Support for your business
The Victorian Government is supporting farm businesses to plan and navigate workforce challenges and provide training opportunities, which can be viewed on the Seasonal harvest training page.
Workforce Planning support for Agriculture businesses
With the seasonal workforce challenges experienced in recent seasons, workforce planning and management has never been more important for the horticulture industry.
Information and resources are available to help horticulture businesses manage workforce challenges during harvest.
The ‘Business Workforce Planning for your next harvest’ booklet is a tool to assist businesses in managing their workforces as well as review their current ways of working and finding new ways to attract and retain workers. This outlines valuable human resource management and workforce planning tips for the horticulture industry.
On-farm accommodation
Worker accommodation on-farm is an essential part of attracting and retaining workers. It is important that horticulture businesses keep up to date with any changes to the Victoria Planning Provisions and Public Health and Wellbeing (prescribed accommodation) regulations when planning and providing on farm accommodation.
For more information visit:
- All schemes Planning Scheme - Amendments
- Public health and Wellbeing (Prescribed Accommodation) – Amendments.
Summary of useful resources to agriculture businesses
Australian Government financial support
Support | Description |
Australian Apprenticeships Incentives Program | The Australian Government provides a number of incentives to eligible apprentices and employers. |
Useful resources
Support | Description |
The RFCS provides free financial counselling to farmers and related small businesses that are in, or at risk of, financial hardship. Call 1800 686 175 (toll free). | |
Lifeline provides crisis support and suicide prevention services. Call 131 114 | |
Beyondblue provides 24/7 telephone information and support, to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health. Call 1300 224 636 | |
MensLine Australia is a 24/7 service for men with relationship and family concerns. | |
Victorians who run a small business can access mental health support to navigate the impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19). Current support under this program includes the Partners in Wellbeing helpline 1300 375 330 | |
WorkSafe Victoria has information and support for employers and employees. It also has industry specific and multilingual information. WorkSafe Victoria is offering free workplace safety consultation services through the OHS Essentials program. It is delivered by independent occupational health and safety (OHS) experts. | |
The VCCI has free annual membership and access to business resources. | |
Find tips on how to create a continuity plan and evaluate risk. Learn how to respond and recover. Book a low-cost appointment with a mentor to help you work through or develop a business recovery plan. 13 22 15 | |
The VCCI has free annual membership and access to coronavirus (COVID-19) business resources. | |
Export Finance Australia provides support and resources for exporters | |
The Export Council has a suite of tools and resources for exporters and updates on supply chains and freight. |