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Livestock Biosecurity Funds – Grant Program

The Livestock Biosecurity Funds Grant Program funds supports projects that help prevent, monitor and control diseases in animals. This is crucial for improving animal health and ensuring biosecurity.

The program aims to protect the livestock industries in Victoria, including cattle, sheep, goats, swine and honey bees. By funding these projects, the program helps ensure healthy animals, reduces disease risks and supports the industry’s access to domestic and international markets.

Applications for the 2025 Livestock Biosecurity Funds Grant Program are now open


Applicants are encouraged to read the grant guidelines for a more comprehensive list of application and eligibility requirements before they apply.

Additional eligibility requirements

  • The project must benefit the respective Victorian livestock industry and conduct the proposed activities in Victoria.
  • Meet all industrial relations obligations as an employer in accordance with the National Employment Standards.
  • Agree to participate in future program evaluation activity.

Apply for a grant

Eligible applicants wishing to apply for the Livestock Biosecurity Funds funding can do so online from Friday 7 March 2025 until 11.59pm on Monday 14 April 2025.

These links will open up a secure online application form:

To return to a draft application, log in at Grants Online

Any enquiries can be directed to

Supporting documents

2025 Livestock Biosecurity Funds Grant Program webinar

The livestock compensation advisory committees hosted a webinar on 7 March 2025 to engage with potential applicants for the Livestock Biosecurity Funds grants program.

Key highlights of the webinar

  • Overview of the 2025 Livestock Biosecurity Funds Grant Program and its strategic focus
  • Eligibility, requirements and how to apply
  • Q&A session

Watch the webinar

Read the webinar transcript (WORD - 82.1 KB)

Livestock advisory committees

The Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 established 4 livestock compensation funds. Find out more about the committees and their membership:

Successful 2024 grant round applicants

Applications for the 2024 Livestock Biosecurity Funds Grant Program were open from 4 March 2024 to 15 April 2024. see the 2024 guidelines (PDF - 187.9 KB) and application template example (PDF - 1.5 MB) for further information.

On the recommendation of the 4 livestock compensation advisory committees, the Minister for Agriculture approved 38 successful projects worth $6.175 million across the Cattle Compensation Fund, the Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund, the Swine Compensation Fund and the Honey Bee Compensation and Industry Development Fund.

Cattle Compensation Fund



Project overview

Funds approved

Risks of potential EAD transmission between feral pigs and farmed livestock

Herd Health Pty. Ltd.

This project aims to enhance the skills of Victoria’s emerging livestock veterinarians through a modular development program focused on on-farm management, biosecurity, disease investigation, and emergency response. By fostering closer engagement with producers, the initiative seeks to enrich veterinarians, strengthen their bonds with local farming communities, and improve retention rates in rural areas.


Animal Disease Investigation (ADI) Course

Biosecurity Victoria (DEECA)

This project is a two-day course run by Agriculture Victoria Veterinary Officers and AgriBio pathologists annually in four different regional locations across Victoria delivering training in disease investigation, field epidemiology, biosecurity, and advanced necropsy techniques for Victorian livestock veterinary practitioners


Cattle composting trial to prepare for an Emergency Animal Disease outbreak

Biosecurity Victoria (DEECA)

The project will trial composting cattle carcasses in windrows to test the viability of this method of waste management for infected properties during an EAD outbreak. Findings will inform approaches that livestock managers and farmers can use on-farm (and overseen by Agriculture Victoria in an EAD response) to manage waste from livestock mortalities.


Electronic National Livestock Identification System(NLIS)(Cattle) tag tender

Biosecurity Victoria (DEECA)

This project seeks funding to coordinate preparation of tender related material both pre, during and after. Allowing Agriculture Victoria with continued industry support to provide attractively priced electronic NLIS ear tags to Victoria’s 50,000 active cattle producers. Current tag supply contracts expire on 31 December 2025.


Enhancing veterinary surveillance capability in Victoria

Biosecurity Victoria (DEECA)

This project seeks to evaluate and strengthen the capability of private veterinary practitioners to deliver effective surveillance for livestock diseases in Victoria. Including an independent review of Victoria’s (private practitioner) veterinary surveillance system, a comprehensive survey of private veterinarians, and implementation of identified enhancements to address identified gaps.


Gippsland Q Fever Prevention Project

Gippsdairy Board Inc

This project aims to safeguard public health by offering subsidised vaccination for the Q fever virus in the Gippsland region due to its large dairy farming industry, and steady increase in Q fever cases in the last decade.


Infected Premises - Livestock Producers Awareness Course

P2r2 Consulting Pty Ltd

This project aims to inform livestock producers as to what happens on an Infected Premises after an emergency animal disease has been diagnosed. This includes what quarantine and movement restrictions look like and the sequence of on-farm control activities that are required for the producer to be able to return to normal production.


Managing animal mortalities in emergencies - Training Course

P2r2 Consulting Pty Ltd

This project will result in the development of training materials, in consultation with Agriculture Victoria, on how to manage animal mortalities in emergency situations that are appropriate for livestock producers and staff involved in an emergency animal disease or natural disaster response.


Milk tanker decontamination procedures for use in an FMD outbreak

Australian Dairy Farmers' Limited

This project seeks to develop a standard operating procedure (SOP) for decontaminating milk tankers; this SOP must be able to be effectively implemented in field conditions.


Private veterinary practitioner up-skill, online project

Biosecurity Victoria (DEECA)

This project aims to increase the capability and confidence of private veterinary practitioners (PVP’s) to identify and respond appropriately to the suspicion of significant diseases (SD’s) in cattle, sheep, goats and pigs. PVP’s will be provided with the opportunity to upskill and then maintain diagnostic skills.


Producer Led Extension (Stock Sense Livestock)

Victorian Farmers Federation

This project aims to increase producer awareness and adoption of practices that improve on-farm biosecurity and animal health in Victoria with a particular focus on peri urban landholders who have been identified as the highest biosecurity risk. This will be done through a range of educational events, workshops, webinars, attendance at field days and other industry events as well as production of resource


Risks of potential EAD transmission between feral pigs and farmed livestock

Arthur Rylah Institute (DEECA)

This project aims to quantify the potential risk of Emergency Animal Diseases (EAD) transmission between farmed livestock (cattle, sheep and pigs) and feral pigs by quantifying areas in Victoria where feral pigs could pose a significant reservoir for EADs. We will also identify cost-effective strategies for managing feral pigs in the event of an EAD outbreak to eliminate the potential for disease transmission.


Stage 2 - Truck wash review - Addressing biosecurity risks

Biosecurity Victoria (DEECA)

This project aims to build on the previously funded RMCG study/report in addressing the gap in Victoria's truck wash network in Melbourne's outer west. The project will provide additional knowledge and  critical assessment of potential truck-wash solutions to support future industry, government planning and decision making.


Testing and optimising rapid appraisal for outbreaks in Victorian cattle

University of Melbourne

In this project, epidemiologists from The University of Melbourne and the Chief Veterinary Officer’s unit will collaboratively exercise outbreak rapid appraisal and response plans and processes. The project will enhance preparedness for responding to emergency animal disease outbreaks and seek to minimise the negative impacts on the Victorian cattle industry from potentially devastating outbreaks.


The Enhanced Feedlot Preparedness Project

Australian Lot Feeders' Association

The Enhanced Feedlot Preparedness Project aims to leverage the outcomes of "Exercise High Steaks" to create an interactive desk top simulation that allows lot feeders to  build their own capacity in relation to an EAD preparedness.


Traceability - Victorian Dairy farms: A social research investigation

Charles Sturt University

This project will provide a clearer understanding of the risk posed by undocumented property to property (P2P) movements of dairy cows, calves and/or heifers, and will capture the drivers of behaviour of Victorian dairy farmers in relation to their interactions with the traceability system. These factors will allow for recommendations to be made  to inform improved traceability within the dairy industry in Victoria.


Victorian Livestock Veterinary Scholarship

Veterinary Support Services Pty Ltd

This project aims to deliver a 24-month structured livestock veterinary scholarship with clinical supervision and training that provides early-career veterinarians with skills, experience, networks and support to launch and sustain a livestock veterinary career in regional Victoria.


TOTAL FROM CCF: $ 3,524,692.00

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Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund



Project overview

Funds approved

A modular program for the onfarm integration of developing veterinarian

Herd Health Pty. Ltd.

This project aims to enhance the skills of Victoria’s emerging livestock veterinarians through a modular development program focused on on-farm management, biosecurity, disease investigation, and emergency response. By fostering closer engagement with producers, the initiative seeks to enrich veterinarians, strengthen their bonds with local farming communities, and improve retention rates in rural areas.


Animal Disease Investigation (ADI) Course

Biosecurity Victoria (DEECA)

This project is a two-day course run by Agriculture Victoria Veterinary Officers and AgriBio pathologists annually in four different regional locations across Victoria delivering training in disease investigation, field epidemiology, biosecurity, and advanced necropsy techniques for Victorian livestock veterinary practitioners


Electronic National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) (Sheep) tag tender

Biosecurity Victoria (DEECA)

This project seeks funding to coordinate preparation of tender related material both pre, during and after. Allowing Agriculture Victoria with continued industry support to provide attractively priced electronic NLIS ear tags to Victoria’s 25,000 active sheep and goat producers. Current tag supply contracts expire on 31 December 2025.


Enhancing veterinary surveillance capability in Victoria

Biosecurity Victoria (DEECA)

This project seeks to evaluate and strengthen the capability of private veterinary practitioners to deliver effective surveillance for livestock diseases in Victoria. Including an independent review of Victoria’s (private practitioner) veterinary surveillance system, a comprehensive survey of private veterinarians, and implementation of identified enhancements to address identified gaps.


Infected Premises - Livestock Producers Awareness Course

P2r2 Consulting Pty Ltd

This project aims to inform livestock producers as to what happens on an Infected Premises after an emergency animal disease has been diagnosed. This includes what quarantine and movement restrictions look like and the sequence of on-farm control activities that are required for the producer to be able to return to normal production.


Managing animal mortalities in emergencies - Training Course

P2r2 Consulting Pty Ltd

This pilot project aims to map contact between feral and domestic pigs to understand disease transmission risks, enhance and sustain land manager participation, optimise industry preparedness, enhance risk management, develop decision support capacity and capability and promote biosecurity behaviour change by land managers.


Private veterinary practitioner up-skill, online project

Biosecurity Victoria (DEECA)

This project aims to increase the capability and confidence of private veterinary practitioners (PVP’s) to identify and respond appropriately to the suspicion of significant diseases (SD’s) in cattle, sheep, goats and pigs. PVP’s will be provided with the opportunity to upskill and then maintain diagnostic skills.


Producer Led Extension (Stock Sense Livestock)

Victorian Farmers Federation

This project aims to increase producer awareness and adoption of practices that improve on-farm biosecurity and animal health in Victoria with a particular focus on peri urban landholders who have been identified as the highest biosecurity risk. This will be done through a range of educational events, workshops, webinars, attendance at field days and other industry events as well as production of resource


Rapid multiplexed immunoassay for priority internal parasites of sheep


This project aims to improve the diagnosis of intestinal parasites through the development of a quantitative and differential ELISA-based coproantigen test that can be built into a lateral flow device with further investment. The test can be performed by an unskilled operator, multiplexed for species differential, is highly correlated with worm burden (especially for Teladorsagia) and can detect infestations earlier.


Risks of potential EAD transmission between feral pigs and farmed livestock

Arthur Rylah Institute (DEECA)

This project aims to quantify the potential risk of Emergency Animal Diseases (EAD) transmission between farmed livestock (cattle, sheep and pigs) and feral pigs by quantifying areas in Victoria where feral pigs could pose a significant reservoir for EADs. We will also identify cost-effective strategies for managing feral pigs in the event of an EAD outbreak to eliminate the potential for disease transmission.


Stage 2 - Truck wash review - Addressing biosecurity risks

Biosecurity Victoria (DEECA)

This project aims to build on the previously funded RMCG study/report in addressing the gap in Victoria's truck wash network in Melbourne's outer west. The project will provide additional knowledge and  critical assessment of potential truck-wash solutions to support future industry, government planning and decision making.


Testing and optimising rapid appraisal outbreaks in Victorian sheep & goats

University of Melbourne

In this project, epidemiologists from The University of Melbourne and the Chief Veterinary Officer’s unit will collaboratively exercise outbreak rapid appraisal and response plans and processes. The project will enhance preparedness for responding to emergency animal disease outbreaks and seek to minimise the negative impacts on the Victorian sheep and goat industries from potentially devastating outbreaks.


Victoria's Footrot Footprint- monitoring, awareness and education program

J.T. Agri-Source Pty Ltd

This project aims to increase awareness amongst producers to better identify and treat Dichelobacter Nodosus (footrot) on farms. Offering, tailored treatment options to not only control but eradicate footrot on farms. This project will provide industry with a pathway to educate producers to manage/eradicate this disease that is currently compromising Victorian producer market access, animal welfare and productivity and the ability to adapt to climate.


TOTAL FROM SGCF: $2,262,792.00

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Swine Compensation Fund



Project overview

Funds approved

Assessing in-field decontamination for EAD responses using ATP metering

Biosecurity Victoria (DEECA)

This project explores the feasibility of using Hygiena Ensure luminometer ATP devices, commonly used in food and medical settings, alongside visual (photographic) and microbiological testing to enhance Cleaning & Disinfection (C&D) practices in Emergency Animal Disease scenarios. The study aims to establish parameters for interpreting ATP test results and assess the effectiveness of current C&D practices in the piggery industry.


Identifying transmission pathways to inform management of vector-borne diseases


This project will identify the transmission pathways of vector-borne diseases that threaten swine health and deliver a mosquito management strategy to Victorian commercial piggeries


Infected Premises - Livestock Producers Awareness Course

P2r2 Consulting Pty Ltd

This project aims to inform livestock producers as to what happens on an Infected Premises after an emergency animal disease has been diagnosed. This includes what quarantine and movement restrictions look like and the sequence of on-farm control activities that are required for the producer to be able to return to normal production.


Informing disease transmission risks at the feral-domestic pig interface

Western Plains Pork Trust

This pilot project aims to map contact between feral and domestic pigs to understand disease transmission risks, enhance and sustain land manager participation, optimise industry preparedness, enhance risk management, develop decision support capacity and capability and promote biosecurity behaviour change by land managers.


Private veterinary practitioner up-skill, online project

Biosecurity Victoria (DEECA)

This project aims to increase the capability and confidence of private veterinary practitioners (PVP’s) to identify and respond appropriately to the suspicion of significant diseases (SD’s) in cattle, sheep, goats and pigs. PVP’s will be provided with the opportunity to upskill and then maintain diagnostic skills.


TOTAL FROM SCF: $290,746.00

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Honey Bee Compensation and Industry Development Fund



Project overview

Funds approved

eDNA approaches for early detection and management of varroa mite

Agriculture Victoria Research (DEECA)

This project aims to collect eDNA samples from managed hives to assess the ability to detect varroa mite earlier than traditional methods and therefore enable faster and more effective management through monitoring of varroa mite


Hemp seed as a feed supplement for managed honey bee populations

La Trobe University

This project is to research if hemp seed could be a potential sustainable source as a pollen substitute in both laboratory and field-based experiments. Improving the effectiveness of pollen substitutes is essential for modern beekeeping to maintain the health and nutrition of honey bees.


Online educational resource for beekeepers

Victorian Apiarists' Association

This project will develop the infrastructure, processes and roles to expand and maintain a biosecurity education resource library for beekeepers in Victoria and beyond.



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Previously successful grant applicants

View details of applicants that have previously been awarded grants:

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Page last updated: 13 Mar 2025

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