Notices made under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulations 2019 and Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986

Notice of Approval of Standards for the Design and Technical Specifications of Authorised Electronic Collars, No. S 56, 6 February 2020 -1

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulations 2019

Notice of Approval of Standards for the Design and Technical Specifications of Authorised Electronic Collars

I, Tracey Marsden, Acting Executive Director, Animal Welfare Victoria, as delegate for the Minister for Agriculture approve the Electronic Collar Manufacturer’s Association Technical Requirements for Electronic Pet Training and Containment Collars (Version 6) dated 10 April 2012 (the Standard), for the purposes of Regulation 24(f) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulations 2019, subject to the following modifications:

  1. clause 22.107 of the Standard does not apply, and electronic collars used on dogs or cats in Victoria may emit an automatic audible emission that could be perceived by a dog prior to the delivery of the impending electronic stimulus; and
  2. electronic collars used on dogs and cats in Victoria may emit a vibratory warning signal prior to the delivery of the impending electronic stimulus.

Copies of the Standard, and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standard IEC 60335-2-76:2002+A1:2006 which is incorporated in the Standard, are available for inspection by the public, free of charge, during normal business hours at the office of Animal Welfare Victoria at 475-485 Mickleham Road, Attwood, Victoria 3049.

This notice comes into effect on the day it is published in the Government Gazette.

Dated 29 January 2020

Acting Executive Director
Animal Welfare Victoria

Published in the Victoria Government Gazette 6 February 2020 – view the signed notice on the Victoria Government Gazette website (PDF).

Notice of Approval of Qualifications to be Completed to Allow a Person to be Recognised as a Qualified Dog Trainer, No. S 56, 6 February 2020 -2

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulations 2019

Notice of Approval of Qualifications to be Completed to Allow a Person to be Recognised as a Qualified Dog Trainer

I, Tracey Marsden, Acting Executive Director, Animal Welfare Victoria, as delegate for the Minister for Agriculture, under Regulation 5 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulations 2019, approve the following qualifications for the purposes of the definition of qualified dog trainer under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulations 2019:

  1. the qualification obtained on satisfactory completion of a course that meets the prescribed requirements for a dog obedience trainer assessment program under Regulation 5G of the Domestic Animals Regulations 2015; and
  2. the qualification obtained on completion of the National Dog Trainers Federation Certificate III in Dog Behaviour and Training course.

This notice takes effect on the day it is published in the Government Gazette.

Dated 29 January 2020

Acting Executive Director
Animal Welfare Victoria

Published in the Victoria Government Gazette 6 February 2020 – view the signed notice on the Victoria Government Gazette website.

Notice of Incorporation of Documents, No. S 56, 6 February 2020 -3

Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984 - Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulations 2019

Notice of Incorporation of Documents

As required by section 32 of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984, notice is given that the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulations 2019 apply, adopt or incorporate the following documents:

Statutory rule provision 

Title of applied, adopted or incorporated document

Matter in applied, adopted or incorporated document

Regulation 5, definition of Australian Code Regulations 108, 109(2), 111(2), 115(1), 115(2), 121, 122(2), 124(2), 127(1), 127(2), 132(d), 134(b), 135(2), 137(2), 141(1), 141(2), 144(2), 146(1).

National Health and Medical Research Council (2013) Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes, 8th edition published 26 June 2013 by the National Health and Medical Research Council, Canberra

The whole

Regulation 5, definition of Laboratory Animals Code of Practice Regulations 108, 115, 121, 127, 134 and 141

Code of Practice for the Housing and Care of Laboratory Mice, Rats, Guinea Pigs and Rabbits, approved by the Governor in Council on 12 October 2004 and published in the Victorian Government Gazette G51 on 16 December 2004 at pages 3419–3461

The whole

Regulation 5, definition of Land Transport Standard, livestock Regulation 6(5)

Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines – Land Transport of Livestock, 1st edition published by Animal Health Australia 2012, Canberra

The whole

Regulation 5, definition of mules

Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Sheep 1st edition published by Animal Health Australia 2014, Canberra

The whole

Regulation 5, definition of Victorian Code of Practice for Training Dogs and Cats to Wear Electronic Collars Regulations 24(1)(e), 27(3)

Victorian Code of Practice for Training Dogs and Cats to Wear Electronic Collars, published in the Government Gazette G48 on 1 December 2011 at pages 2853 to 2860

The whole

A copy of the matter applied, adopted or incorporated by the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulations 2019 has been lodged with the Clerk of the Parliaments and is available for inspection by the public, free of charge, during normal business hours at Agriculture Victoria, Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions, 475–485 Mickleham Road, Attwood, Victoria 3049.

Dated 29 January 2020

Acting Executive Director
Animal Welfare Victoria.

Published in the Victoria Government Gazette 6 February 2020 – view the signed notice on the Victoria Government Gazette website.

Notice of Approval of Certain Electronic Devices for use on Animals for Therapeutic Purposes, No. G 29, 22 July 2021 -1

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulations 2019

Notice of Approval of Certain Electronic Devices for use on Animals for Therapeutic Purposes

I, Sally Fensling, Executive Director, Animal Welfare Victoria, as delegate for the Minister for Agriculture, under regulation 15 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulations 2019, approve the use on an animal of the following electronic devices for therapeutic purposes:

  1. Pulse generating electronic devices:

    i. that are an active implantable medical device, namely: cardiac pacemakers or cardioverter-defibrillators;
    ii. as an external defibrillator;
    iii. for electro-acupuncture;

  2. Electrosurgery units for monopolar or bipolar use
  3. Ultrasonic dissectors; and
  4. Cochlear implants, using pulsatile or analogue electrostimulation.

It is a condition of this approval that the only class of persons who are permitted to use the above-mentioned electronic devices are veterinary practitioners registered under the Veterinary Practice Act 1997 and persons who hold an interstate right to practise as defined in that Act.

This notice comes into effect on the day it is published in the Government Gazette.

Dated 6 July 2021

Sally Fensling
Executive Director
Animal Welfare Victoria

Published in the Victoria Government Gazette 22 July 2021 – view the signed notice on the Victoria Government Gazette website (PDF).

Notice of Approval of Certain Electronic Devices for use on Animals for Therapeutic Purposes, No. G 29, 22 July 2021 -2

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulations 2019

Notice of approval of certain electronic devices for use on animals for therapeutic purposes

I, Sally Fensling, Executive Director, Animal Welfare Victoria, as delegate for the Minister for Agriculture, under regulation 15 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulations 2019, approve the use on an animal of the following pulse generating electronic devices for therapeutic purposes:

  1. transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) machines; and
  2. pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy devices.

This notice comes into effect on the day it is published in the Government Gazette.

Dated 6 July 2021

Sally Fensling
Executive Director
Animal Welfare Victoria

Published in the Victoria Government Gazette 22 July 2021 – view the signed notice on the Victoria Government Gazette website (PDF).

Notice of approval for areas large leghold traps can be set or used for foxes or wild dogs, No. S 336, Wednesday 28 June 2023

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986


I, Trevor Pisciotta, Executive Director, Animal Welfare Victoria and Agriculture Regulatory Policy, as delegate for the Minister for Agriculture, in accordance with section 15AB(3) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 (Act) –

(a) declare –

(i) that the area in which a large leghold trap of a kind prescribed by regulation 35 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulations 2019 (Regulations) may be set or used for foxes is the land shown on the plans held by the Central Plan Office maintained under section 54 of the Survey Co-ordination Act 1958 for all the parishes in the State of Victoria; and

(ii) subject to subclause (b)(iii), that the area in which a large leghold trap of a kind prescribed by regulation 36 of the Regulations may be set or used for wild dogs is the land shown on the plans held by the Central Plan Office maintained under section 54 of the Survey Co-ordination Act 1958 for the following parishes –

Acheron, Adjie, Albacutya, Alberton East, Alberton West, Alexandra, Angora, Arapiles, Arbuckle, Awonga, Baawang, Babatchio, Bairnsdale, Balloong, Balmattum, Balrootan, Bambadin, Banu Bonyit, Banyarmbite, Barambogie, Baranduda, Barga, Baring, Baring North, Barnawartha South, Barroworn, Barwidgee, Barwite, Baw Baw, Beechworth, Beenak, Beethang, Beewar, Beloka, Belvoir West, Bemboka, Bemm, Benambra, Benayeo, Bendock, Bengworden, Bengworden South, Beolite, Berontha, Berringa, Berringama, Berrmarr, Bete Bolong North, Bete Bolong South, Betka, Bidwell, Big Billy, Big Desert, Billabong, Billian, Bindi, Binginwarri, Bingo-Munjie, Bingo-Munjie North, Bingo-Munjie South, Binnican, Binnuc, Birregun, Bogong North, Bogong South, Boinka, Bolaira, Bolga, Bonang, Bondi, Bonegilla, Boodyarn, Boola Boola, Boole Poole, Boonderoot, Boorgunyah, Boorolite, Booroopki, Boorpuk, Borodomanin, Bow-Worrung, Bralak, Bramby, Brankeet, Briagolong, Bright, Brimbonga, Brindat, Bringalbart, Broadlands, Bruarong, Bruthen, Buchan, Buckenderra, Buckland, Budgee Budgee, Bulga, Bulgaback, Bullamalk, Bullioh, Bullumwaal, Bullung, Bumberrah, Bundalaguah, Bundara-Munjie, Bundowra, Bungamero, Bungil, Bungil East, Bungywarr, Bunurouk, Bunyip, Buragwonduc, Burgoyne, Burrowye, Burrungabugge, Butgulla, Buxton, Byawatha, Cabanandra, Cambatong, Canabore, Carboor, Carchap, Carina, Carneek, Carrajung, Carraragarmungee, Carruno, Catiabrim, Changue, Changue East, Charam, Chilpin, Chinaman Flat, Clonbinane, Cobbannah, Cobon, Cobungra, Colac Colac, Colquhoun, Colquhoun East, Colquhoun North, Combienbar, Conga Wonga, Connangorach, Cooack, Cooaggalah, Coolumbooka, Coolungubra, Cooma, Coongulla, Coongulmerang, Coopracambra, Coornburt, Corryong, Cowa, Coynallan, Crookayan, Cudgewa, Curlip, Curtayne, Daalko, Dahwedarre, Dandongadale, Danyo, Darbalang, Dargo, Darlingford, Darragan, Darriman, Dartella, Dattuck, Deddick, Dederang, Delatite, Dellicknora, Denison, Derndang, Derril, Detarka, Devon, Dimboola, Ding-A-Ding, Dinyarrak, Doledrook, Dollin, Doodwuk, Doolam, Dopewora, Dorchap, Dropmore, Drouin West, Duchembegarra, Duddo, Dueran, Dueran East, Durndal, Edi, Eildon, El Dorado, Ellinging, Enano, Enochs Point, Ensay, Errinundra, Estcourt, Eucambene, Eumana, Eurandelong, Euroa, Everton, Flowerdale, Freeburgh, Fumina, Fumina North, Gabo, Garratanbunell, Gelantipy East, Gelantipy West, Gembrook, Gerang Gerung, Ghin Ghin, Gibbo, Giffard, Gillingall, Gillum, Ginap, Glenaladale, Glendale, Glenmaggie, Glenmore, Glenwatts, Gnarr, Gobur, Gonzaga, Goolengook, Goon Nure, Goongee, Goongerah, Gooram Gooram Gong, Goroke, Goulburn, Gracedale, Graham, Granton, Granya, Greta, Gunamalary, Gundowring, Gungarlan, Guttamurra, Gymbowen, Harrietville, Hensley, Hinno- Munjie, Hotham, Howitt Plains, Howqua, Howqua West, Indi, Ingeegoodbee, Jallakin, Jamieson, Jemba, Jilpanger, Jilwain, Jinderboine, Jindivick, Jingallala, Jinjellic, Jirnkee, Jirrah, Jungkum, Kaerwut, Kalingur, Kalk Kalk, Kancobin, Kaniva, Karawah, Karlo, Karnak, Kattyoong, Keelangie, Kelfeera, Kergunyah, Kergunyah North, Kerrisdale, Kevington, Kianeek, Kiata, Kinglake, Killingworth, Kinimakatka, Kirkenong, Knockwood, Kobyboyn, Koetong, Konnepra, Koola, Koomberar, Koonda, Koonik Koonik, Koonika, Kooragan, Koorool, Kooroon, Kosciusko, Kowat, Kuark, Kurnbrunin, Kybeyan, Laceby, Lauraville, Lawloit, Lazarini, Leeor, Licola, Licola North, Lillimur, Lima, Linton, Little Billy, Lochiel, Lodge Park, Longwood, Loomat, Loongelaat, Lorquon, Lowan, Loyola, Ludrik-Munjie, Lurg, Maffra, Magdala, Magdala South, Magorra, Maharatta, Mahrong, Maindample, Maintongoon, Majorlock, Malkara, Mallacoota, Mamengoroock, Manango, Maneroo, Manpy, Mansfield, Manya, Maramingo, Marlooh, Marraweeny, Marroo, Matlock, Matong, Matong North, Meerlieu, Mellick-Munjie, Merrijig, Merton, Milmed, Minimay, Miowera, Mirampiram, Mirimbah, Mitta Mitta, Mittyan, Mockinya, Mohican, Molesworth, Monbulk, Monda, Monomak, Moolpah, Moondarra, Moonip, Moonkan, Moonlight, Moormurng, Moornapa, Moorngag, Moray, Morea, Morekana, Morockdong, Moroka, Mortat, Mowamba, Moyangul, Moyhu, Mudgeegonga, Mulcra, Mullagong, Mullawye, Mullindolingong, Mullungdung, Murmungee, Murramurrangbong, Murrawong, Murrindal East, Murrindal West, Murrindindi, Murrungowar, Myrrhee, Myrtleford, Nangana, Nanowie, Nap-Nap-Marra, Nappa, Nar-Be- Thong, Nar-Nar-Goon, Narbourac, Nariel, Narrang, Narree Worran, Narrobuk, Narrobuk North, Nateyip, Natimuk, Nayook, Nayook West, Neerim, Neerim East, Nerran, Neuarpur, Newmerella, Ngallo, Ni Ni, Niagaroon, Nillahcootie, Nindoo, Ninnie, Noojee, Noojee East, Noonga, Noorinbee, Noorongong, Nowa Nowa, Nowa Nowa South, Nowyeo, Noyong, Numbie-Munjie, Numbruk, Nungal, Nungatta, Nunniong, Nuntin, Nurcoung, Nurong, Nurrabiel, Nyang, Nypo, Omeo, Onyim, Orbost, Orbost East, Oxley, Pallarang, Panbulla, Patchewollock, Patchewollock North, Peechember, Perenna, Pigick, Pinnak, Pinnibar, Pomponderoo, Porepunkah, Propodollah, Purgagoolah, Purnya, Quag-Munjie, Queenstown, Red Bluff, Reynard, Rothesay, Ruffy, Sale, Samaria, Sargood, Sarsfield, Spinifex, St Clair, Stander, Stanley, Steavenson, Stradbroke, Stratford, Strathbogie, Suggan Buggan, Switzerland, Tabbara, Tabberabbera, Taggerty, Talgarno, Tallageira, Tallandoon, Tallangallook, Tallarook, Tambo, Tamboon, Tamboritha, Tangambalanga, Tanjil, Tanjil East, Taponga, Tarcombe, Tarkeeth, Tarldarn, Tarra Tarra, Tarranginnie, Tarrawarra, Tarrawarra North, Tarrawingee, Tatong, Tatonga, Tawanga, Telbit, Telbit West, Terlite-Munjie, Theddora, Thologolong, Thorkidaan, Thornley, Thornton, Thowgla, Thurra, Tildesley East, Tildesley West, Timbarra, Tinamba, Tingaringy, Tintaldra, Tongaro, Tonghi, Tongio-Munjie East, Tongio-Munjie West, Tonimbuk, Tonimbuk East, Too-Rour, Tooan, Toolome, Toolondo, Toolongrook, Toombon, Toombullup, Toombullup North, Toonambool, Toongabbie North, Toongabbie South, Toonginbooka, Toonyarak, Toorongo, Torbreck, Towamba, Towong, Traawool, Tubbut, Tullyvea, Turandurey, Tutye, Tyalla, Tyamoonya, Tyirra, Underbool, Undowah, Wa-De-Lock, Wabba, Wabonga, Wabonga South, Wagra, Walhalla, Walhalla East, Wallaby, Wallagoot, Wallan Wallan, Wallowa, Walpa, Walwa, Wamba, Wandiligong, Wangarabell, Wappan, Warburton, Warragul, Warrambat, Warraquil, Wat Wat, Wathe, Watchegatcheca, Wau Wauka, Wau Wauka West, Waygara, Weeragua, Welshpool, Welumla, Wentworth, Wermatong, Werrap, Whanregarwen, Whitfield, Whitfield South, Whorouly, Wibenduck, Willoby, Willung, Windarra, Windham, Wingan, Winiam, Winnindoo, Winteriga, Winyar, Wirrbibial, Woatwoara, Wodonga, Wollonaby, Wondoomarook, Wongungarra, Wonnangatta, Wonwron, Woodbourne, Woodside, Woolenook, Woongulmerang East, Woongulmerang West, Woorak, Woori Yallock, Woorragee, Woorragee North, Wooundellah, Wooyoot, Woraigworm, Woranga, Worooa, Worrough, Worrowing, Wrathung, Wrixon, Wuk Wuk, Wurrin, Wurruk Wurruk, Wurutwun, Wyperfeld, Wy-Yung, Wyangil, Wyeeboo, Yaapeet, Yabba, Yackandandah, Yallum, Yalmy, Yambulla, Yanac-A-Yanac, Yangoura, Yanipy, Yarak, Yarck, Yarragon, Yarram Yarram, Yarrangook, Yarrock, Yea, Yearinga, Yeerik, Yeerung, Yertoo, Yonduk, Youarrabuk, Youpella, Yuonga.

(iii) that the area in which a large leghold trap of a kind prescribed by regulation 36 of the Regulations may be set or used for wild dogs if an authorisation under regulation 38(2) of the Regulations is in force, is all the land shown on the plans held by the Central Plan Office maintained under section 54 of the Survey Co-ordination Act 1958 for the following parishes –

Adjie, Albacutya, Angora, Babatchio, Banyarmbite, Baranduda, Baring, Baring North, Barwidgee, Beechworth, Beenak, Beloka, Bemm, Bendock, Berontha, Berringama, Berrmarr, Bete Bolong North, Bete Bolong South, Bidwell, Big Desert, Billian, Bindi, Bingo-Munjie, Bingo-Munjie North, Bingo-Munjie South, Binnuc, Bolga, Bonang, Bondi, Boola Boola, Boonderoot, Boorgunyah, Boorolite, Boorpuk, Bow-Worrung, Bright, Bruarong, Buchan, Buckland, Budgee Budgee, Bullioh, Bullumwaal, Bundara-Munjie, Bundowra, Bungamero, Bungil, Bungil East, Bungywarr, Bunurouk, Buragwonduc, Burrowye, Buxton, Cabanandra, Cambatong, Canabore, Carboor, Changue, Chilpin, Chinaman Flat, Cobungra, Colac Colac, Colquhoun, Colquhoun East, Colquhoun North, Combienbar, Conga Wonga, Cooaggalah, Coolumbooka, Coongulla, Corryong, Cowa, Crookayan, Cudgewa, Curlip, Daalko, Dahwedarre, Dandongadale, Dargo, Dattuck, Deddick, Dederang, Dellicknora, Derndang, Detarka, Doledrook, Dorchap, Dueran, Dueran East, Edi, Enano, Ensay, Errinundra, Eucambene, Eumana, Eurandelong, Everton, Flowerdale, Freeburgh, Fumina, Fumina North, Gelantipy East, Gelantipy West, Gembrook, Gibbo, Gillingall, Gillum, Ginap, Glenaladale, Glendale, Glenmaggie, Glenwatts, Gonzaga, Goolengook, Goongerah, Gracedale, Granton, Granya, Gunamalary, Gundowring, Guttamurra, Harrietville, Hinno-Munjie, Howqua, Howqua West, Jamieson, Jemba, Jilwain, Jinderboine, Jindivick, Jingallala, Jinjellic, Jirnkee, Jirrah, Kaerwut, Kancobin, Karawah, Karlo, Keelangie, Kianeek, Kinglake, Kirkenong, Koetong, Kooragan, Koorool, Kosciusko, Kurnbrunin, Licola, Licola North, Little Billy, Lochiel, Loongelaat, Loyola, Ludrik-Munjie, Magorra, Majorlock, Manango, Maneroo, Manpy, Marlooh, Marroo, Matong, Matong North, Mellick-Munjie, Merrijig, Mirimbah, Mitta Mitta, Mittyan, Mohican, Monda, Monomak, Moondarra, Moonip, Moonlight, Moornapa, Moorngag, Morockdong, Mowamba, Moyhu, Mudgeegonga, Mullagong, Mullindolingong, Murrindal East, Murrindal West, Murrindindi, Myrrhee, Myrtleford, Nangana, Nanowie, Nappa, Nar-Be-Thong, Nariel, Narrang, Narrobuk, Narrobuk North, Nayook, Nayook West, Neerim, Neerim East, Ngallo, Niagaroon, Nillahcootie, Nindoo, Ninnie, Noojee, Noojee East, Noorinbee, Noorongong, Nowa Nowa, Nowa Nowa South, Nowyeo, Noyong, Numbie-Munjie, Numbruk, Nungal, Nunniong, Nurong, Nypo, Omeo, Orbost, Orbost East, Patchewollock, Patchewollock North, Perenna, Pigick, Pinnak, Porepunkah, Purgagoolah, Quag-Munjie, Red Bluff, Rothesay, Sarsfield, Steavenson, Suggan Buggan, Tabbara, Tabberabbera, Taggerty, Talgarno, Tallandoon, Tambo, Tamboon, Tamboritha, Tangambalanga, Tanjil, Tanjil East, Tarrawarra North, Tatong, Tatonga, Tawanga, Telbit, Telbit West, Terlite-Munjie, Theddora, Thologolong, Thorkidaan, Thornton, Thowgla, Tildesley East, Tildesley West, Timbarra, Tingaringy, Tintaldra, Tongaro, Tonghi, Tongio-Munjie East, Tongio-Munjie West, Tonimbuk, Tonimbuk East, Toombon, Toombullup, Toombullup North, Toongabbie North, Toonyarak, Toorongo, Torbreck, Towamba, Towong, Tubbut, Tullyvea, Tyamoonya, Tyirra, Wabba, Wabonga, Wabonga South, Wa-De-Lock, Wagra, Walhalla East, Wallaby, Wallowa, Walwa, Wamba, Wandiligong, Wangarabell, Warburton, Warraquil, Wat Wat, Wathe, Weeragua, Welumla, Wentworth, Wermatong, Werrap, Whitfield, Whitfield South, Whorouly, Willoby, Windarra, Winteriga, Winyar, Wirrbibial, Wollonaby, Wonnangatta, Woodbourne, Woolenook, Woongulmerang East, Woongulmerang West, Woori Yallock, Worooa, Worrowing, Wuk Wuk, Wyangil, Wyeeboo, Wyperfeld, Wy-Yung, Yaapeet, Yabba, Yallum, Yambulla, Yangoura, Yarak, Yeerik, Yuonga.

A map of the parishes listed can be viewed online at

Repeal of Clause (a)(iii)

Clause (a)(iii) is repealed on 1 December 2024.


This declaration comes into operation on 1 July 2023 and remains in force until 30 June 2026 unless revoked earlier.

Dated 27 June 2023


Executive Director, Animal Welfare Victoria and Agriculture Regulatory Policy

Published in the Victoria Government Gazette 27 June 2023 – view the signed notice on the Victoria Government Gazette website (PDF).

Notice of approval to leave an animal in a large leghold trap for up to 72 hours if the trap was set or used for the purposes of the Victorian government program for managing wild dogs, No. S 336, Wednesday 28 June 2023

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986


Instrument of Authorisation under Regulation 38(2)

I, Trevor Pisciotta, Executive Director, Animal Welfare Victoria and Agriculture Regulatory Policy, as delegate for the Minister for Agriculture, give approval under regulation 38(2) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulations 2019 for:

(a) an animal to be left alive in a large leghold trap set or used for wild dogs for no more than 72 hours if the trap was set or used by a person employed or authorised for the purposes of the Victorian government program for managing wild dogs. The approval under clause (a) takes effect on 1 July 2023 until 30 November 2023;

(b) an animal to be left alive in a large leghold trap set or used for wild dogs for no more than 48 hours if the trap was set or used by a person employed or authorised for the purposes of the Victorian government program for managing wild dogs. The approval under clause (b) takes effect on 1 December 2023 until 1 December 2024.


This instrument of authorisation commences on 1 July 2023 and remains in force until 1 December 2024 unless revoked earlier.

Dated 27 June 2023

Executive Director, Animal Welfare Victoria and Agriculture Regulatory Policy

Published in the Victoria Government Gazette 27 June 2023 – view the signed notice on the Victoria Government Gazette website (PDF).

Page last updated: 07 Aug 2023