Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund
Victoria's Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund (SGCF) is established under the Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 (the Act). The fund primarily comprises livestock duties paid on the sale of sheep and goats or their carcasses in Victoria.
The SCGF receives 35 cents ($0.35) for each sheep or goat, or each carcass, sold from January 2023.
For more information about obligations to pay duty, please visit the State Revenue Office website.
Under Section 79B(2) of the Act, the Minister for Agriculture can make payments from the SGCF for the following:
- administering the provisions of the Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 relating to sheep and goats
- programs and projects for the benefit of the sheep and goat industry in Victoria
- programs and projects for the control or eradication of disease of sheep or goats.
These payments can only be made once the Minister for Agriculture has considered recommendations from the Sheep and Goat Compensation Advisory Committee (SGCAC).
Sheep and Goat Compensation Advisory Committee (SGCAC)
Under Section 79I(3) of the Act, SGCAC consists of a up to 9 members appointed by the Minister for Agriculture.
Current members of the SGCAC (appointed August 2024) are:
- Ms Kaylene Baird (Chairperson)
- Mr Peter Baldwin
- Ms Georgina Gubbins
- Ms Celia Scott
- Mr Mark Inglis
- Ms Liz Mann
- Mr Thomas Gooden
Grant applications are open
Applications for the 2025 Livestock Biosecurity Funds grant program are now open between 7 March 2025 and 14 April 2025.
See Livestock Biosecurity Funds Grant Program for details.
2024 Livestock Biosecurity Funds grant round
A total of 13 project applications were successful in receiving SGCF funding. These include:
- A modular program for the onfarm integration of developing veterinarian
- Animal Disease Investigation (ADI) Course
- Electronic National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) (Sheep) tag tender
- Enhancing veterinary surveillance capability in Victoria
- Infected Premises - Livestock Producers Awareness Course
- Managing animal mortalities in emergencies - Training Course
- Private veterinary practitioner up-skill, online project
- Producer Led Extension (Stock Sense Livestock)
- Rapid multiplexed immunoassay for priority internal parasites of sheep
- Risks of potential EAD transmission between feral pigs and farmed livestock
- Stage 2 - Truck wash review - Addressing biosecurity risks
- Testing and optimising rapid appraisal outbreaks in Victorian sheep & goats
- Victoria's Footrot Footprint- monitoring, awareness and education program
For the latest information on the Livestock Biosecurity Funds grant program please visit our Livestock Biosecurity Funds Grant Program page.
Summary of active SGCF projects
- Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund – Summary of Projects 2021-24 (PDF - 1.4 MB)
- Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund – Summary of Projects 2021-24 - accessible (WORD - 4.8 MB)
Read about previous projects covered by the SGCF:
- Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund – Summary of Projects 2020 (PDF - 2.0 MB)
- Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund – Summary of Projects 2020 (WORD - 1.1 MB)
- Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund – Summary of Projects 2018 to 2020 (PDF - 2.0 MB)
- Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund – Summary of Projects 2018 to 2020 (WORD - 1.2 MB)
- Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund - Summary of Projects 2017 to 2018 (PDF - 385.3 KB)
- Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund – Summary of Projects 2017 to 2018 (WORD - 1.1 MB)
- Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund – Mid-year report December 2017 (PDF - 932.2 KB)
- Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund – Mid-year report December 2017 (WORD - 1.1 MB)
- Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund – Summary of Projects 2016 to 2017 (PDF - 931.1 KB)
- Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund – Summary of Projects 2016 to 2017 (WORD - 1.1 MB)
- Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund – Summary of Projects 2015 to 2016 (PDF - 1.5 MB)
- Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund – Summary of Projects 2015 to 2016 (WORD - 1.2 MB)
For more information please contact