Directions for use of 1080 and PAPP bait products

Under the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) Act 1992 (‘the Act’), all persons who handle or use products containing 1080 or PAPP must follow a document titled 'Directions for the use of 1080 and PAPP pest animal bait products in Victoria' (‘DfU’).

The label of the 1080 or PAPP product must also be complied with under the Act.

What's in the DfU

The DfU sets out requirements covering:

  • completing a pre-use risk assessment
  • purchasing, transport and storage
  • notifying neighbours
  • displaying signage
  • managing potential harm to non-target animals and reporting incidents involving the poisoning of non-target animals
  • distance restrictions
  • laying and recovering 1080 or PAPP products
  • disposing 1080 or PAPP products and containers, and carcasses
  • using equipment
  • safety directions and occupational health and safety
  • record keeping.

Permits for other uses

It is illegal to handle or use 1080 or PAPP products in a way that’s contrary to the DfU, unless you hold a section 25A permit from Agriculture Victoria.

Permits allowing the use of 1080 or PAPP product contrary to the label directions are issued by the Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicine Authority (APVMA).

Download the DfU

To access templates that may assist you to comply with the requirements of the DfU, visit the 1080 and PAPP resources page.

Page last updated: 23 Nov 2023