Make sure your pet comes home
It’s vital your contact details are kept up to date in two key places.
This gives your pet the best chance of being safely returned to you if they are lost.
Update your contact details in these two places:
1. Your pet’s microchip
You just need your pet’s microchip number to check and update your contact details.
You can find your pet's microchip number on your council pet registration renewal, your pet’s vaccination certificate or by contacting your council or vet.
2. Your pet's registration with local council
Register your pet or check that your pet registration contact details are up to date with your local council.
Your contact details might be out of date if you have moved house, changed your phone number or have a new pet. Update any changed details as soon as possible.
Further information
Your pet’s microchip is a permanent form of identification that can quickly reunite you with your lost or injured pet.
Your pet’s council registration must be renewed annually. All dogs and cats over 3 months of age must be registered with your local council.