Finding a job

Rural sign post with 9 signs

There are so many careers available in the food and fibre industry it can be hard to know where to start.

If you are interested in IT, business management, engineering, marketing or finance, the food and fibre industry will still have a career option for you.

You can check out the career advisor page for helpful tips and tricks on navigating your way through food and fibre careers.

Once you have pinpointed an industry you would like to work in, use these search tips for a higher strike rate in your study or job search on careers websites. For example:

  • You can enter individual search words, such as Forestry.
  • Using a capital as the first letter will find the exact word. For example, Technology as a search term will only find the word Technology, but not words like biotechnology.
  • Using all lower case text will find words and parts of words. For example, water will find words like wastewater, as well as water.
  • To find a combination of words in a phrase, embed them in quotes. For example 'bachelor of applied science'.
  • To find a combination of words, not necessarily in sequence or together (Boolean AND), prefix the words or quoted phrases with a '+' sign. For example, +facilitation +'community education' will find documents that include both the word facilitation and the phrase community education.
  • To find any one of several words (Boolean OR), enter the words without quotes. For example, dairy veterinary livestock will find any or all of the words wherever they occur. Avoid using prepositions and indefinite or definite articles in this sort of search or you'll be swamped with unhelpful results. (For example, using the words working with cows and sheep without quotes will produce a lot a unhelpful references to pages with 'with' and 'and'.)
  • To exclude words or phrases (Boolean NOT), prefix them with a '-' sign. For example — administration will exclude pages that include the word administration.
  • Spelling is important, but don't be too concerned if you're unsure because the search engine will find near matches as well.

Here are some websites to help you get in contact with industry groups and leaders:

Career Harvest

Career Harvest is a a hub for the most cutting edge careers within the food and fibre industries. Whether you're interested in feeding the world, adapting to climate change, developing the environment or managing future energy sources, this site helps create clearer pathways for you to harvest your agricultural career.

Page last updated: 31 Dec 2024