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Animal sale permits

Individuals or organisations wanting to hold an animal sale event can apply to the Minister for Agriculture for an animal sale permit.

The permit is to allow for the sale of animals outside of a pet shop or residential property.

Sale events might include:

  • adoption days
  • pet shows
  • animal charity events.

When you need an animal sale permit

  • If the sale will NOT be held in a council registered domestic animal business or residential premises.
  • If you are selling dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, mice or reptiles.
  • If you are selling caged birds and you are not a Declared Bird Organisation.

The process for applying for a permit and compliance requirements are set out as follows.

Application process

The steps to apply for an animal sale permit are:

Step 1

It is recommended that your application be submitted 28 days prior to the intended animal sale to enable sufficient time to process your application.

Complete the animal sales permit application form: Form 1: Animal sale permit application form (WORD - 144.0 KB) and collate the required documents. Include a copy of:

  1. a document describing the animal accommodation at the place of the proposed sale
  2. your Animal Care Policies and Procedures that will apply to the event, including veterinary support, emergency management and evacuation plans
  3. your agreement with a veterinary practitioner confirming that the veterinary practitioner will remain on call for the duration of the event and that the venue is suitable for the event
  4. your Consumer Sale Guarantee for the sale of animals at the event.

Step 2

Submit the following to Animal Welfare Victoria:

  • completed application form
  • required documents
  • fee.

The required fee is 12 fee units ($195.96 as at 1 July 2024), or 2 fee units ($32.66 as at 1 July 2024) for not-for-profit organisations. A not-for-profit organisation is an organisation that does not operate for the personal gain, profit or benefit of any of its members or person in charge of the organisation.

Submit the full application to:

Email to or

Minister for Agriculture
c/- Animal Welfare Victoria, Domestic Animals Regulation team
475 Mickleham Road


An animal sale permit may be refused if:

  • the applicant does not meet the prescribed criteria
  • the Minister believes on reasonable grounds that to issue the permit would be inconsistent with the purpose of the Domestic Animals Act 1994
  • the applicant has been found guilty of an offence against the Domestic Animals Act 1994, Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 or the law of another state or territory of the Commonwealth that corresponds to this legislation.

Animal sale permit compliance requirements

During the sale event, all holders of animal sale permits must ensure:

  • all animals have access to clean drinking water at all times, in a container that cannot be tipped over easily
  • that all animals have adequate protection from adverse weather conditions at all times
  • that the sale guarantee is honoured if a purchaser is not satisfied with an animal purchased at the event due to health, physical or other reasons (excluding accidents).

Further conditions may be imposed on individual animal sale permits if it is considered necessary by the Minister for Agriculture. All relevant laws and regulations, including the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 must be abided by at all times during a sale.

Animal sales report

Within 28 days of the sale event, permit holders must provide a report to the Minister for Agriculture detailing:

  • each species of animal and the number of each species offered for sale
  • the number of each species of animals sold
  • any non-compliance that the permit holder is aware of in respect to the sale guarantee offered and the animal sale policies and procedures
  • any offence the permit holder was charged with during the sale event by a council Authorised Officer or restricted Authorised Officer (RSPCA inspector)
  • any adverse welfare outcomes for the animals during the sale event.

To assist animal sale permit holders, an animal sales report template has been prepared that meets the requirements:

Assistance is available by contacting Animal Welfare Victoria on or calling 136 186.

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Page last updated: 16 Sep 2024

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