Skills in agriculture
The garinga djimbayang Grant Program is now closed for applications.
Find out more about the programAgricultural College Modernisation Program
The $50 million Agricultural College Modernisation Program is delivering the agriculture skills of the future and helping more Victorians pursue an exciting career in this diverse industry.
Victoria's growing farm food and fibre sector needs more skilled workers with digital, business, risk and marketing skills. The agriculture sector also needs food and fibre entrepreneurs to take products to international markets. The sector will benefit from a stronger connection with the skills, knowledge and practices of First Nations Victorians. Developing culturally safe workplaces and learning institutions will help to support this.
To meet future demand, on 18 November 2020 the Government announced an investment of $50 million over 4 years for the Agricultural College Modernisation Program – to help more Victorians pursue careers in agriculture.
For general enquiries about the Agricultural College Modernisation Program, email
College Fund
$20 million has been invested in building new accommodation and teaching facilities at Longerenong College, Marcus Oldham College and University of Melbourne’s Dookie campus. The projects have increased the colleges’ capacity to accommodate students by providing an additional 160 beds, as well as other on-campus upgrades. All 3 projects are now complete and the facilities are in use.

Aerial view of completed student building works at Marcus Oldham College.

Aerial view of the old and new accommodation at Longerenong College.

Updated Dookie campus accommodation for students.
Future Agriculture Skills Capacity Fund (Skills Fund)
$30 million has been invested in delivering the Future Agriculture Skills Capacity Fund, supporting Victoria’s TAFEs and other agriculture education and training providers to develop students’ skills ensuring they have the training required for a future in agriculture.
Agriculture training and education is delivered through traditional agriculture colleges, TAFEs, other public and private training providers, and secondary schools. The Future Agriculture Skills Capacity Fund supported projects that ensure providers have high quality and state-of-the-art learning facilities and are delivering agriculture programs that meet the future skills needs of the industry. The design of the Skills Fund was undertaken in consultation with relevant stakeholders.
garinga djimbayang
garinga djimbayang means to grow and learn in Dja Dja Wurrung Language. Agriculture Victoria thanks Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corporation for allowing the use of their language to name this program.
garinga djimbayang is a $2.5 million initiative to support the inclusion of Aboriginal knowledge and practices in agriculture training, ensuring training is culturally safe for First Nations people and supports their increased connection to agricultural careers. It also aims to recognise the contribution of First Nations people in agriculture through self-determined storytelling.
garinga djimbayang has been designed with input from a working group that convened between 2021 and 2023. It operated as a subcommittee of the Yuma Yirramboi Council (formerly called the Victorian Aboriginal Employment and Economic Council).
The working group was comprised of First Nations members with expertise in a range of relevant areas, including Aboriginal economic development, community development, self-determination, community-controlled health and justice; education inclusive of school, vocational and higher education; and the agriculture sector.
Recommendations for membership on the working group were made by the Yuma Yirramboi Council and the Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Inc (VAEAI). The Yuma Yirramboi Council provides independent advice to government on opportunities and issues affecting the prosperity of First Nations Victorians. Read more about the Yuma Yirramboi Council.
garinga djimbayang has 2 program areas:
- garinga djimbayang Grant Program: grants of between $300,000 and $1 million are available to support partnerships between TAFEs and Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAPs) to embed Aboriginal traditional knowledge and practices into the design and delivery of accredited agriculture training.
- Sharing Stories of First Nations Peoples’ Connection to Agriculture: Agriculture Victoria is partnering with an Aboriginal-owned communications specialist to develop images, videos and more that highlight the connection of First Nations people to agriculture through self-determined storytelling.
For further information about the garinga djimbayang Grant Program, including guidelines and eligibility information, visit the grant program page or, if you have any queries please email
Agriculture TAFE and Training Fund
The $15 million Agriculture TAFE and Training Fund supported TAFEs and other training organisations to deliver high-quality, modern and flexible training programs that will ensure students can carve out careers in agriculture.
Grants valued between $85,000 and $2,000,000 (excluding GST) were provided to TAFEs, Learn Locals, and other Registered Training Organisations for curriculum design and delivery, equipment, technology and capital refurbishment and other related expenses.
The program engaged around 2,400 TAFE and school students across the 13 projects funded for delivery.
Applications for the Agriculture TAFE and Training Fund are closed.
Funding Details | Project name and description |
4 Up Skilling Location: Euroa | Skills & Knowledge in Poultry (SKIPP) to the Lead During 2022, the Certificate III in Poultry Production underwent a substantial review resulting in a new qualification that aligns with job outcomes in the industry. The course will have a new structure and specialisations for poultry farm technicians, poultry breeding technicians, egg graders, poultry services providers, and hatchery technicians. This new package deems that resources and assessments must be developed to meet the new course/unit structure. 4 Up Skilling will develop new course materials to deliver this training. |
Australian College of Agriculture and Horticulture (ACAH) Location: Wyndham | Training for Indigenous Clients in Wyndham This project will provide agriculture training for the Indigenous community and people who live in the Wyndham area. Participants in the program will be referred via the Wyndham Community Gardens Program and the Victoria Aboriginal Childcare Agency (VACCA). The project will fund places for candidates that do not have access to or are ineligible for government funded courses but are seeking to learn or advance their skills in horticulture at a Certificate IV level. |
RuralBiz Training Location: Statewide | Landcare Facilitator Development Program Development and delivery of training specifically designed to improve the skills of Landcare professionals working in regional, rural and remote agricultural communities in Victoria. Landcare professionals who have well developed skills in community coordination and facilitation act as a conduit of learning, development and resilience in agricultural communities. They are able to help members of their community engage in employment and training opportunities. |
Melbourne Polytechnic Location: Preston | Integrating Latest Technologies in Education to Remediate Degraded Land for Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation As Melbourne’s demand for food is increasing due to population growth, the capacity of Melbourne’s farming areas on the peri‐urban fringe to meet demand is falling as farmland is displaced for new housing and industrial development. Farmers are now faced with land shortages and are forced to look further afield for farming land previously considered unsuitable for their farming needs. The integration of latest technologies and equipment in Melbourne Polytechnic’s agriculture, horticulture and land conservation education programs will result in courses that are current and fit for purpose. This will enable teachers to educate and demonstrate to current and future students as well as farmers, ways in which these unsuitable lands can be remediated and made functional for future focused sustainable farming enterprises. Working closely with industry, community and school partners, it is expected that future focused education programs will better engage and attract school students and people. |
Federation University TAFE Location: Ballarat | Training the next generation of agriculture professionals This project aims to improve the current training resources used in the delivery of the Certificate II, III and IV of Agriculture by both Federation TAFE and Longerenong College together with development of comprehensive pathway from Federation TAFE to Longerenong College for students wanting to further their studies. The project’s training resource focus will include the embedding of Indigenous cultural awareness and information via the unit of competency and provide appropriate information on cultural knowledge. Other focus areas will include emerging technologies, sustainability, efficiency and the drive to a zero emissions economy. The project will include partner organisations including Longerenong College, Wathaurong Aboriginal Co‐operative, Southern Farming Systems and Western Agriculture. The project will address the need for improved training resources that encompass the recognition of the traditional owners, contemporary farming practices including zero emissions. |
Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE (GOTAFE) Location: Shepparton | Future for Agriculture: Regional Masterplan (FARM) Through the Future for Agriculture: Regional Masterplan (FARM) project, GOTAFE will partner with industry and other education institutions to build a future agriculture and horticulture workforce for the Goulburn and Ovens Murray region. This will be achieved through a streamlined skills pipeline from schools to higher education that prioritises target groups, upskills employees and delivers a trained, capable and diverse workforce. The program will offer industry an ongoing pool of employees and give local school leavers and priority cohorts the training they need to gain employment in an area of significant skills shortages. Farm safety and consideration of Aboriginal knowledge and culture will be major features, as will pre‐employment training and wrap around supports for priority jobseekers. Upskilling of Skills and Jobs Centre staff, careers councillors and LLENs, will ensure that key contacts have current information on opportunities available in the industry. |
The Gordon Institute of TAFE (The Gordon) Location: Geelong | AgTech Skill Builders AgTech Skill Builders will address and develop the skills needed for the local ‘tech‐minded’ agribusiness sector to bolster regional capabilities. Consultation with industry will dictate the content for a series of micro-credentials (non‐accredited and accredited training) that will be available via a Learning Management System at The Gordon. The training will be flexible and interactive including topics such as: data analytics, marketing, web design, HR, risk management, drones, land mapping, labelling, business acumen, sustainability, climate change, Indigenous land caring, mental health & wellbeing. AgTech Skill Builders will include a ‘Women in Agribusiness’ event to equip female participants with the knowledge and essential tools to create or pivot their business, or positively change their mindset and career prospects. The project will be delivered in partnership with the Geelong Tech School, a state‐of‐the art technology hub which is hosted by The Gordon. |
South West Institute of TAFE (SWTAFE) Location: Glenormiston | Agriculture Tech Skills Centre The State‐wide Agriculture Tech Skills Centre will provide advanced professional development and learning opportunities for TAFE and secondary teachers and their students. Its development will be informed by an initial education and agriculture sector skills gap analysis. The Centre will be equipped with state-of-the-art agriculture technologies and software. It will utilise existing training resources and assets at Glenormiston College, with minor refurbishment works included to expand the residential facilities. A set of short courses focused on different applications of agri‐tech for use with TAFE agriculture students, primary producers and school students, will be developed. A key part of the project is to implement a number of industry innovation projects identified by industry partners. The Centre would be complemented by two shared mobile classrooms; and a 24/7 accessible virtual resource library. |
Velisha Education Group Location: Werribee | Ag360: Leading Today for Tomorrow Understanding that Victoria’s agricultural sector needs people with the skills to be entrepreneurial, more innovative and build resilience in the face of change. This project integrates a full circle approach to create a more productive industry. It will commence through a unique primary school intervention. The project extends to the development of highly contextualised and accredited horticulture courses with a leadership thread saddled throughout each course. The project will engage with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities through VEG Education’s horticulture networks, as well as with women experiencing long term unemployment. The project will also seek to understand how Aboriginal knowledge and practices can be utilised to attract targeted groups. The hallmark feature of the program however resides with decades of industry knowledge, understanding and an awareness of how to attract and retain workers in the agriculture industry through targeted training. |
Sunraysia Institute of TAFE (SuniTAFE) Location: Irymple | Protective Cropping - Building Industry Workforce This project will build the workforce in the Protected Cropping Industry. This will be achieved by delivering Certificate II in Protected Horticulture to a variety of cohorts such as: Medicinal Cannabis; Protected Horticulture, including fruit and vegetable crops; Nursery; and Horticulture. The delivery will be a blended format to cater for individuals that are working and would like to upskill. As part of the project, high quality, interactive resources will be developed. Training and assessment can be conducted on site at the workplace or on SuniTAFE’s SMART Farm. |
Christie Centre Inc. Location: Mildura | Stepping Stones This project will support the development of place-based curriculum materials for micro-credentialing in basic nursery operations, growing an edible garden and customer service training. Students targeted will be people with a disability, those in rural and remote communities and people experiencing long-term unemployment. A vehicle will then be purchased and fit out for satellite delivery and managed as part of Christie Centre’s fleet. The program will be promoted to small communities around the Mallee and communicated in accessible formats. |
Rural Industries Skills Training Location: Hamilton | Anywhere anytime access to training pathways in agriculture This project will modernise agricultural training ensuring the sector keeps in-step with other advancing industries. It will focus on designing training solutions that meet the needs of First Nations, CALD communities, students with disabilities and people in rural and regional locations with accessibility barriers to participating in classroom-based training. This project will engage with geographically and demographically diverse cohorts, providing anywhere anytime access to high quality, work relevant training. Micro-credentials, that are developed in conjunction with industry, will meet the emerging skill needs and be delivered through a blend of virtual reality, augmented reality, simulation, and in-person practical workshops. |
Wodonga Institute of TAFE Location: Wodonga | Agricultural innovation and skills in North-East Victoria To deliver a comprehensive range of agricultural skills and job outcomes through innovative approaches in training using current and emerging equipment and technology. The project involves the purchase of equipment to improve agricultural teaching at the TAFE and allow for students to learn on the most current technology and equipment. |
Secondary Schools Agriculture Fund
The $5.5 million Secondary Schools Agriculture Fund supported Victorian secondary schools to deliver the agriculture skills of the future by supporting students to transition into modern careers in agriculture.
The Secondary Schools Agriculture Fund supported 42 projects between 2022 and June 2024 that delivered vocational and applied learning programs and experience for secondary school students.
Projects have now been completed, reaching around 11,000 students across 278 secondary schools.
The fund was delivered by the Victorian Department of Education and funded by Agriculture Victoria.
Schools and place-based stream
$4.5 million in funding is being provided to secondary schools and community organisations including Local Learning and Employment Networks, VET clusters and other not-for-profit organisations that deliver programs to secondary school students. This will boost pathways to agriculture careers that meet the needs of communities and Victoria’s agricultural industries.
This stream is delivering a range of agriculture education activities that includes designing programs, engagement with local industry, purchasing equipment and other identified school needs.
Applications for the Schools and place-based stream are closed.
Tech schools stream
$1 million has been provided to tech schools to invest in state-of-the art resources and new technology to deliver online and outreach agricultural technology programs to meet the needs of industry as farming practices evolve.
Applications for the Tech schools stream are closed.
Secondary Schools Agriculture Fund – funded projects
Funding Details | Project name and description |
Manangatang P–12 College Area: Mallee Industry: Horticulture
| Pathways and Partnerships Manangatang P–12 College and Robinvale College are located in towns built on the agriculture and horticulture industries and need to develop learning pathways to support student employment pathways into local industries. To achieve this, the Year 7–10 Science and Technology programs will be redeveloped to include the knowledge, skills and innovative thinking needed in agriculture and horticulture. This will lead to VET flexible pathways in the areas of agriculture and environment and provide the knowledge and skills needed for employment in these sectors. |
Montague Continuing Education Centre Area: Bayside Peninsula Industry: Horticulture | Kitchen Garden Creation The project aims to convert a small waste area of the school into a workable kitchen garden to provide fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs for the school cooking classes and to introduce students to horticulture and sustainable living. |
Bass Coast Landcare Network Area: Inner Gippsland Industry: Mixed, based on local industries
| Bass Coast Secondary Schools Stepping onto Farms The project aims to immerse Bass Coast Secondary students into the available options in agriculture as a career path, through visits to a range of diverse agricultural enterprises. Students will find out at first hand what real-life skills, experience and qualifications are needed to conduct these businesses from the staff and families who run them, via specialised property and enterprise tours, hands-on activities, farm snapshots, emerging technology presentations and connections with training providers from across Bass Coast and beyond. |
North Central Local Learning and Employment Network Area: Wimmera South West Industry: Cropping
| 21st Century Pathways to Careers in Agriculture 21st Century Pathways to Careers in Agriculture will build and enhance the quality and currency of agricultural programs and industry partnerships in the North Central region. The program will review and scope opportunities for growth in student engagement in agriculture and use this information to develop a framework for an innovative careers education program that explores the many facets of the 21st century agricultural workforce. The project will link student experiences with industry opportunities with the aim to increase the number of young people engaging in agriculture related pathways while at school. |
Broadford Secondary College Area: Goulburn Industry: Mixed: eggs, beef and general agriculture
| VET Agriculture – Central Ranges Secondary school students living in the Lower Hume and Central Ranges regions are surrounded by primary production and food, fibre and cropping enterprises. Yet, there are currently no supported opportunities for these students to pathway into agricultural careers. With high interest from students, significant labour demand and good access to many on-farm learning opportunities, a Central Ranges VET Agriculture offering is a critical place-based approach to encourage students to transition into modern careers in agriculture. |
Nursery & Garden Industry Victoria (NGIV) Area: Statewide Industry: Horticulture | Discover Your Career in Horticulture This project will provide an immersive learning experience for participants, so they can understand the depth and diversity of careers available in the horticultural field, now and into the future. Horticulture is an industry full of opportunity, providing transferable skills and offering careers for life. |
Cobram Secondary College Area: Goulburn Industry: Mixed: production horticulture, livestock, dairy, nursery, bush tucker | Introducing VET Agriculture to Secondary School Cobram Secondary College seeks to highlight the breadth of agriculture careers for students interested in remaining in the region through the development of our school farm, the introduction of VET Agriculture, and the relationships developed through local primary producers and industry associations. Industry partners and school staff will provide hands-on activities at the farm that will further enhance the student’s skills needed for the local agricultural industry. The inclusion of a cultural space focusing on bush tucker will lead to increased engagement of the college’s 10% Indigenous population. |
GippsDairy (Dairy Australia) Area: Inner Gippsland Industry: Dairy
| Dairylearn Transition Pathways; a System of Learning that Enables Professionalism and Capability Development to Support Trainees to Build a Career in Dairy This project will establish new partnerships between industry and the education sector to support learning, capability, and career development to meet the workforce needs of the Victorian dairy industry. Transferrable pathways for supporting student transition from the education sector to the dairy workforce will be established, immersing students in dairy career pathway planning, through industry-based work integrated learning experiences. These experiences will be underpinned by a mentoring framework grounded in self-reflection and social cohesion leveraging the industry-led Young Dairy Network. |
Northern Mallee Local Learning and Employment Network Area: Mallee Industry: Horticulture
| Northern Mallee Horticulture Immersion The project will develop placed-based connections for middle and senior secondary students in the horticulture sector by exposing students to the variety of entry, middle and senior management positions in the industry through increased uptake of vocational education training delivered. The project will also develop school, student, parent, and community awareness of the different opportunities to gain employment in horticulture. |
Tyrrell College Area: Mallee Industry: Ag Tech
| Rapid Improvement of Practical Learning and Industry Connection to deliver Certificate II Agriculture, Horticulture, Conservation and Land Management in the Mallee This project will create an agricultural learning facility (‘The Shed’) to improve hands-on learning in Agriculture/Horticulture Certificate II and VCE and inspire all Mallee students to consider agricultural careers. The school will fit out The Shed with a teaching space and equipment, and with project partners, the school will co-design an innovative practical curriculum that leverages existing resources, equipment, land, and industry connections. The school will also design and run an annual careers expo for students across the Mallee to meet employers and try agricultural activities. |
Mansfield Secondary College Area: Ovens Murray Industry: Agribusiness
| Mansfield Secondary College Agribusiness Agribusiness is a year-long course based on all aspects of agriculture. There is a large emphasis on students undertaking practical activities in agricultural settings and there are multiple excursions to expos, training days, and a wide variety of farms. Students complete TAFE modules of the Certificate II in Agriculture and combine this with tasks relating to science and humanities. The program increases community and industry connections and develops career pathways in agriculture. |
East Loddon P–12 College Area: Loddon Campaspe Industry: Mixed
| E.L.R.A.M.S. (East Loddon Rural Management School) The project will provide community and surrounding district students with the opportunity to engage in agriculture with hands-on farming practice and to work alongside local farmers to gain an insight into the scope of skills and careers embedded in Australia's food and fibre industries. As part of the project, the staff will work with local organisations and businesses to develop an educational program and implement infrastructure to deliver it. |
Rainbow P–12 College Area: Wimmera South West Industry: Mixed
| Rainbow P–12 SSAF Ag Project This project aims to raise the awareness of the range of opportunities in the modern agricultural sector available to Rainbow P–12 and Kaniva College students and teachers. Funding is sought to develop a forward-thinking program that concentrates on building strong connections with local agriculture/resource and cultural management businesses and schools. This program will blend opportunities for students from Year 7–12 to engage in hands-on practical skill acquisition with immersion in the most up-to date technological innovation and research available to industry and further education in the mixed farming space. |
Central Grampians Local Learning and Employment Network Area: Wimmera South West Industry: Cropping, horticulture, viticulture
| Introduction to Agricultural Research This project aims to increase the awareness and practical experience students have of the Victorian agricultural research industry. Through the cooperation of Trial Supplies Pty Ltd and CGLLEN, this project will deliver an in-school program to students in Year 9 and 10 at Ararat College. The program will cover skills required in the research industries that span pasture, cropping, viticulture, and horticulture. The equipment and training provided can be utilised by Ararat College in future years with no ongoing costs. |
Wangaratta District Specialist School Area: Ovens Murray Industry: Horticulture, nursery, viticulture, dairy/livestock
| Farm To Future The overarching goal of this project is to increase the employability outcomes of students. A key component of this is to provide students with the opportunity to participate in horticulture with imported units of agriculture. Through this focus, the school will establish and consolidate connections with local employers within these industries. In turn, the project will showcase the personalities, availability, and employability skills of students who have much to offer for future employment in these areas. |
Upper Yarra Secondary College Area: Outer Eastern Melbourne Industry: Horticulture
| Whole Farm Planning using Innovative Technology Upper Yarra Secondary College in association with project partners is committed to facilitating the sustainable diversity of skills required for future careers in agriculture. Students from years 7 to 10 will be exposed to the MyHub platform analysing weather data from our orchard and Pinot Noir wine producing vineyard. Furthermore, VCE/VET/VPC students and staff opportunities will be developed by providing access to training in data analysis, coding, drone flying, capturing, and interpreting NDVI spatial imagery will be one of the key elements of the project. In addition, by providing outdoor learning opportunities, the project aims to improve grape yield and quality, along with the skills and knowledge of the students. Importantly, these skills and knowledge have the very real potential to be implemented in industry and lead to improved career prospects for students and improved yields in the agricultural industry. |
Wimmera Southern Mallee Local Learning and Employment Network Area: Wimmera South West Industry: Mixed
| Come and Try Agriculture @ Longy “Come and try agriculture @ Longy” is designed to increase the awareness and aspirations of secondary school students of the broad range of careers in agriculture. This innovative program will immerse students in an exciting array of ‘hands-on’ agriculture and STEM activities at Longerenong College and with industry partners. The immersion activities will be delivered in a series of camps lasting between one to five days. On the multi-day camps, students will get the full Longerenong College campus experience by staying on-site. |
Monterey Secondary College Area: Bayside Peninsula Industry: Conservation and ecosystem management
| Ecological Conservation and Restoration This project aims to raise the awareness of a vast range of opportunities in conservation and ecosystem management for high school students. In partnership with Parks Victoria and Frankston North Education Plan Primary Schools, Monterey Secondary College is seeking funding to develop a state-of-the-art conservation and ecosystem management program for Year 7–9 students and VET students wanting to study Conservation and Ecosystem Management. The program will blend the skills of conservation, ecosystem management and cultural land management through the rehabilitation of local ecosystems and be delivered in weekly blocks to 100 Year 7–9 students and an estimated 25+ Year 10–12 VET students. |
Murray Mallee Local Learning and Employment Network Area: Mallee Industry: Horticulture
| Young People Farming the Future (YPFF) The aims of the project are: (1) To implement a program designed to expose students to a diverse range of career pathways with the agriculture/horticulture industries. (2) To drive the development of VETiS programs that reflect the needs of local industry and which generate employment candidates with the required range of industry and employability skills (3) To develop a progression of work exposure opportunities across all secondary year levels including a Work Inspiration Program (facilitated by MMLLEN) for Year 10 students that becomes embedded long-term into the offerings for secondary students. |
South West Local Learning and Employment Network Area: Wimmera South West Industry: Dairy, ag tech,
| Food and Fibre Futures – Creating Capabilities and Careers The Food and Fibre Futures project will create knowledge, understanding and pathways to future careers in the food and fibre sector through student-centred learning experiences. Focusing on agriculture technology and using new cross-curricular learning projects, a mobile agriculture skills lab, and student ambassadors sharing stories of their placements in industry, the project will enable young people to better plan education and career pathways leading to the agriculture sector. |
Victorian Association of Agriculture and Horticulture Educators (VAAHE) Area: Statewide Industry: Ag tech
| 'Agri-tech check' for Victorian STEM, digital and food technologies curriculum The ‘Agri-tech check’ project will increase the awareness of Victorian students and teachers of the technological innovations and digital skills used in a range of modern agricultural careers. Three curriculum-aligned learning modules will be developed and delivered to Year 7–12 students. Each module will have one version targeted to the VCE agriculture and horticulture curriculum, and another to an alternative area of study. Professional learning workshops for teachers will develop the skills and knowledge needed to incorporate modules into their teaching program. |
Terang College Area: Wimmera South West Industry: Horticulture, aquaculture, bush foods
| Growing The Future ‘Growing the future' is a place-based initiative based in Corangamite. It integrates learning approaches providing students with opportunities and experiences to connect to the diverse range of rewarding opportunities available in the agriculture industry, the largest employment sector in the region. This school-based program focuses on strong school-industry partnerships connecting students and teachers to modern and emerging agriculture sectors. The program offers a diversity of authentic applied learning opportunities in market gardening, horticulture and nursery, aquaculture and bush food production. |
Bundoora Secondary College Area: North Eastern Melbourne Industry: Agriculture and environment
| Delivering access to VET from the Agriculture and Environment flexible pathway to students in the Northern Region of Melbourne. This project will continue to develop Bundoora Secondary College into a specialist Food and Fibre Industry Pathway provider, with a specific focus on increasing secondary student access to VET from the agriculture and environment flexible pathway. The fund will allow the college to develop both the assets and staffing expertise required to deliver relevant VET certificates on-site by college staff, to the North Melbourne VET cluster. Through sharing best practice in VET, the project will support VDSS in secondary schools. |
Seymour College Area: Goulburn Industry: Mixed agriculture
| See More Agriculture at Seymour College ‘See more Agriculture at Seymour College’ is a revitalisation and innovation project aimed at introducing agriculture as a career pathway for students from Year 7–10. Seymour College has run agricultural science programs in the past and this project is about re-invigorating this curriculum-based approach with a regional mentoring and agricultural industry-leading connections-based approach looking at supporting local agricultural industries of beef, sheep (meat and wool), pork, poultry, and horticulture along with immersive studies in apiculture, aquaculture, horticulture and animal production using regenerative farming practices. |
Bellarine Secondary College Area: Barwon Industry: Horticulture, regenerative agriculture, closed-loop food hub
| Farm My School The project involves a partnership between Bellarine Secondary College, Farm My School, Bellarine Community Health and a range of local government, community, and commercial organisations. It features a commercial sized market garden as a classroom, a farmer as a teacher, the framework of permaculture and modern regenerative agricultural practices, and a youth farmer apprenticeship which creates strong, visible pathways connections to encourage students to pursue pathways and employment in agriculture/horticulture with the skills and knowledge of modern farming. |
Timboon P-12 School Area: Wimmera South West Industry: Mixed agriculture
| Creators and Innovators - Ag-Hort Connections The Timboon Agriculture Project (TAP) is a regular contributor to strategic planning and program development and is uniquely placed to capitalise on existing industry, community, and education partnerships. The Timboon P–12 School project will expand on the existing agricultural curriculum-based applied learning opportunities and will provide a platform for the development of a Year 9–10 agriculture/horticulture elective combining STEM, commerce and humanities to showcase to teachers, students and our community the diverse range of rewarding career opportunities in agriculture. |
Stawell Secondary College Area: Wimmera South West Industry: Livestock, cropping
| VET Agriculture The funding will allow the school to deliver Certificate II in Agriculture to meet Year 10–12 student career aspirations and to build awareness of the agriculture sector to lower year levels of Year 7–9. In partnership with local Stawell/Ararat VET cluster (Ararat Secondary College and Marian College Ararat), the project will deliver to the students of both Stawell and Ararat a career pathway with estimated 50–75 students participating each year. This certificate would be delivered over a two-year cycle focusing on units such as livestock handling, crop maintenance, and environmentally sustainable practices. |
Kerang Technical High School Area: Mallee Industry: Dairy, beef, sheep, irrigation, horticulture
| Growing Our Community Support the delivery of an agriculture careers expo showcasing local agriculture and its career pathways within the Mallee region. Enhance the current Agriculture program at KTHS by investing in better fencing to keep out pests, improving pastures, animal handling facilities, and diversifying the current farm. The project will provide opportunities for students to attend field trips and become immersed in the different industries and related businesses. Professional development for staff will also be provided to ensure they are current with industry standards and innovations. |
Colac Secondary College Area: Barwon Industry: Dairy, horticulture
| Greenhouse Community and Industry Connection Project The Colac Secondary College Greenhouse Community and Industry Connection project aims to increase access for students to complete VET studies in Certificate II in Horticulture and Certificate II in Agriculture. Access to appropriate infrastructure coupled with establishing and maintaining community and industry links will ensure students have the required skills and knowledge to enter the industry and make meaningful contributions. |
Birchip P-12 School Area: Wimmera South West Industry: Cropping, trees, livestock, aquaculture, greenhouse, dairy, technology | Growing Agricultural Aspirations and Awareness The project aims to increase the awareness of students from prep to Year 12 of agricultural careers and pathways through hands-on exposure with horticulture and agriculture and food and fibre industries. |
Elisabeth Murdoch College Area: South East Industry: Agriculture
| Agricultural Future Planning The project will be used to enhance the knowledge of current teachers in new and modern variations of agriculture so that an engaging and appropriate curriculum can be developed to encourage students to consider pathways in agriculture. The project will be a two-year role out of curriculum development and review to ensure that students in all areas have exposure and integration into the agricultural environment that will be provided in a modern, inclusive and multi-model manner. |
Murrayville Community College Area: Mallee Industry: Sheep
| Mallee Sustainable Agriculture Vocational Pathways – Farmers of The Future This project has two parts, firstly it aims to provide logistical support to students undertaking school-based apprenticeships in agriculture to complete their block releases at Longerenong College in Horsham by overcoming the barriers of distance, logistics, and cost. Secondly, the funding will allow the purchase of a sheep handler to complement our specialisation in sheep and wool. This modern piece of equipment will encourage younger students and female students to be involved in practical work with sheep. |
Hopetoun P–12 College Area: Wimmera South West Industry: Cropping
| Sustainable Agriculture in a Changing Climate The Sustainable Agriculture in a Changing Climate project aims to increase awareness of students and staff of the vast array of job opportunities within the broadacre farming sector. This will be achieved through the establishment of a broadacre project of experimental trial plots aimed at growing and harvesting crops that can adapt to changing climate and soil conditions. Our careers pathways and curriculum programs will be revitalised to support the practical farming experience, while expanding students’ knowledge of career pathways in agriculture. |
WynBay Local Learning and Employment Network Area: Western Melbourne Industry: Mixed, vegetable, aquaculture
| Werribee Regional Agriculture Pathways WynBay LLEN VET in Schools’ Clusters will be establishing a new sustainable and ongoing agriculture skills of the future pathways program. WRAP will be an inclusive, innovative, fun and engaging local learning and careers discovery program designed to connect local students and young people, including those with a disability, to the range of opportunities in local agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture, land/water resource management, and landscape gardening. The VETDSS programs and career-related activities developed with and co-designed by local industry partners are designed to build the employability and capacity of students and young people using industry-based learning. |
Goulburn Murray Local Learning and Employment Network Area: Goulburn Industry: Dairy, Horticulture, Ag Tech
| Raising Aspirations in Careers and Education – Goulburn (RACE – Goulburn) The RACE-Goulburn project expands the reach of the successful RACE-Gippsland project and will deliver industry-school partnerships and agri-tech roadshow experiences for Year 7–12 teachers and students to increase their awareness of careers opportunities in the local Goulburn region food and fibre sector. Industry role models and hands-on interactive activities will showcase the technology and science skills needed by the modern agricultural industry to increase student skills and raise awareness of and aspirations for a career in the sector. |
North East Tracks Local Learning and Employment Network Area: Ovens Murray Industry: Mixed
| Food and Fibre Careers Pathways Program The Food and Fibre Careers Pathway Program will expand the annual Food and Fibre Careers Day and will be augmented by pre and post event activities, and sustainable engagement with food and fibre industry sectors. Students in Year 9–12 from the Hume Region and beyond will participate in the program. The aim of the project is to bring education, industry and student needs closer together. The project will be delivered by an established network of 15 organisations. |
Nalderun Education Aboriginal Corporation Area: Loddon Campaspe Industry: Horticulture, conservation and land management, agriculture. Aboriginal engagement in agriculture careers. | Nalderun Wraparound Service for SBAT Program Improve the coordination and wraparound support of the SBAT program which connects Aboriginal students in Year 11–12 to complete VCAL/ VCE, workplace, and VET training, and to provide pathways into meaningful employment in Cultural Land Management and Agriculture or Horticulture through an Aboriginal lens. Funding will ensure program coordination and sustainability, increase in student numbers, and be Aboriginal-led and driven by Nalderun. |
Kyabram P–12 College Area: Loddon Campaspe Industry: Horticulture, dairy, farm maintenance, livestock | Vet Agriculture Delivery to Kyabram P–12 College Students The project aims to develop the capability and resources of the school and teachers to offer VET Agriculture at Kyabram P–12 College. Through doing this, industry and workplace connections will be established to facilitate a successful transition of students into the agricultural industry and workforce. |
Funding Details | Project name and description |
Yarra Ranges Tech School Area: Outer Eastern Melbourne Industry: Traditional land use | Smart Farming – Indigenous Plants, Traditional Land Use and Technology Develop and implement an agricultural smart farming program with a focus on local indigenous plants and traditional land use. The application complements the previously funded Gippsland Tech School AgriSkills Gippsland project. |
Geelong Tech School Area: Barwon Industry:Various
| AgCamps Develop and run two agricultural focussed camps for students in rural and regional areas who are unable to access the facilities at the Geelong Tech School. The first camp will provide an opportunity for students to be presented with a real-world agricultural challenge. Following visits to agricultural sites in and around Geelong, students will be supported through the design thinking process as they ideate and attempt to solve the problem. The second camp will run a similar program with a focus on students with a Koorie background and be delivered in partnership with the Western Koorie Academy of Excellence. This camp will focus on Indigenous agriculture and will include involvement from Gunditjmara and Waderwurung communities. Both camps include overnight components providing participants with the opportunity to immerse themselves in the program. |
Bendigo Tech School Area: Loddon Campaspe Industry: Traditional Land Use
| Bush Foods and Traditional Land Care Ag Tech Program and Micro credential Enable First Nations traditional custodians to work with students to help them develop a stronger connection to nature and encourage a cultural shift towards a more sustainable ecosystem and secure a diverse food supply using emerging agricultural technologies. The program consists of a day on-Country at Nalderun exploring traditional land care and a related industry visit, an online program, and a design sprint at Bendigo Tech School. The Bush Foods and Traditional Land Care micro credential will be developed in collaboration with the local Indigenous Landcare group Nalderun. The micro credential will aim to:
Gippsland Tech School consortium with Casey and Yarra Ranges Tech School Area: InnerGippsland / South Eastern Melbourne / Outer Eastern Melbourne Industry: Various | AgriSkills Gippsland Develop a curriculum-aligned program that provides students with in-depth and hands-on experience working across various agricultural sectors of the South Eastern Victoria region, to raise awareness of how innovative technologies and the agricultural value chain are influencing the future of the agriculture sector. |
Wyndham Tech School Area: Western Melbourne Industry: Horticulture
| AgriTech Innovators In this project, students will assume the role of agricultural innovators to create a Smart Farm business, blending the skills of horticulture and entrepreneur development. Students will be provided with the end-to-end opportunity to establish their own business, planting seeds, visiting local farms, harvesting and packing their produce and pitching their business ideas to local industry. |
For enquiries about the Secondary Schools Agriculture Fund, including Guidelines, visit the Department of Education or email

The Secondary Schools Agriculture Fund is supporting the delivery of the agriculture skills of the future.
Farm Business Resilience Program
The Farm Business Resilience Program is supporting farmers to develop the knowledge and skills they need to improve their farm business and be better equipped to manage the impacts of drought and a changing climate.
The program supports farmers to improve skills and management practices in:
- business planning and risk management
- farm finances and profitable decision making
- managing people on farm, farm safety and wellbeing
- Ccimate adaptation and natural resource improvement including soil, water, crops and pastures.
The program includes short courses, workshops, webinars, field days and farms walks to suit the varying needs of farmers and community groups.
The Farm Business Resilience Program covers topics including profitable decision-making, business and workforce planning, managing people on farm, feed budgeting and stock containment areas, climate adaption, biosecurity, market analysis, emergency preparedness and farm safety.
Farmers are supported to develop or update existing farm action plans to achieve their individual business goals.
The Farm Business Resilience Program is jointly funded through the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund and the Victorian Government’s Future Agriculture Skills Capacity Fund.
Future of Agriculture Training Review
On 17 June 2021, a Review into the Future of Agriculture Training in Victoria was announced by the Minister for Training and Skills, Gayle Tierney MP. Recommendations have helped inform the design of the Future Agriculture Skills Capacity Fund.
On 28 September 2022, Minister for Agriculture, Training and Skills, and Higher Education, Gayle Tierney MP announced the findings of the Review. The Review has now been completed and its findings have been accepted for implementation.
The findings provide a strong foundation for ensuring that training available to the agriculture sector better meets the needs of students and employers now and into the future.
Further details including a copy of the Review can be found at Review – The Future of Agriculture Training in Victoria.