Murray Valley Wine Grape Industry Development Committee: notice of poll and submissions

Voting in this poll is compulsory for Victorian wine grape growers

The Order and current term of the Murray Valley Wine Grape Industry Development Committee (IDC) will expire on 8 December 2024. Murray Valley Winegrowers Incorporated (MVWI), on behalf of wine grape growers in the region, has petitioned the Victorian Minister for Agriculture to continue the Order.

A continued Order would enable the Murray Valley Wine Grape IDC to continue providing services to wine grape growers in the region. The IDC would continue to collect the existing charges from growers and would have a new term from December 2024 to December 2028.

The Victorian Minister for Agriculture, the Hon. Ros Spence MP, has, through a notice published in the Government Gazette, directed that a poll of wine grape growers in the defined Murray Valley wine grape production area will be held in accordance with the Agricultural Industry Development Act 1990 of Victoria, on the question of:

“Are you in favour of the continuation of the Murray Valley Wine Grape Industry Development (Extra-Territorial) Order 2020 with extra-territorial jurisdiction in the Murray Valley region of New South Wales?” 

If adopted, the Order will continue to be applied for a further 4 year period, commencing on the day it becomes a recognised Order under New South Wales legislation.

View the roll

The roll of wine grape growers entitled to vote at the poll has been provided to the Victorian Electoral Commission by the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action. It will be available for inspection or you may phone the offices during the listed hours to check if your details are correct: Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action offices in Swan Hill and Irymple and the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries office in Dareton. Available dates and times are listed below:


Monday 22 July and Wednesday 24 July 2024, between 10am – 1pm

Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action office, corner of Koorlong Ave & 11th Street, (308–390 Koorlong Ave), Irymple, Vic 3498

Phone: (03) 5051 4596

Swan Hill

Wednesday 24 July 2024, between 10am – 1pm

Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action office, 324 Campbell St, Swan Hill, Vic 3585

Phone: (03) 5036 4817


Monday 22 July through Friday 26 July, between 9am – 3pm each day

NSW Department of Primary Industries office, 1998 Silver City Highway, Dareton, NSW 2717

Phone: (03) 5019 8431

Voting eligibility

Wine grape growers, including partnerships, share-farming agreements, syndicates or companies who grew or produced wine grapes in the 2023-2024 financial year in areas within the rural cities of Mildura and Swan Hill, and the Shire of Gannawarra in Victoria; and the Local Government Areas of Wentworth, Balranald and Wakool in New South Wales are eligible to vote.

Growers who did not receive a written report on the continuation of the Order in a mail-out or email in before the 25 July 2024 should check their details on the roll. Growers can also contact the Returning Officer to check or amend their details on the roll by contacting the:

Victorian Electoral Commission
Phone: (03) 8620 1100

Any changes to the roll need to be received by 5 pm Thursday 29 August 2024.

Persons who would be affected by the order and who are ineligible to vote in the poll are invited to make submissions on the continuation of the order by close of voting at 5 pm on Thursday 5 September 2024. 

Ineligible persons can make their submission to:

Ms Amanda Ellery
Agriculture Industry Development
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

How to vote

Ballot papers will be posted to all persons entitled to vote at the poll.

Voting commences on Thursday 1 August 2024. The completed ballot papers must in the mail or hand-delivered to the Returning Officer by 5 pm on Thursday 5 September 2024.

Voting in this poll is compulsory for Victorian wine grape growers.

For more information on this poll please read Murray valley wine grape industry development order 2024.

Page last updated: 25 Jul 2024