The Drink Victorian Program
Background and Objectives
This program is aimed at helping Victorians discover the world-class drinks talent to be found in their own backyard. Anecdotally, only 20 per cent of Victorian venues stock locally made drinks. Despite a move to ‘buy local’, many consumers and restaurants, bars and bottle shops overlook or are unaware of Victorian offerings.
The Drink Victorian program is changing this by highlighting the range of innovative and high-quality wines, spirits, beers, ciders and non- and low-alcohol beverages produced locally, to consumers, bars and restaurants.
This program was developed by the Victorian Drinks Alliance and is jointly funded by Agriculture Victoria and Global Victoria.
Program Delivery
The Drink Victorian Program involves a range of activities including:
- One hundred metropolitan Melbourne hospitality and retail venues are working with the program to increase their Victorian drinks offerings and promotions, with a meaningful and socially responsible Victorian drinks target agreed for each venue.
- Victorian drinks are being promoted to consumers through events including the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival and in-venue promotion, raising awareness of the diversity and quality, and building demand for Victorian drinks.
- Regional visits to a range of winemakers, brewers and distillers will educate venue owners and staff about the quality and diversity of Victorian beverages.
- A comprehensive marketing, communication and education strategy is supporting the program.

Photography Credit: Carmen Zammit
Further Information
Drink Victorian is being delivered by Food + Drink Victoria.
For additional information see the Drink Victorian Campaign page on the Melbourne Food and Wine festival website.