Summary of SCF projects 2020

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Swine Compensation Fund overview

Young pigs standing in hay

Victoria's Swine Compensation Fund (SCF) is established under the Livestock Disease Control Act 1994. The fund collects livestock duties paid on the sale of pigs or the carcasses of pigs under the Duties Act 2000.

The SCF receives approximately $0.16 for each pig or each carcass sold.

Money in the Fund may be invested in any manner in which money may be invested under the Trustee Act 1958 or any other manner that the appropriate Minister approves.

The Minister for Agriculture must not make a payment from the fund unless the Minister has considered any relevant recommendations from the Swine Industry Projects Advisory Committee (SIPAC).

Swine Industry Projects Advisory Committee Members

The SIPAC has been established to provide advice to the Minister for Agriculture on any proposed project for which payments should be made from the SCF and any other matter referred to it by the Minister.

Under Section 87 (3) of Livestock Disease Control Act 1994, the SIPAC comprises five members appointed by the Minister as follows:

  1. three are chosen from a panel submitted to the Minister by the Victorian Farmers Federation of the names of at least five people whom the Federation considers to represent the swine industry in Victoria;
  2. two are officers of the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR).

Swine Industry Projects Advisory Committee membership at the time the 2020 project funding was awarded

Victorian Farmers Federation Representation:

  • Mr John Bourke, VFF Pig Group
  • Dr Patricia Mitchell, VFF Pig Group
  • Mr Tim Kingma, VFF Pig Group

State Government Representation:

  • Mr Michael Rosier, Director, Regions and Emergencies, Agriculture Victoria (Chair)
  • Dr Rachael Holmes, Senior Officer, Animal Welfare, Agriculture Victoria

In 2020 the Swine Compensation Fund funded three projects.

Open projects funded by the Swine Compensation Fund

All projects are administered by Agriculture Victoria. Any under expenditure is reallocated to the Swine Compensation Fund. Expended figures as at 15 June 2021.

These projects were approved by the Minister however are listed as $0 expenditure as no payments have occurred.

Abattoir Based Pig Health Surveillance in Victoria

The aim of the project is to focus on disease surveillance on the chain which will evaluate the value of data from all pigs processed, in initiating disease investigations and as a general surveillance tool for pig health. The project will demonstrate value in collecting data on deaths to identify problems in the industry that can be rectified and reducing these losses will directly benefit producers who lose money on every death.

Project budget: $45,000

Project expended: $0

Victorian Significant Disease Investigation (SDI) Program

The aim of the project is to improve both the quality and number of investigations conducted by private veterinarians in Victoria, thus enhancing capacity for the early detection and control of diseases of livestock that could impact on human health, animal health, farm productivity and market access and trade.

Project budget: $10,998

Project expended: $0

Animal Disease Investigation Course

The aim of the project is to maintain and increase awareness of, and surveillance for, suspect Emergency Animal Diseases (EADs) resulting in greater number and quality of submissions. These submissions provide evidence of absence for EADs that Victoria (and Australia) claim freedom from which allows increased trade opportunities for our livestock products.

Project budget: $36,000

Project expended: $0

Page last updated: 22 Jun 2021