Onthophagus binodis (introduced)
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11–13 mm
Matt black
Males have a large hump between their shoulders. This is slightly smaller in females.
Flight time
During the day
Active seasons
Late spring to autumn
Distribution in Australia
Victoria, South Australia, New South Wales, Tasmania, southeast Queensland
Records of O. binodis distribution. Source: Atlas of Living Australia
South Africa
Similar species
Female O. taurus are similar to female O. binodis, but O. taurus females are shinier and the front of the pronotum is rounded.
South West Prime Lamb Group (SWPLG) demonstrations
O. binodis has been trapped on SWPLG properties at Narrawong, Cashmore, Heywood and Hamilton, mostly in summer.
O binodis has two generations a year. They build nests around 20 cm beneath dung pads with several dung masses, each with one egg. Development from an egg to adult takes 4–6 weeks. Within a week of emergence in spring, dung is buried and beetles begin breeding. Young beetles emerge December to March and then commence feeding with extensive dung shredding. Dung burial and egg laying of the next generation occurs in February to March. Adults will overwinter in soil and can emerge and start breeding as temperatures rise.
Dung burial
Dung is buried to around 20 cm prior to breeding and is also shredded as adults feed.
Establishment of O. binodis
Beetles can be introduced as starter colonies. A link to suppliers can be found below.