Summary of HBCIDF projects 2017 to 2019

Honey Bee Compensation and Industry Development Fund overview

Beekeeper checking hives in an orchard, flowering trees in the background

Victoria's Honey Bee Compensation and Industry Development Fund (HBIDCF) is established under the Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 (the Act).

Money in the fund is collected from:

  • registration fees paid under section 48 and section 49 of the Act and
  • all interest earned on money in the Fund.

The money in the Fund may be invested in any manner in which money may be invested under the Trustee Act 1958 or any other manner that the appropriate Minister approves. Under the Act, the appropriate Minister means the Minister administering section 19 of the Financial Management Act 1994.

The Minister for Agriculture must not make a payment from the fund unless the Minister has considered any relevant recommendations from the Apicultural Industry Advisory Committee (AIAC).

Apicultural Industry Advisory Committee members

The AIAC has been established to provide advice to the Minister for Agriculture on any proposed project for which payments should be made from the HBIDCF and any other matter referred to it by the Minister.

Under Section 70 (3) of Livestock Disease Control Act 1994, the AIAC comprises six members appointed by the Minister as follows:

  1. three are to be persons nominated by the Victorian Apiarists' Association Inc., and at least one of the persons nominated is to have experience and knowledge of the delivery of honey bee crop pollination services;
  2. one is to be a person with general knowledge of the beekeeping industry nominated by the Victorian Farmers Federation;
  3. two are to be persons nominated by the Secretary.

Apicultural Industry Advisory Committee membership at the time the 2017–2019 project funding was awarded

Victorian Apiarists' Association Inc. representation:

  • Mrs Judy Leggett (Chair)
  • Mr Ashley Smith
  • Mr Peter McDonald (until 13 January 2019)
  • Mr Robert McDonald (from 1 November 2019)

Victorian Farmers Federation representation:

  • Ms Gail Rochelmeyer

State Government representation:

  • Dr Rosa Crnov, Chief Plant Health Officer, Agriculture Victoria
  • Mr Joe Riordan, Senior Apiary Officer, Agriculture Victoria

Funding from the Honey Bee Compensation and Industry Development Fund

In 2017-19 the Honey Bee Compensation and Industry Development Fund supported thirteen projects.

Completed projects funded by the Honey Bee Compensation and Industry Development Fund

Any under expenditure remains in the Honey Bee Compensation and Industry Development Fund.

Continuation of co-funding for the Victorian Bee Biosecurity Officer (2017 -2018 and 2018-2019)

To enable industry to co-fund ($35,000 p.a) the Bee Biosecurity Officer (BBO) position.

The BBO is a key component of the National Bee Biosecurity Program, an initiative developed by the Australian Honey Bee Industry Council and Plant Health Australia.

The position promotes and enforces the Australian Honey Bee Industry Biosecurity Code of Practice.

Administered by: Australian Honey Bee Industry Council and Plant Health Australia

Allocated: $70,000

Actual expenditure: $70,000

Victorian Beekeeping Clubs Conference 2018

  • To conduct a one-day conference to bring together Victorian recreational, sideline, hobbyist beekeepers and club member and associated industries in a unique day of beekeeping information, education and networking.
  • To promote the value of Beekeeping Clubs in the vital role of information sharing, biosecurity and collaboration.

Administered by: Victorian Beekeeping Clubs Conference 2018

Allocated: $3,000

Actual expenditure: $2,711.82

Victorian Beekeeping Clubs Conference 2019 

  • To conduct a one-day conference to bring together Victorian hobbyist beekeepers, club members and associated industries in a unique day of beekeeping information, education and networking.
  • To promote the value of Beekeeping Clubs in the vital role of information sharing, biosecurity and collaboration.

Administered by: Victorian Beekeeping Clubs Conference 2019

Allocated: $2,500

Actual expenditure: $2,500

Equitable Co-existence, Apiculture and Timber Production

To achieve equitable co-existence for both stakeholders, utilising forest natural resources on licensed bee farm site forage ranges.

Administered by: Victorian Apiarists’ Association

Allocated: $13,200

Actual expenditure: $13,200

Operation Dead Out (DO)

Operation DO is to improve rapid detection (interception) and containment of exposed and/or exposed diseased American Foulbrood (AFB) apiary materials that are presented in almond orchards to initiate change in beekeeper (and broker) behaviour.

Administered by: Agriculture Victoria

Allocated: $5,000

Actual expenditure: $5,000

Translation and printing of the Bee Biosecurity Code of Practice and the Endemic and Exotic apiary disease fact sheets.

To increase accessibility to bee health information and the bee biosecurity code for beekeepers whose first language is not English and/or are not able to access electronic forms of this information.

Administered by: Agriculture Victoria

Allocated: $5,126

Actual expenditure: $5,126

International Speaker for Central Victorian Apiarists Association 2018 Conference 

  • To educate beekeepers and create an awareness of the importance about preparedness of breeding honey bees for Varroa mite tolerance and honey bee health.
  • Provide an opportunity for Australian beekeepers and honey bee scientists to learn about current best practice strategies for selecting and breeding Varroa mite tolerant lines of honey bees.
  • To bring to Australia current and credible international scientific knowledge on honey bee health and nutrition.
  • Provide and promote networking opportunities for Australian beekeepers to engage with overseas research laboratories.
  • Provide an opportunity for conference attendees to engage with a leading scientist over the course of the conference.

Administered by: Central Victorian Apiarists Association

Allocated: $3,200

Actual expenditure: $2,297.99

Speaker for 2018 Victorian Apiarists' Association conference

The engagement of a keynote speaker(s) at the Victorian Apiarists’ Association Inc. annual conference.

Administered by: Victorian Apiarists Association

Allocated: $6,000

Actual expenditure: $906.65

Improving Honeybee biosecurity through beekeeper training

To enable up to 20 Victorian beekeeping groups to nominate a person to undertake training and assume a leadership role for education of the group’s members in bee biosecurity. Selected candidates completed the NSW DPI online course ‘Pests and diseases of honey bees’.

Administered by: Victorian Apiarists Association – Melbourne Section

Allocated: $14,945

Actual expenditure: $13,629.77

Marcus Oldham Rural Leadership Program 

  • To develop the leadership, communication and planning skills of two individuals by funding their participation in the program, which includes participation in a process of self-discovery, skills training, knowledge building and team development.
  • To provide opportunities for participants to network with keynote speakers from industry and the community.

Administered by: Victorian Apiarists Association

Allocated: $7,000

Actual expenditure: $5,090.91

The engagement of a keynote speaker(s) at the Victorian Apiarists’ Association Inc. annual conference.

Administered by: Victorian Apiarists Association

Allocated: $6,000

Actual expenditure: $2,371.82

Development of Varroa tolerance selection methods tailored for the benefit of Victorian (and Australia wide) beekeepers and the honey bee industry

To help prepare Australian honey bee stocks and beekeepers for living with Varroa by:

  1. studying Varroa tolerance selection techniques at the USDA-ARS Bee Breeding lab in Baton Rouge LA, USA;
  2. adapting these techniques to Victoria’s unique beekeeping practices and environmental conditions;
  3. effectively communicating these techniques to the Victorian honey bee industry; and
  4. begin to employ techniques in our Victorian-based breeding program where applicable.

Administered by: Bee Scientifics

Allocated: $6,300

Actual expenditure: $6,300

Open projects with future financial commitments funded by the Honey Bee Compensation and Industry Development Fund

Any under expenditure remains in the Honey Bee Compensation and Industry Development Fund. Expended figures as at June 2021.

Assisting Restoration, Degraded Iron Bark Forests

To achieve equitable co-existence for apiculture and timber harvesters who utilise box iron-bark forests and to secure long-term protection of summer flowering iron-bark stands with reduced clear felling of stands.

Administered by: Bee Scientifics

Allocated: $6,300

Actual expenditure: $6,300

Continuation of co-funding for the Victorian Bee Biosecurity Officer (2019 -2020 and 2020-2021)

To enable industry to co-fund ($35,000 p.a) the Bee Biosecurity Officer (BBO) position.

The BBO is a key component of the National Bee Biosecurity Program, an initiative developed by the Australian Honey Bee Industry Council and Plant Health Australia.

The position promotes and enforces the Australian Honey Bee Industry Biosecurity Code of Practice.

Administered by: Australian Honey Bee Industry Council and Plant Health Australia

Allocated: $70,000

Actual expenditure: $35,000

Page last updated: 04 Apr 2022