Livestock legislation in Victoria
Anyone who owns, manages or works with livestock must comply with certain:
- laws
- standards
- codes of practice
Laws for livestock owners
As a livestock owner, you need to follow the laws in the following acts of parliament as they apply to the relevant species of livestock:
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 1986
- Livestock Management Act 2010
- Impounding of Livestock Act 1994
- Livestock Disease Control Act 1994
- Meat Industry Act 1993
Standards and codes of practice
The standards and codes for the welfare of livestock include:
- The relevant Victorian codes of practice for animal welfare.
- The Land Transport Standards which outlines the minimum standards required when transporting cattle by road, rail or on a vehicle aboard a ship.
- The Pig Welfare Standard describes the standards and guidelines that ensure the welfare of pigs in all Australian production systems.
Page last updated: 24 May 2023