
Victorian agriculture has an enormous capacity to rebound, recover and grow. The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the importance of having diverse markets, strong supply chains and the ability to quickly take up new, local opportunities from changed market conditions.

For some businesses, the impact of coronavirus comes in addition to the impact of bushfires and drought. Despite these impacts, Victorian producers have repeatedly demonstrated their strength, resilience and capacity to adapt.

The Victorian agriculture sector has shown that it can bounce back and drive Victoria’s economic recovery – delivering jobs, and ensuring our state prospers and grows.

Recover from the impacts of drought, bushfires and the coronavirus pandemic and become an engine of growth for the rest of the economy.


  1. Support farmers with information and tools to build resilience.
  2. Strengthen local supply chains and support opportunities for local manufacturing.


Food to Market

The $15 million Food to Market program is investing in projects to fast-track economic recovery, grow exports and deliver more resilient supply chains.

Under the first tranche of the Food to Market program $8.4 million was allocated to 13 key industry and regional peak bodies.

Under the second tranche, $5.3 million was awarded to 15 recipients.

These grants are supporting projects that deliver productivity improvements, capitalise on new opportunities across the agri-food supply chain, and protect and grow Victoria’s existing export markets and diversify into new markets.

Accommodation for our Seasonal workforce

The Seasonal Workforce Accommodation Program continues to deliver projects across key horticulture areas that support the development of accommodation for seasonal workers, reducing one of the most common barriers preventing local workers from taking a job in agriculture.

Page last updated: 25 Nov 2021