Mansfield wild dog management zone

Work plan 2024–25

Mansfield WDMZ map for 2024–25

Mansfield wild dog management zone work plan document and map (PDF - 4.5 MB)

Localities within the Mansfield wild dog management zone include:

  • Ancona
  • Archerton
  • Barjarg
  • Barwite
  • Bonnie Doon
  • Boorolite
  • Bridge Creek
  • Creek Junction
  • Delatite
  • Eildon
  • Enochs Point
  • Goughs Bay
  • Howes Creek
  • Howqua
  • Howqua Hills
  • Howqua Inlet
  • Jamieson
  • Kevington
  • Knockwood
  • Lake Eildon
  • Lima
  • Lima East
  • Lima South
  • Macs Cove
  • Maindample
  • Mansfield
  • Merrijig (Mount Buller)
  • Merton
  • Mirimbah
  • Mount Buller
  • Mountain Bay
  • Myrrhee
  • Piries
  • Sawmill Settlement
  • Strathbogie
  • Swanpool
  • Tatong
  • Tolmie
  • Woodfield.

Targeted ground-baiting transects are located on public land:

  • north and east of Mansfield
  • north and south of Toombullup
  • north, east and south of Merrijig
  • east of Howqua.

Trapping and priority 2 ground-baiting transects are a network of tracks. These are located on public land:

  • south and west of Swanpool
  • north, east and west of Toombullup
  • north, east and south of Merrijig
  • south of Howqua
  • west of Goughs Bay
  • surrounding Jamieson and Enochs Point.

The map shows within the Mansfield wild dog management zone there is 132,123 hectares of public land, 91,020 hectares of land under the 3 km livestock protection buffer and 116,419 hectares of private land. There is one wild dog controller, with a capacity for 3,000 trap nights and 100 km of targeted ground-baiting transects.

The map should be read in conjunction with the accompanying Mansfield wild dog management zone plan.

If you would like to receive this publication in an accessible format, please phone 136 186 or email, or via the National Relay Service on 133 677.

Page last updated: 05 Sep 2024