Summary of HBCIDF projects 2015-2017

Beekeeper checking hives in an orchard, flowering trees in the background

Victoria's Honey Bee Compensation and Industry Development Fund (HBIDCF) is established under the Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 (the Act).

Money in the fund is collected from:

  • registration fees paid under section 48 and section 49 of the Act and
  • all interest earned on money in the Fund.

The money in the Fund may be invested in any manner in which money may be invested under the Trustee Act 1958 or any other manner that the appropriate Minister approves. Under the Act, the appropriate Minister means the Minister administering section 19 of the Financial Management Act 1994.

The Minister for Agriculture must not make a payment from the fund unless the Minister has considered any relevant recommendations from the Apicultural Industry Advisory Committee (AIAC).

Apicultural Industry Advisory Committee members

The AIAC has been established to provide advice to the Minister for Agriculture on any proposed project for which payments should be made from the HBIDCF and any other matter referred to it by the Minister.

Under Section 70 (3) of Livestock Disease Control Act 1994, the AIAC comprises six members appointed by the Minister as follows:

  1. three are to be persons nominated by the Victorian Apiarists' Association Inc., and at least one of the persons nominated is to have experience and knowledge of the delivery of honey bee crop pollination services;
  2. one is to be a person with general knowledge of the beekeeping industry nominated by the Victorian Farmers Federation;
  3. two are to be persons nominated by the Secretary.

Apicultural Industry Advisory Committee membership at the time the 2015–2017 project funding was awarded

Victorian Apiarists' Association Inc. representation:

  • Mrs Judy Leggett (Chair)
  • Mr Kevin MacGibbon
  • Mr Peter McDonald

Victorian Farmers Federation representation:

  • Ms Gail Rochelmeyer

State Government representation:

  • Dr Gabrielle Vivian-Smith, Chief Plant Health Officer
  • Dr Rosa Crnov, Manager Plants, Pests and Disease
  • Agriculture Victoria (acting member)
  • Mr Joe Riordan, Senior Apiary Officer, Agriculture Victoria

Funding from the Honey Bee Compensation and Industry Development Fund

In 2015-17 the Honey Bee Compensation and Industry Development Fund supported seven projects.

Projects funded by the Honey Bee Compensation and Industry Development Fund

Any under expenditure remains in the Honey Bee Compensation and Industry Development Fund.

Bee Biosecurity Officer (contract period 2016 -2017)

To enable industry to co-fund the appointment of a Bee Biosecurity Officer (BBO) for an 18 month period concluding 30 June 2017. The BBO is a key component of the National Bee Biosecurity Program, an initiative developed by the Australian Honey Bee Industry Council (AHBIC) and Plant Health Australia (PHA). The position will primarily promote and enforce the new Australian Honey Bee Industry Biosecurity Code of Practice.

Administered by: Australian Honey Bee Industry Council and Plant Health Australia

Fund use: Salary

2015–2016 budget: $35,000

Procurement and mailing of the Biosecurity Manuals for Beekeepers

Procurement and mailing of the Biosecurity Manual for beekeepers who registered for the first time after September 2012.

Administered by: Agriculture Victoria

Fund use: Information sharing

2015–2016 budget: $26,000

Speaker for 2016 Victorian Apiarists' Association conference

Travel costs for a key note speaker(s) at the Victorian Apiarists’ Association Inc. annual conference to be held in June 2016.

Administered by: Victorian Apiarists' Association

Fund use: Training and Development

2015–2016 budget: $6,000

Improving bee biosecurity through beekeeper training

To enable up to 20 Victorian beekeeping groups to nominate a person to undertake training and assume a leadership role for education of the group’s members in bee biosecurity. Selected candidates are required to complete a NSW DPI online course ‘Pests and diseases of honey bees’.

Administered by: Victorian Apiarists' Association – Melbourne Section

Fund use: Training and Development

2015–2016 budget: $8,500

Victorian Apiarists’ Association (Melbourne Section) - Professional development event

To hold a one day professional development event for the 19 participants who completed the NSW DPI online course ‘Pests and diseases of honey bees’ to facilitate the delivery of information about honeybee biosecurity to their beekeeping clubs.

Administered by: Victorian Apiarists' Association – Melbourne Section

Fund use: Professional development

2015–2016 budget: $1,000

Design and printing of Agriculture Victoria Bee Biosecurity Information Notes

To fund the design and printing of selected Agriculture Victoria Information Notes specific to the honey bee industry.

Administered by: Agriculture Victoria

Fund use: Education/ Information sharing

2015–2016 budget: $5,000

To support the printing and distribution of the Bee Biosecurity Code of Practice.

Administered by: Agriculture Victoria

Fund use: Education/ Information sharing

2015–2016 budget: $8,000

Page last updated: 04 Aug 2021