
Victoria’s multi-billion dollar premium food and fibre sector is a leader on the world stage. It supports our local communities, boosts our economy, creates jobs and drives trade and exports for Victoria.

At its heart are our farmers, food manufacturers, brewers, wine makers, horticulturalists, processors and everyone in between.

To maintain and grow our reputation as world-class food and fibre producers we must continue to promote Victoria’s premium produce to the world.

The promote theme is not just about showcasing our premium products.

We are also seeking to improve community perceptions of agriculture as a career to help the sector attract and retain the labour and skills it needs to thrive now and into the future and for people to see agriculture as a career of choice.

Promote: and build confidence in our agriculture sector to international markets and the community


  1. Promote Victorian agriculture’s commitment to quality and high performance.
  2. Position agriculture as a career of choice and build its reputation for workplace excellence.


Smarter, Safer Farms

The Smarter, Safer Farms project is supporting farm businesses to take the lead in making practical changes to their workplaces by improving the sector’s focus on safety.

With a focus on farms as homes as well as workplaces, Smarter, Safer Farms is prioritising safety through:

  • delivery of over 1000 Farm Safety Rebates for permanent safety improvements on Victorian farms
  • targeted health screening and referrals for remote farmers
  • delivery of podcasts on AgVic Talk that focus on skills and safety in agriculture
  • farm safety education programs targeting early learning, primary and secondary school students
  • funding 11 organisations to co-design and deliver locally led projects for farmers, farming communities and farming families to help them increase their capacity to manage stress and look after their wellbeing
  • funding the Victorian Farmers Federation to deliver the Making our Farms Safer project that provides free farm safety services for all Victorian farmers to support safety, wellbeing and mental health
  • targeted training to build capability in financial literacy, risk management, farm planning, and adaptation to climate change.

Rider wearing a helmet on a four-wheeler with a roll bar. There is a dog on the back of the four-wheeler and in a stockyard in the background

Case study

Investing in tracing technology in the citrus industry

We are actively investing to improve the quality of our export produce and increase Victoria’s reputation as an exporter of premium quality produce to consumers globally. The 2020 Citrus Traceability Pilot traces premium fruit from Mildura orchards through to international retail markets. Delivered as a partnership between Agriculture Victoria and Citrus Australia, this pilot used ‘digital fingerprint’ labelling and blockchain technology to scan fruit at over 50 retail and wholesale locations by overseas consumers, allowing them to verify that the fruit is a genuine Victorian product and to view the journey from ‘tree to table’. Continuing on from the success of this pilot, further work demonstrating the benefits of traceability is underway.

A hand holding a phone in front of bags of oranges, phone shows an image of citrus, and a green tick showing genuine on the Laava APP.

Page last updated: 05 Feb 2024