Agricultural shows, livestock events and rodeos NLIS requirements

Those operating agricultural shows, events and rodeos are required to ensure that livestock are correctly identified, scanned and ‘sighted’ on the NLIS database.

Operators of agricultural shows, livestock events and rodeos must ensure they meet the following requirements.

Property Identification Code (PIC)

A show, event or rodeo must have a PIC registered to the property at which a show, event or rodeo is located. The PIC details must also be up to date.

You can also call the Agriculture Victoria NLIS Helpline on 1800 678 779.

NLIS account

A ‘sporting event’ NLIS account is required to enable a transfer onto the PIC or a ‘sighted’ transfer to be performed.

Apply for an NLIS account online or call the NLIS Database Helpdesk on 1800 683 111.

Livestock NLIS tagging

Livestock present at an agricultural show, event or rodeo must be tagged with an appropriate NLIS tag.

If a cow, sheep or non-exempt goat is untagged — is incorrectly tagged — or has a non-reading device — an orange (cattle) or pink (sheep and goats) post-breeder tag bearing the PIC of the show, event or rodeo must be attached to the animal’s ear.

Sheep and non-exempt goats dispatched to an event from interstate must be identified with an electronic NLIS (Sheep) tag.

Post-Breeder tags can be ordered online or call the Agriculture Victoria NLIS Helpline on 1800 678 779. The tags must be ordered in time to be available for use at an event.

Exempt goat breeds tagging requirements

Goat breeds that are exempt from electronic NLIS tagging include Miniature goats, Saanen, British Alpine, Toggenburg, Anglo Nubian, Melaan, Australian Brown, Alpine, LaMancha and Nigerian Dwarf.

Scan livestock tags

All cattle, sheep and goats present at an agricultural show, event or rodeo must be scanned.

If event operators do not have access to a scanner, they can be borrowed from an Agriculture Victoria Animal Health staff member, or a contractor can be engaged to do the scanning.

NLIS transfer requirements

A full NLIS transfer or sighted transfer onto the show, event or rodeo PIC must be completed within two days of the show, event or rodeo.

The sighted transfer is a simplified transfer that can be completed when livestock are returned home to their original property.

Any animals that won’t be returned home or are auctioned, must be transferred from the PIC of dispatch to the show, event or rodeo PIC and onto the destination PIC.

To complete a NLIS or sighted transfer:

  1. Login onto the NLIS database
  2. Choose what livestock species you want to work with.
  3. Notify the database of — Livestock moved onto my property — (full NLIS transfer) — for use when animals won't return to the property of origin
  4. Notify the database of — Sighted livestock — (simplified transfer) — for use when animals will return to the property of origin.

The following data must be entered when completing an NLIS or sighted transfer:

  • Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) internal number, or visually read external NLIS tag number for each animal
  • PIC of the property the animals came from or the PIC of the event (depending on NLIS transfer completed)
  • date the animals arrived at the show, event or rodeo
  • event name or description — for example Benalla A & P Society Spring Show 2018 — (sighted transfer only).

Further information about completing the sighted transfer can be obtained from the Tech Tip (NLIS Database) Sighted Livestock or by contacting the NLIS Database Helpdesk.

Requirements for exempt goats, pigs and untagged cattle, sheep and goats (no PB tags)

Goat breeds that are exempt from electronic NLIS tagging and are not electronically NLIS tagged, all pigs and untagged cattle, sheep and non-exempt goats that cannot be tagged with a show/event PB tag must have the following details recorded:

  • the property PIC where the animals came from,
  • the owners/managers name and contact details,
  • the species and description of the animals,
  • the total number of animals and
  • if pigs are NLIS identified (tag or tattoo) and for untagged cattle, sheep and non-exempt goats – reasoning why they are untagged eg. The show ran out of PB tags.
PICOwner nameOwner contact detailsSpecies and descriptionNo of animalsNLIS identified
3ABCD123John Smith0444 444 444Miniature goats5N
3ABCD123John Smith0444 444 4443 month old piglets2Y – tagged


The completed record must be emailed through to  Agriculture Victoria at

More information

Agriculture Victoria NLIS Helpline between 9 am and 4.30 pm Monday to Friday on 1800 678 779 or email

NLIS Database Helpdesk between 9 am and 5 pm Monday to Friday on 1800 683 111 or email

Visit the NLIS website for more information on how to use the NLIS database.

Traceability: your livestock, your industry, our future.

Page last updated: 25 May 2023