Corryong wild dog management zone

Work plan 2024–25

Corryong WDMZ map for 2024–25

Corryong wild dog management zone work plan document and map (PDF - 3.5 MB)

Localities within the Corryong wild dog management zone include:

  • Berringama
  • Biggara
  • Colac Colac
  • Corryong
  • Cudgewa
  • Dartmouth
  • Guys Forest
  • Lucyvale
  • Nariel Valley
  • Pine Mountain
  • Shelley
  • Tallangatta Valley
  • Thowgla Valley
  • Tintaldra
  • Tom Groggin
  • Towong
  • Towong Upper
  • Walwa.

Targeted ground-baiting transects are located on public land:

  • south-west of Walwa
  • south-east and south of Corryong
  • south of Colac Colac
  • east of Nariel Creek
  • south of Beetoomba.

Trapping and priority 2 ground-baiting transects are a network of tracks. These are located on public land:

  • north and north-west of Cudgewa
  • north, east and south of Corryong
  • south and west of Beetoomba
  • south of Colac Colac
  • surrounding Nariel Creek.

The map shows within the Corryong wild dog management zone there is 120,302 hectares of public land, 79,257 hectares of land under the 3 km livestock protection buffer and 77,612 hectares of private land. There is one wild dog controller, with a capacity for 3,000 trap nights and 63 km of targeted ground-baiting transects.

There are two community wild dog control roups located within the Corryong wild dog management zone. The Burrowye and Walwa Community Wild Dog Control group includes private land near Walwa. The Cudgewa and Tintaldra Community Wild Dog Control group includes private land near Beetoomba, Cudgewa, Colac Colac and Tintaldra.

Aerial baiting occurs in remote areas of public land within the Corryong wild dog management zone. Aerial baiting occurs twice a year on public land between Cudgewa and Walwa and also from Beetoomba around to Nariel Creek.

The map should be read in conjunction with the accompanying Corryong wild dog management zone plan.

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Page last updated: 05 Sep 2024