult a financial planner to investigate how leasing may be used as a step towards owning his own property, to prepare a business plan and uses the balance to invest in farm business financial management software.

Example 5: Pasture management

A herd manager who is employed by a dairy farm wants to improve her pasture management skills with the view of taking on a share-farming position in the future.

With support from a Young Farmers Upskill and Invest Young Farmers Scholarship, she enrols in a pasture management course being run by a local farming group.

Course cost: $3,000 (scholarship covers full cost of the course)

After completing the course, and with support from the Invest component of the scholarship, she purchases pasture management software which she can use in her share-farming position in the future, implementing learnings from the course.

Example 6: Livestock marketing

A young farmer has been working on her parents' sheep farm since returning from living overseas several years ago armed with a new perspective on management and technology, and a passion for the industry.

With support from a Young Farmers Upskill and Invest  Scholarship, she undertakes a Certificate IV in Agriculture (with a wool and sheep focus). During the course she begins leasing a neighbouring property and invests in a small flock.

Course cost: $3,000 (scholarship covers full cost of the course)

After completing the course, the young farmer uses the funds from the Invest component to undertake a professional development course that specialises in livestock marketing to improve decision making on when to buy and sell stock and how to effectively market her business.

Example 7: Agribusiness

A young farmer works on a 3,000 hectare wheat farm 3 days per week and wants to study a Diploma of Agribusiness Management to develop agribusiness-specific management expertise, including financial and human resource management.

Course cost: $6,000 (scholarship covers $5,000, scholarship recipient contributes $1000)

During the course, the farmer learns about using agricultural software programs to improve efficiency of farm business management activities.

After completing the course, and with support from the Invest component of the scholarship, the farmer buys software specifically designed to help manage business finances and staff.

Example 8: Poultry production

A young farmer has plans to move to his parents' broiler farm near Bendigo and eventually take over the business. He has been working as a farm worker on a dairy farm near Shepparton since completing his Agriculture degree 5 years ago.

With support from a Young Farmers Upskill and Invest Scholarship, he undertakes a short course in Poultry Production.

Course cost: $1,100 (scholarship covers full cost of the course)

The young farmer completes the course online. He uses the funds from the Invest component of the scholarship to visit several broiler farms in New South Wales and Queensland to investigate available broiler shed technologies, and to attend a poultry information exchange conference where a workshop on shed ventilation is being conducted.

Example 9: Horticulture business planning

A farm worker who migrated to Australia more than 7 years ago has been working on an orchard in Northern Victoria since he arrived. He plans to eventually buy his own property and is currently saving for this large investment.

While working, he undertakes a short course in financial management and business management with support from a Young Farmers Upskill and Invest Scholarship.

After completing the course, he uses the funds from the Invest component of the scholarship to engage a consultant to have a business plan prepared for the future farm purchase.

Example 10: Horticulture marketing and distribution

A vegetable grower from a family owned and operated farm in Heatherton wants to learn more about diversifying into new markets and distribution systems.

With support from a Young Farmers Upskill and Invest Scholarship, he undertakes 2 units of study — strategic business planning and marketing. These units are offered online through a university.

Course cost: $7,000 (scholarship covers $5,000, scholarship recipient contributes $2000)

To gain knowledgeable insights into managing and marketing an enterprise, the grower uses the funds from the Invest component of the scholarship to visit other Australian farmers and businesses that are engaged in marketing practices to learn more about developing a brand and product identity. He prepares a detailed study tour with a list of farms and businesses, including costing, for his application.

Example 11: Land management

An Indigenous ranger seeking to reconnect with his culture has been developing his farming skills working on beef properties managed by Winda-Mara Aboriginal Corporation near Heywood. He has been in the role for several years and is looking to take on a more senior role with greater responsibility within the ranger group. With support from a Young Farmers Upskill and Invest Scholarship, he enrols in Certificate IV in Conservation and Land Management.

After completing the course, the ranger, with the assistance of the Invest component of the scholarship, undertakes a study tour to Western Australia to look at how other Aboriginal Land Based businesses are managed and learn more about growing businesses with an emphasis on promoting culture and increasing economic productivity.

Page last updated: 28 May 2024