Vic Grown regional activation grants
Program closed
The Vic Grown – Regional Activation Grants Program is closed to new applications.
Vic Grown, a Victorian Government initiative, supports increased local awareness and consumption of Victorian food and beverages.
The Vic Grown website showcases local producer profiles using an interactive map and seasonal recipes, utilising branded ingredients and articles about Victorian producers and provides a central space to promote Victorian food and beverages to Victorian consumers.
What is the Regional Activation Grants Program?
The Regional Activation Grants Program (the Program) targets Regional Tourism Boards, food and fibre groups and other regionally representative organisations that can deliver localised activation events to showcase local produce to local consumers, with engagement of a minimum of five (5) local agribusinesses that meet the Vic Grown eligibility.
The Program aims to:
- deliver activations that will promote and increase local awareness and consumption of Victorian food and beverages
- provide opportunities for Victorian consumers to engage with local food and beverage producers; and
- further develop the Vic Grown website by increasing the number of producer profiles following the activation event.
About the Program
Grants of up to $70,000 were available to support:
- the delivery of a localised activation event with a minimum of five (5) local agribusinesses that meet the Vic Grown eligibility
- activations held between 1 March 2024 to 1 March 2025
- project management costs (capped at 10% of total eligible project costs)
- participation fees to local agribusinesses
Applications were open from 4 January 2024 to 16 February 2024, with an extension to 8 March 2024 provided to organisations significantly impacted by recent storm and fire events across Victoria.
Program guidelines
Applicants should familiarise themselves with the program guidelines.
- Vic Grown – Regional Activation Grants Program guidelines (PDF - 441.8 KB)
- Vic Grown – Regional Activation Grants Program guidelines - accessible (WORD - 996.5 KB)
Further information
Email enquiries to