Summary of SGCF Projects 

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Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund overview

Adult goat with two younger goats in grasslandVictoria's Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund (SGCF) is established under the Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 (the Act). The Fund primarily comprises livestock duties paid on the sale of sheep and goats or their carcasses in Victoria.

The SGCF receives $0.12 for each sheep or goat, or each carcass of sheep or goat sold.

Under Section 79B(2) of the Act, the Minister for Agriculture may make payments from the Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund from:

  1. administering the provisions of the Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 relating to sheep and goats
  2. programs and projects for the benefit of the sheep and goat industry in Victoria
  3. programs and projects for the control or eradication of disease of sheep or goats.

The Minister for Agriculture must not make a payment from the Fund unless the Minister has considered any relevant recommendations from the Sheep and Goat Compensation Advisory Committee (SGCAC).

The SGCAC has been established to provide advice to the Minister for Agriculture on the maximum amount of compensation that is payable, payments which should be made and any other matter referred to it by the Minister.

Sheep and Goat Compensation Advisory Committee Members

Under Section 79I(3) of Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 the SGCAC comprises eight members appointed by the Minister as follows:

Section 79(3) of the Act

(a) four are to be persons with suitable qualifications and experience relating to the sheep industry – Nominated by Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF)

  • Mr Michael Craig (Chair) – Sheep Industry
  • Mr Leonard Vallance – Sheep Industry
  • Mr Christopher Draffin – Sheep Industry
  • Mr James Tehan – Sheep Industry
  • Ms Faye Tuchtan – Goat Industry

(b) one is to be a person with suitable qualifications and experience relating to the goat industry – Nominated by Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF)

  • Ms Elizabeth Summerville – Livestock Agent’s Profession

(c) one is to be a person with suitable qualifications and experience relating to the livestock agents profession – Nominated byAustralian Livestock & Property Agents Association (ALPA)

  • Mr Noel Kelson – Meat Processing Industry

(d) one is to be a person with suitable qualifications and experience relating to the meat processing industry – Nominated by Australian Meat Industry Council (AMIC)

  • Mr Noel Kelson – Meat Processing Industry

(e) one is to be a person nominated by the Secretary– Nominated by Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR)

  • Secretary’s nominee – Vacant

Funding from the Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund

In 2020 the Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund supported 8 projects.

Projects funded from Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund during Financial Year 2020

Any under expenditure remains in the Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund. Expended figures as at 15 June 2020.

These projects were approved by the Minister however are listed as $0 expenditure as no payments have occurred.

VFF Producer-Led Biosecurity Extension Program

The aim of the project is to improve on-farm biosecurity and animal health in Victoria.

Administered by: Victorian Farmers Federation

Allocated: $727,684.00

Expended: $0

Point of Care (POC) Testing For Worm Control

The aim of the project is to produce a paper-based microfluidic POC test to identify worm-resistant sheep.

Administered by: La Trobe University

Allocated: $90,542

Expended: $0

eNVD Uptake - Whole Supply Chain

The aim of the project is to deliver an electronic national vendor declaration (eNVD) compatible software solution for Stock Agents and Saleyards.

Administered by: Agrinous

Allocated: $66,046

Expended: $0

National Livestock Identification System (NLIS)(Sheep and Goat) tag subsidy

The NLIS (Sheep and Goat) system helps maintain the disease-free status of Victoria’s sheep and goat industries and protects Victoria’s reputation in domestic and export markets as a supplier of wholesome meat products.

Administered by: Agriculture Victoria

Allocated: $1,900,000

Expended: $534,133.34

Control and prevention of anthrax

Vaccination is the most effective method of controlling an anthrax outbreak and for ensuring ongoing anthrax prevention on affected properties.

Administered by: Agriculture Victoria

Allocated: $50,000

Expended: $19,275.12

Victorian Significant Disease Investigation (SDI) Program

The aim of the project is to improve both the quality and number of investigations conducted by private veterinarians in Victoria, thus enhancing capacity for the early detection and control of diseases of livestock that could impact on human health, animal health, farm productivity and market access and trade.

Administered by: Agriculture Victoria

Allocated: $360,000

Expended: $0

Animal Disease Investigation Course

The aim of the project is to maintain and increase awareness of, and surveillance for, suspect Emergency Animal Diseases (EADs) resulting in greater number and quality of submissions. These submissions provide evidence of absence for EADs that Victoria (and Australia) claim freedom from, which allows increased trade opportunities for our livestock products.

Administered by: Agriculture Victoria

Allocated: $36,000

Expended: $0


The distribution of SheepNotes assists in retaining the confidence and goodwill of the wider sheep industry, audience by increasing Agriculture Victoria’s ability to communicate quickly when biosecurity, health, welfare and production issues demand.

Administered by: Agriculture Victoria

Allocated: $133,300

Expended: $0

Page last updated: 25 Jun 2021