Ministerial Statement of Expectations

A Ministerial Statement of Expectations (SoE) aims to improve regulatory governance and performance. The statements articulate the Minister's priorities and objectives for the department's agriculture portfolio and its statutory regulators.

The development of each SoE is a collaborative effort. Consultation takes place with each regulator to ensure the statements are fit for purpose and takes into account the regulator's circumstances, including:

  • objectives
  • legislative basis
  • size of organisation
  • current practices and processes.

Agriculture Victoria

In relation to SoEs, the department has broad regulatory responsibility within the agriculture portfolio. Agriculture Victoria’s regulatory responsibilities are diverse, encompassing biosecurity, animal welfare, agricultural and veterinary chemicals, product integrity and traceability and food safety.

Regulatory powers and functions are allocated to the Minister for Agriculture and in many cases these powers are delegated.

Note: On 1 January 2023, Agriculture Victoria transitioned to the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA). Prior to this, Agriculture Victoria was within the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR) and publications prior to this date were published under and refer to DJPR. Publications prior to 1 January 2019 were published under and refer to the previous departmental name – The Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR).

2024 – 2027 Statement of Expectations

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Previous Statements of Expectations

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Statement of Expectations

Department response

Statutory regulators

Ministerial SoEs for the three statutory regulators in the agriculture portfolio are published on their websites.

In line with with the Department of Treasury and Finance’s Guidelines for Evaluation of Statements of Expectations for Regulators (January 2018), the department has undertaken an evaluation of SoEs and its development process for regulators.

The evaluation assesses the regulator's performance progress against the objectives and provides an opportunity for the department to identify improvements to the SoE development process.

Statement of Expectations evaluation reports

Statement of Expectations performance reports

Statement of Expectations

Department response

Statutory regulators

Ministerial SoEs for the three statutory regulators in the agriculture portfolio are published on their websites.

In line with with the Department of Treasury and Finance’s Guidelines for Evaluation of Statements of Expectations for Regulators (January 2018), the department has undertaken an evaluation of SoEs and its development process for regulators.

The evaluation assesses the regulator's performance progress against the objectives and provides an opportunity for the department to identify improvements to the SoE development process.

Statement of Expectations evaluation reports

Statement of Expectations performance reports

Page last updated: 16 Sep 2024