Hamilton SmartFarm

PhenoRover with sensor equipment in front of rain out shelters at Hamilton SmartFarm

The Hamilton SmartFarm in south-west Victoria is focused on delivery of transformational impact in:

  • forage innovations for dairy and other livestock industries
  • cropping in the high rainfall zone
  • red meat productivity.

This SmartFarm incorporates smart feeding systems to complement forage-based systems under variable seasons, and sensor technologies to measure pasture parameters such as pasture mass and nutritive value.

It is home to the world’s largest ryegrass field trial. Scientists use robotic and sensor technologies to measure and assess 1300 varieties of ryegrass in the field. These technologies have dramatically sped up the process of selecting the best genetic traits in ryegrass varieties and breeding lines, which means Australian farmers get quicker access to grazing pastures that are more productive and nutritious for their livestock.

Smart feeding systems to improve feed efficiency of sheep are also investigated at this SmartFarm.

Page last updated: 22 Nov 2024