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CropSafe program

Exotic pests and diseases are not yet found in Australia. But if they do gain entry, they will pose a significant threat to Victoria's cropping and horticulture sectors.

Preventing pests and diseases from gaining a foothold, and quickly identifying and eradicating localised outbreaks, is critical to protecting these $3.2 billion per annum industries.

While the risk of significant exotic plant pest incursions continues to climb, with increased international travel and movement of plant materials and farm products, a reassuring blanket of biosecurity covers the Victorian grains industry.

CropSafe logo — made up of emblem with sheaf of wheat and text CropSafe no exotics for VictoriaWhat is CropSafe?

CropSafe is an active surveillance system looking out for new pests and diseases over the Victorian grain belt.

Agriculture Victoria delivers the CropSafe program in collaboration with a number of major agribusiness companies:

  • Dodgshun Medlin
  • AGRIvision Consultants
  • Agritech Rural
  • Western AG
  • Elders
  • Landmark
  • IK Caldwell
  • CRT group
  • network of private consultants

Together this cluster incorporates approximately 80% of Victoria's agronomists.

CropSafe has a network of over 200 experienced agronomists continually looking for new pests and diseases. This means Victorian farmers can be far more confident that their grain crops are free of exotic pests.

The CropSafe program has streamlined sample receipt, analysis, reporting and record keeping. Individual agronomists are emailed results and the whole network receives monthly updates on disease occurrence and trends.

The success of CropSafe was acknowledged with a National Biosecurity Award in March 2017.

If you see anything unusual, call the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline on 1800 084 881 immediately.


It is important to not accidentally introduce exotic pests or diseases into Australia after travelling overseas. The risk of introducing exotic diseases or new mutations of a pathogen into Australia can be minimised by having a biosecurity hygiene plan following overseas travel.

Basic biosecurity hygiene includes washing clothes and cleaning footwear before returning to Australia. If high-risk areas have been visited, consider leaving clothing and footwear behind. Remind family members, employees or others travelling to also take these precautions.

Agronomist tool kits

Sample submissions

For sampling material and instructions (including plastic specimen bags and plastic vials) or information on joining CropSafe, contact Luise Fanning on (03) 5450 8301 or

CropSafe – 2023 review

Wheat crops

In 2023, 78 samples were submitted to CropSafe for identification of unknown pests and diseases, which is the same number as in the previous year.

Further breakdown of the season can be found in the CropSafe 2023 Annual Report:

Further information

Field Crop Diseases Victoria
An online delivery of information for advisors and growers about the latest crop disease research and development, focused on current seasonal conditions and emerging issues. You can also follow Field Crop Diseases Victoria for the latest information in your social media feed, on Twitter – @VicCropDiseases and Facebook – Field Crop Diseases Victoria

Victorian Crop Disease Manual
The Victorian Crop Disease Manual can be found online for identification and management information for crop diseases. The manual is produced by leading plant pathologists.

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Identification & Management of Field Crop Diseases in Victoria
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Apple Ebooks – Identification and Management of Field Crop Diseases in Victoria

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Page last updated: 08 Aug 2024

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