
Protecting Victoria’s agriculture sector and improving its resilience to external threats such as climate change, pests, disease, natural disasters and resource scarcity is critical to maintain its productivity and longevity.

To respond to these risks, agriculture must be agile and resilient, and actively plan and prepare for future opportunities and challenges. Farmers and agribusinesses who do this well will be more profitable and sustainable over the long-term.

Responding to these risks also presents enormous opportunities to showcase Victorian innovation and tenacity.

Protect: And enhance the future of the sector by ensuring it is well placed to respond to climate change, pests, diseases and increased resource scarcity


  1. Position Victoria as a leader in low-emissions agriculture.
  2. Ensure Victorian agriculture is well-placed to manage climate risk and continues to be productive and profitable under a changed climate.
  3. Deliver best-practice regulatory systems to manage risk and respond to new challenges.


Agriculture Sector Pledge

The Victorian Government is committed to protecting and enhancing the future of our sector by ensuring it is well placed to reduce emissions, prepare for climate risk, and take advantage of these opportunities. This includes a commitment to position Victorian agriculture as a leader in low emissions agriculture and enable industries to be productive and profitable under a changed climate.

The Agriculture Sector Pledge has been developed to deliver a long-term shared vision, flagship trials of leading research, and tools and services to help farmers to reduce emissions while maintaining productivity and profitability.

A Victorian Agriculture and Climate Change Statement will be shaped by the Victorian Agriculture and Climate Change Council (VACCC) – an independent advisory council comprised of farmers, industry leaders and climate change experts with experience and connections across agricultural commodities and regional communities.

Agriculture Energy Investment Plan (AEIP)

Victorian farmers are saving on their energy costs and reducing their emissions on-farm, thanks to the Agriculture Energy Investment Plan and investments in more energy efficient technology. The AEIP helps businesses to reduce energy costs, be more energy efficient and more productive.

An aerial view of an orchard with solar panels

Page last updated: 22 Nov 2021