Baiting notifications


This page will be updated in the coming weeks in response to the new Dingo Unprotection Order made under the Wildlife Act 1975 on 24 September 2024.

The program will continue to provide valued support to farmers in the east, providing responsive and targeted control to mitigate the impacts on livestock using a range of non-lethal and lethal control measures.

Operations post 1 October 2024 are dependent on the outcomes of the review of livestock predation management and dingo conservation, including the settings and conditions for any dingo unprotection order that may be made under the Act.

Ground baiting

Ground baiting is an effective control technique that involves strategic placement of baits in areas where livestock predation is known to occur. The Vertebrate Species Management Program (previously known as the Wild Dog Program) uses 1080 baits registered for use in Victoria which may be either shelf stable manufactured baits or fresh meat baits.

Current ground baiting period

Ground baiting will be occurring from 2 September 2024 to 1 January 2025.

Ground baiting locations

View an interactive map of where ground baiting will occur. Accessible version of this map.


The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) will be undertaking a 1080 pest animal poisoning program using buried baits and canid pest ejectors on public land to manage livestock predation.

Awareness of 1080 bait use on public land by DEECA is vital for the safe management of domestic animals. If a property is occupied or used by persons other than yourself, the provision of this information, by you to them may reduce the potentially negative impacts of 1080 on domestic animals such as pets and working dogs.

The poison to be used is compound 1080 (sodium fluoroacetate) which is contained within an approved bait type for the pest species.

Poisoning will occur from 2 September 2024 to 1 January 2025 after which time DEECA will collect and dispose of untaken and unused baits in accordance with the directions for use of 1080 and PAPP bait products (the directions). The use of the 1080 pest animal bait product will comply with the product label and the directions. When used in accordance with the product label and the directions the chances of non-target animal impacts are reduced but there is still some associated risk. By being aware of the dangers you can help manage the risk.

Minimise Risk

To minimise the risk of poisoning to your animals you are advised:

  • Confine, muzzle and/or restrain your domestic animals, particularly dogs and cats, to prevent them from accessing 1080 pest animal poison baits or carcasses.
  • Domestic animals, particularly dogs and cats, are susceptible to primary poisoning from ingesting 1080 pest animal bait products and secondary poisoning from ingesting contaminated carcasses. It is unusual for domestic animals to scavenge on dog/fox carcasses.
  • Closely monitor the health and behaviour of your companion animals or livestock. If you notice any unusual or uncharacteristic behaviour contact your local veterinarian immediately.
  • There is a delay in the poison action of 1080 and animals that have ingested 1080 pest animal bait products may die on your property.
  • Collect and destroy any poisoned carcasses you find by burning (in accordance with local regulations) or burying to a depth of at least 50 cm for rabbits and at least one metre for foxes, large canids and feral pigs.
  • Always dispose of carcasses away from natural features such as waterways.

Dangers to Humans

Compound 1080 (sodium fluoroacetate) is a restricted schedule 7 poison and there is no known antidote. If you are handling poison bait and/or carcasses always use protective rubber gloves and wash hands and gloves thoroughly after contact. When used in accordance with the product label and the directions, there is minor risk of humans being poisoned by 1080 pest animal bait products. Although the 1080 used in 1080 pest animal bait products is substantially diluted, 1080 pest animal baits and poisoned carcasses must be treated with care.

If poisoning occurs immediately contact a doctor or the Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26.


Further Information

For detailed information on which transects are being baited contact:

Gippsland Region

Wayne Peters
Vertebrate Species Management Program
Gippsland Operations Manager
Telephone: 0429 401 217

Hume Region

Craig Hamilton
Vertebrate Species Management Program
Hume Operations Manager
Telephone: 0429 969 413

Alternatively email

For further information about ground baiting see Integrated wild dog control.

You can also find more information on using and handling of 1080 from 1080 pest animal bait manufacturers.

Page last updated: 24 Sep 2024