Summary of CCF Projects 2020
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Cattle Compensation Fund overview
Victoria's Cattle Compensation Fund is established under the Livestock Disease Control Act 1994. The fund comprises livestock duties paid on the sale of cattle or calves or their carcasses in Victoria.
The Cattle Compensation Fund receives $0.05 duty for every $20 or part of $20 of the sale price of every head of cattle sold singly, or for the total amount of the sale price for any number of cattle sold in one lot. The maximum duty for any one head of cattle (sold singly or as part of a lot) is $5.00.
Each cattle carcass weighing up to and including 250kg attracts a duty of $0.90. Each carcass weighing more than 250g attracts a duty of $1.30.
Cattle includes bulls, cows, oxen, steer, heifers, bison and buffalo.
The Minister for Agriculture may make payments from the Cattle Compensation Fund (the Fund) from:
- for administering the provisions of the Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 relating to cattle or of any other Act administered by the Minister that requires the identification of cattle; and
- for programs and projects for the benefit of the cattle industry in Victoria.
The Minister for Agriculture must not make a payment from the fund unless the Minister has considered any relevant recommendations from the Cattle Compensation Advisory Committee (CCAC).
Cattle Compensation Fund Committee Members
The CCAC has been established to provide advice to the Minister for Agriculture on diseases for which compensation should be payable, the maximum amount of compensation that is payable, payments which should be made and any other matter referred to it by the Minister.
Under Section 79(3) of Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 (the Act) the CCAC comprises six members appointed by the Minister as follows:
Section 79(3) of the Act:
(a) three are to be persons with suitable qualifications and experience relating to the cattle industry – Nominated by Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF)
- Mr Ron Harris (Chair) – Cattle Industry
- Mr Leonard Vallance – Cattle Industry
- Mr Michael McCormack – Cattle Industry
(b) one is to be a person with suitable qualifications and experience relating to the livestock agents profession – Nominated by Australian Livestock & Property Agents Association (ALPA)
- Ms Elizabeth Summerville – Livestock Agent’s Profession
(c) one is to be a person with suitable qualifications and experience relating to the meat processing industry – Nominated by Australian Meat Industry Council (AMIC)
- Dr Mary Wu – Meat Processing Industry
(d) one is to be a person nominated by the Secretary – Nominated by Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR)
- Secretary’s nominee – Vacant
2020 projects
Funding from the Cattle Compensation Fund
In 2020 the Cattle Compensation Fund supported ten projects.
Projects funded from the Cattle Compensation Fund during 2020
Any under expenditure remains in the Cattle Compensation Fund. Expended figures as at 15 June 2021.
These projects were approved by the Minister however are listed as $0 expenditure as no payments have occurred.
VFF Producer-Led Biosecurity Extension Program
The project is to improve on-farm biosecurity and animal health in Victoria.
Administered by: Victorian Farmers Federation
Allocated: $1,095,665.50
Actual Expenditure: $0
Managing Transit Stock in Saleyards
The aim of the project is to combine a range of current saleyard technologies to allow transit stock movements to be automatically electronically collected along with additional relevant information.
Administered by: Livestock Saleyards Association of Victoria
Allocated: $47,000
Actual Expenditure: $25,672.08
Identification of nematode-susceptible cattle.
The aim of the project is to develop a diagnostic index to identify cattle that are relatively resistant to nematode infection by using the index to determine if ‘new’ Hereford strains, influenced by American germlines, are more susceptible to nematode infection.
Administered by: La Trobe University
Allocated: $46,800
Actual Expenditure: $0
Novel diagnostics for animal diseases
The aim of the project is to enhance Victoria and Australia’s ability for early detection and characterisation of exotic and endemic viral diseases of livestock.
Administered by: CSIRO
Allocated: $213,683
Actual Expenditure: $0
eNVD Uptake – Whole Supply Chain
The aim of the project is to deliver an electronic national vendor declaration (eNVD) compatible software solution for Stock Agents and Saleyards.
Administered by: Agrinous
Allocated: $66,046
Actual Expenditure: $0
National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) (Cattle) tag subsidy
The NLIS (Cattle) system helps maintain the disease-free status of Victoria’s beef and dairy herds and protects Victoria’s reputation in domestic and export markets as a supplier of wholesome meat and dairy products.
Administered by: Agriculture Victoria
Allocated: $3,906,000
Actual Expenditure: $407,997
Victorian Significant Disease Investigation (SDI) Program
The aim of the project is to improve both the quality and number of investigations conducted by private veterinarians in Victoria, thus enhancing capacity for the early detection and control of diseases of livestock that could impact on human health, animal health, farm productivity and market access and trade.
Administered by: Agriculture Victoria
Allocated: $360,000
Actual Expenditure: $0
Control and prevention of anthrax
Vaccination is the most effective method of controlling an anthrax outbreak and for ensuring ongoing anthrax prevention on affected properties.
Administered by: Agriculture Victoria
Allocated: $150,000
Actual Expenditure: $6,486.46
Metagenomic enhancements of abortion diagnostics
The aim of the project is to apply High-Throughput Sequencing (HTS) to a repository of abortion samples collected in Victoria to identify associated pathogens. Adoption of HTS will enhance the existing diagnostics capabilities to identify causes of abortion and stillbirth in cattle and manage disease in industry.
Administered by: Agriculture Victoria Research
Allocated: $28,124.57
Actual Expenditure: $0
Animal Disease Investigation Course
The aim of the project is to maintain and increase awareness of, and surveillance for, suspect Emergency Animal Diseases (EADs) resulting in greater number and quality of submissions. These submissions provide evidence of absence for EADs that Victoria (and Australia) claim freedom from, which allows increased trade opportunities for our livestock products.
Administered by: Agriculture Victoria
Allocated: $36,000
Actual Expenditure: $0