Digital Traceability

A digital traceability system uses technology to track a product as it moves along the supply chain.

It captures a range of data to help consumers and supply chain partners identify and trace the product’s history, where it was produced, and its distribution journey.

The future of global agricultural exports lies in a universal system of digitised and secure data capturing, sharing, authenticating, and storage.

Technologies like serialised labelling, cloud-based databases, radio frequency identification, blockchain and artificial intelligence are making digital traceability systems more accessible and user-friendly.

How digital traceability can help your business

Many producers already use digital traceability systems to make these types of farm management practices more efficient:

  • tracking and tracing farm inputs
  • crop growth monitoring
  • recording harvest data
  • logging temperatures in transit
  • tracking the movement of produce along supply chains.

Digital traceability can also:

  • reduce the costs of farming inputs such as fertiliser
  • monitor soils to improve yield
  • help estimate shelf life
  • improve product quality through enhanced monitoring
  • reduce food waste on-farm and along the supply chain

Considering digital traceability for your business

  • The Traceability  quick start guide is a practical starting point for anyone wanting to increase traceability measures in their business. The guide includes information, tips, decision trees, and resources.
  • Watch short case studies that highlight how digital traceability systems help business partners share information along their supply chain
  • Listen to podcasts on a wide range of traceability topics including standards, systems, data sharing, and business productivity.
Page last updated: 01 May 2024