Engage Victoria public consultation
New planning regulations for animal industries
Victoria’s animal industries are significant contributors to the state’s economy, employing around 37,900 people and contributing to over 50 per cent (more than $9 billion) of Victoria’s total value of agricultural production. Persistent land-use conflict and outdated regulation for animal production industries has hampered growth in the sector.
Agriculture Victoria has developed a proposed new set of planning regulations for the establishment and expansion of animal production facilities in Victoria. Through careful planning, Victoria’s animal production facilities can be located, designed and managed to support continued industry growth and ensure environmental and community expectations are met.
These proposed planning regulations have been drafted to support best practice developments while balancing economic, community and environmental outcomes. The Victorian Government has worked closely with industry, community and technical experts to co-design the reforms. The proposed clause is to be incorporated into the Victoria Planning Provisions and will provide a more streamlined mechanism to address animal production related planning permits.
The clause will bring about several significant innovations and benefits for investors, the community and the environment, including:
- simplifying planning for investment and best practice development
- improving planning assessments with newly developed scientifically calculated parameters
- providing better guidance to support public amenity and environmental outcomes
- a risk-based approach to the protection of the environment and the public.
Agriculture Victoria has now completed the consultation on Engage Victoria. This consultation provided community and industry the opportunity to share their expectations on the proposed regulations.
The Engage Victoria consultation commenced on 13 February 2024 and closed 22 April 2024.
Read morePublic consultation engagement summary report
Public consultation on the draft reforms provided an opportunity for interested bodies, farmers and members of the public to submit written feedback on the proposed regulations. Through this process we will strengthen the draft reforms, eliminating potential gaps, strengthening the real-world application and aligning this with community, industry and regulatory expectations.
We received 27 submissions from 6 individuals and 21 organisations.
We have produced a report that summarises this feedback and provides an update on some of the proposed changes in response:
- New land-use planning regulations for animal production in Victoria – Public consultation engagement summary report (PDF - 615.3 KB)
- New land-use planning regulations for animal production in Victoria – Public consultation engagement summary report accessible (WORD - 2.6 MB)
The report is also available on Engage Victoria, alongside the submitted responses.
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Next steps
Agriculture Victoria will consider the feedback collected during the public consultation in the finalisation of the proposed clause.