What to do during a flood

Storms and weather that brings hail, flooding and damage to farms can have a financial and emotional impact to many aspects of farming businesses.

Visit the VicEmergency website, or download the app, to ensure you have current information.

Never enter floodwater. This is the main cause of death during floods.

If it is safe to do so, move livestock, pets and animals, fodder and machinery to higher ground. Relocate your bulls and stallions from flood prone areas when a flood alert is issued. They are not suitable for holding in confined spaces on a flood mound with other animals.

The presence of police or other emergency services during an evacuation cannot always be guaranteed.

Evacuation is not a substitution for planning ahead or choosing to leave a high-risk flood area before a flood threatens.

Important contacts

Emergency contacts

Telephone / website

Triple Zero




Download the VicEmergency app, the official Victorian Government app for emergency warnings and information. Set up a user profile and watch zones to receive official warnings and information for areas that interest you.

1800 226 226


Agriculture Victoria

136 186

State Emergency Services (SES)

For emergency help in floods and storms

132 500


Page last updated: 22 Dec 2024