Livestock and animals
Animal Welfare Victoria
Feeding Livestock website
Honey bees
Livestock health and welfare
Animal health in a drought
Antibiotic resistant infections
Caring for animals during extreme heat
Feeding livestock water-damaged fodder
Lead exposure and poisoning in livestock
Livestock Management Act 2010
Livestock legislation in Victoria
Livestock predation management
Livestock predation management in eastern Victoria
Livestock predation management in north west Victoria
Livestock predation management in the rest of Victoria
Livestock predation support for north west farmers and Traditional Owners
Non-lethal control methods to manage livestock predation
Livestock welfare at saleyards
Nitrate and nitrite poisoning of livestock
PFAS and livestock
Report animal cruelty
Transport and care of livestock
National Livestock Identification System (NLIS)
Poultry and eggs
Livestock predation management