Summary of CCF Projects 2018–2020

Cattle Compensation Fund overview

Cattle in a field, windmill in the backgroundVictoria's Cattle Compensation Fund is established under the Livestock Disease Control Act 1994. The fund comprises livestock duties paid on the sale of cattle or calves or their carcasses in Victoria.

The Cattle Compensation Fund receives $0.05 duty for every $20 or part of $20 of the sale price of every head of cattle sold singly, or for the total amount of the sale price for any number of cattle sold in one lot.  The maximum duty for any one head of cattle (sold singly or as part of a lot) is $5.00.

Each cattle carcass weighing up to and including 250kg attracts a duty of $0.90.  Each carcass weighing more than 250g attracts a duty of $1.30.

Cattle includes bulls, cows, oxen, steer, heifers, bison and buffalo.

The Minister for Agriculture may make payments from the Cattle Compensation Fund (the Fund) from:

  1. for administering the provisions of the Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 relating to cattle or of any other Act administered by the Minister that requires the identification of cattle; and
  2. programs and projects for the benefit of the cattle industry in Victoria.

The Minister for Agriculture must not make a payment from the fund unless the Minister has considered any relevant recommendations from the Cattle Compensation Advisory Committee (CCAC).

Cattle Compensation Fund Committee Members

The CCAC has been established to provide advice to the Minister for Agriculture on diseases for which compensation should be payable, the maximum amount of compensation that is payable, payments which should be made and any other matter referred to it by the Minister.

Under Section 79(3) of Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 (the Act) the CCAC comprises six members appointed by the Minister as follows:

Section 79(3) of the Act:

(a) three are to be persons with suitable qualifications and experience relating to the cattle industry – Nominated by Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF)

  • Mr Ron Harris (Chair) – Cattle Industry
  • Mr Leonard Vallance – Cattle Industry
  • Mr Michael McCormack – Cattle Industry

(b) one is to be a person with suitable qualifications and experience relating to the livestock agents profession – Nominated by Australian Livestock & Property Agents Association (ALPA)

  • Ms Elizabeth Summerville – Livestock Agent’s Profession

(c) one is to be a person with suitable qualifications and experience relating to the meat processing industry – Nominated by Australian Meat Industry Council (AMIC)

  • Ms Brooke Dawson – Meat Processing industry (until March 2019)
  • Dr Mary Wu – Meat Processing industry (appointed September 2019)

(d) one is to be a person nominated by the Secretary – Nominated by Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR)

  • Dr Charles Milne, Chief Veterinary Officer, DJPR (until May 2019)
  • Secretary’s nominee – Vacant

2018–2020 projects

Funding from the Cattle Compensation Fund

In 2018-20 the Cattle Compensation Fund supported ten projects.

Projects funded from the Cattle Compensation Fund during 2018–2020

Any under expenditure remains in the Cattle Compensation Fund. Expended figures as at June 2021.

Animal disease investigation training for veterinary practitioners

Deliver training in animal disease investigation that will increase the knowledge, competency and capacity of private veterinarians to conduct a thorough and effective disease investigation in livestock.

Administered by: Agriculture Victoria

Allocated: $70,000

Actual Expenditure: $21,057

Significant disease investigations (including anthrax investigations)

  • Provide financial subsidies to cattle producers to offset the cost of engaging a private veterinarian to undertake an investigation of a significant disease event.
  • Encourage private veterinarians to investigate and report significant disease events.

Administered by: Agriculture Victoria

Allocated: $230,000

Actual Expenditure: $225,537

VFF Livestock Project Officers (Animal Health and Biosecurity Extension) Project

Deliver key animal health and biosecurity messages to all Victorian sheep meat, wool, goat and beef producers with a focus on endemic disease that impact farm profitability, animal welfare and Victoria’s biosecurity status. This includes the provision of educational workshops for all producers; develop and/or distribute related industry materials including VFF online resources to the farming community; and act as a point of contact for any animal health and biosecurity questions.

Administered by: Victorian Farmers Federation

Allocated: $57,273

Actual Expenditure: $57,273

Livestock Project Officers – 6-month Continuation Project

  • increased engagement and capacity leading to practice change on-farm and an economic benefit to producers and the Victorian industry
  • improved knowledge of responsibilities across the supply chain, including willingness to comply in surveillance, traceability, EAD preparedness and response, and
  • maintenance of Victoria’s biosecurity status and market access.

Administered by: Victorian Farmers Federation

Allocated: $90,000

Actual Expenditure: $86,663

VFF Policy Development and Livestock Industry Network Project

  • Contribute to policy development at a state and national level in relation to biosecurity and welfare, particularly in the context of welfare/management standards, disease surveillance, endemic disease control and emergency animal disease preparations.
  • Maintain industry networks at producer and national levels to facilitate the effective communication of information, particularly in the context of natural disasters and emergency disease response, the maintenance of appropriate biosecurity and livestock management standards.
  • Represent Victoria’s livestock health and welfare interests at a national level.

Administered by: Victorian Farmers Federation

Allocated: $43,565

Actual Expenditure: $43,565

Maintenance of the NLIS (Cattle)

Ensure that at least 98% of cattle processed in Victorian abattoirs are ‘lifetime traceable’ and to ensure that serious compliance issues are investigated in a timely and effective manner.

Administered by: Agriculture Victoria

Allocated: $300,000

Actual Expenditure: $300,000

Bovine Johne’s Disease (BJD) on farm management support

Provide a voluntary on-farm program to improve the status of herds infected with cattle herds infected with Johne’s disease and support administration of the program by Agriculture Victoria on behalf of the cattle industry. As required.

Administered by: Agriculture Victoria

Allocated: $426,000

Actual Expenditure: $301,079

Knackery surveillance project

Describe the wastage of Victorian cattle, perform surveillance for emergency animal diseases, and improve DEDJTR staff capability in field necropsy and gross pathology skills.

Administered by: Agriculture Victoria

Allocated: $200,000

Actual Expenditure: $200,000

Traceability for Market Access

  • Supports farm productivity improvements and profitability, and
  • Improves biosecurity preparedness for the cattle sector

Administered by: Agriculture Victoria

Allocated: $1,050,000

Actual Expenditure: $612,500

NLIS Cattle Tag subsidy

The NLIS (Cattle) plays a central role in Victoria’s emergency animal disease preparedness and helps to maintain access to valuable domestic and export markets for beef and dairy products.

Administered by: Agriculture Victoria

Allocated: $3,400,000

Actual Expenditure: $3,344,988

Page last updated: 25 Jun 2021